In 1993 when Bill Clinton and Al Gore took office, they came in with a mission to “reinvent government” using the capabilities of the Internet. The purpose of this website is to document how the systems were changed, who changed them and how they changed our form of government at the operational level. The effect of the redesign is that from the external point of view, the government seems the same as it always was – but in operation, our government has become a totalitarian system of communist state capitalism – government partnership with corporations with corporations being in the power position.
Computer systems are management and control systems. A nationwide computer system designed to provide access to information from the smallest school district in a rural area by a federal or international system effectively builds a communist control system. Why? Because the information required and the form of that information must all be standardized. That establishes a dictatorial system of control. Adding federal money and federal programs with the capability to access local information constitutes the centralization of power and control. It also creates a system of dependency. Once a function of government is taken over by an outside entity – regardless of the form of the entity (i.e. another government agency, a private sector contractor, an international governing body, etc.) it’s very, very difficult to regain control of it. In effect, it is transferring power and control to the outside entity and once power is relinquished, it is very difficult to restore it to its rightful and legitimate owner.
The redesign of government systems was done by the large technology companies along with the National Academy of Public Administration. David Osborne was Al Gore’s Senior Adviser on the Project to Reinvent Government. The project was expanded to form an Alliance for Redesigning Government. The Alliance was international. In 1994, a meeting of the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM) was held in Charlotte on Prince Edward Island, Canada. It was the first meeting of the 51 nations of the Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth of Nations – formerly named the British Commonwealth is effectively the British Empire. The United Kingdom Foreign Secretary is still the head of the Commonwealth.
They did change the paradigm of government – collectivizing functions at an international level. What should have been obvious and I believe was obvious is that what they were doing was collectivization at the international level – transferring the sovereignty of the participating nations to the manager of the collectivized systems. It would seem that SERCO was the organization designated to be the global manager of systems.
Article in The Guardian: SERCO: The Company that is Running Britain
The mandates for access to information, the form of that information and the use of that information all occurs at the Administrative level of government – hidden from the public and for the most part, never in the news unless something goes horribly wrong – like a hacking episode. The people who are employed within the administrative layers of government might object to the system but are basically powerless to do anything about it. That’s the nature of a bureaucracy and especially when it involves secrecy.
It has been my purpose to identify the systems and to show when and how they were changed and to describe the impact of those changes. The most visible impact is that our government is acting as if they were an alien occupying force effectively making the American people the enemy in our own country. The reason they are acting that was is because they are an alien occupying force to which the power of government was transferred administratively. On the outside our government looks the same but the policies and actions are un-American and now you know why even is you don’t understand the how of it.
The full series of Reinvention of Government tracing the history of what this writer considers to be the treasonous coup d’etat on the American government using the weapon of systems design and control of the processes and functions of government.
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R K Orberson
Must read about Mueller and Comey
Vicky Davis
That’s quite an article. It will take some time to refresh my memory on the issues brought forward in the article. Thank you for posting it.
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SUPER talk on Roy Potter’s today, Sept. 7th Vicky! You are on the money and so I thought I would send you this and what is happening in Europe, for ex: 5G & in the USA certainly
ITS A LONG VIDEO but I found quite true, I know, as I saw Motorola, settle out of court “quietly” for brain cancer and more from RF, now 5G as they heavily spoke about at DAVOS, and likely Bilderberg.
Thought I would pass this to you.
Vicky Davis
Thank you Bliss and thank you for the video link. I’ve only done surface level scanning on 5G information because I know it’s going to be very upsetting. So many things that are happening today I wonder, Is there anybody minding the store? Can corporations and billionaires just do any damn thing they want even if it means people are going to be injured and possibly die .. and for what? to cut a few nano seconds off a transaction? The illogic of it and the psychopathy of it sets me on tilt and I try to avoid that 🙂