The conversion process for global governance is to embed international zones within the borders of national territory.

One Country, two Systems within the same borders

Economic  System – international zones within national boundaries, national economy outside the zones

Political System – national

Macau was found to be a Chinese island – but their governing system was independent of mainland China.  The governing system of Macau is administratively separate from the government of the Chinese mainland.

Taiwan is a Chinese island that had the same arrangement with the Chinese government.  Taiwan was administratively separate from the Chinese government.  The One China policy recognized that Taiwan was part of China but it also recognized Taiwan as an administratively independent economic zone.

The British were given a 100 year management lease on the territory of Hong Kong.  Hong Kong was always a part of China but it was administratively separate from China.  The lease expired in 1984 and plans were made for Hong Kong to be returned to China in 1997.

The arrangements for these three islands became the model arrangement for the conversion to global governance.  The arrangement is international territory embedded within domestic territory of a nation.  The strategy is to blur the lines between international and domestic law, using insurgents to cannibalize the nation-state from within.

Blurring the Lines: Domestic and International Policy

Blurring the Lines: Domestic Policy Goes International

Blurring the Lines: Intelligence and Law Enforcement

Blurring the Lines: Civil-Military Integration

Blurring the Lines: Capitalism – Communism – Fascism

Unblurring the Lines and Law: Consolidating the UN Organization