Organization of Power
City of London
Andrew Carnegie
New World Order Trojans
Merchants of Peace – Business Cartel
1938 – Carnegie Foundation, Merchants of Peace – states the thinking and objectives of the organization which is to eliminate nation-state organization because armaments to protect the nation-state are too expensive and money could be better spent elsewhere (by them). Merchants of Peace (Part 4)
Merchants of Peace, The History of the International Chamber of Commerce
First World’s Fair, London, 1851 – “Exhibition of the Works of Industry for all Nations” – Trade Fair to put on display the works of industry open to all nations.
First International Conference of American Republics – established the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics, 1889. 1902 second Conference – committee created to look at new methods of health regulations in trade. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) was established (predecessor name Pan American Sanitary Bureau).
On 2 December, the day the convention opened, the International Sanitary Bureau was founded and assigned the following functions:
To urge each Republic to promptly and regularly transmit to the Bureau all data relative to the sanitary conditions of their respective ports and territories.
1910 the Bureau was renamed to Pan American Union. Andrew Carnegie built them a headquarters building in Washington DC. After WWII, the International Conference reconstituted themselves as the Organization of American States. The OAS became the regional agency under the UN System.
1905 Liege Belgium location of the 15th World’s Fair exposition. Location of the meeting of businessmen with the outcome being the agreement to establish the International Chamber of Commerce formed.
1912 – Founding of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Commercial and Industrial Associations