Britain’s Roman roots gave them an organizational structure operating within the City of London that is probably one of the most effective organizational structures for conquest the world has ever seen. The Livery Company structure is a monopoly that controls a trade or profession. The brilliance of it is that the syndicate (or guild) doesn’t engage in the trade itself, they simply control the trade through a guild or an association and they thrive by taking a skim off the top of each member of the trade or profession through membership dues, subscription fees, donations and controlling the pension funds (investments) for people engaged in the trade or profession, etc.
By all outward appearances, they are benevolent and they operate in the shadows as it were. The Livery Companies set the standards for the trade or profession which by definition is the power to control the trade or profession. They operate as charities chartered for the benefit of their members. The benefits include pensions, welfare, etc. The Oxford Dictionary defines a Guild in this way:
A medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power
An association of people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a common goal Synonyms – association, society, union, league, alliance, coalition, federation, consortium, syndicate, combine, trust, organization, company, cooperative, partnership, fellowship, club, order, lodge, sisterhood, sorority, brotherhood, fraternity
Guild Syndicalism in the United States
In the United States, Guild charities operate as tax-exempt Foundations. In continuing my research on the New World Order – global governance that is threatening to disintegrate the United States as an independent and sovereign nation-state, I discovered a Guild structure that was established in 1905. The Guild that is still in operation today is the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The chartered purpose of the Foundation was to provide pensions for college professors and teachers. From the Foundation website:
“Influential Foundation achievements include development of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA), publication of the Flexner Report on medical education, creation of the Carnegie Unit, founding of the Educational Testing Service, establishment of the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, and introduction of ideas around the scholarship of teaching and learning.”
TIAA, now TIAA-CREF is very much alive and thriving.
An image copy of the first annual report of this foundation was found on the Internet Archive. When you understand the Livery Company/Guild structure, it becomes obvious how they control the profession. On page 38, they define the standards for colleges and universities. The standard begins with a definition: “the term college and university have, as yet, no fixed meaning on this continent” and then they proceed to define the terms with the requirements to meet the definitions even to the point of requiring an English class to include the reading of Shakspere’s (sic) The Merchant of Venice and Macbeth; The Ancient Mariner; Ivanhoe – among others.
The Trustees for the newly formed Carnegie Foundation of the Advancement of Education were probably some of the most influential men from the most influential institutions in the country at the time. Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton University was a Trustee and on the Executive Committee of the Foundation. Wilson was elected to the U.S. Presidency in 1913 and he served until 1921.
Free Will and Public Opinion
In 1938, the Columbia University Press published a book titled, Merchants of Peace: Twenty Years of Business Diplomacy through the International Chamber of Commerce written by George L. Ridgeway, Associate Professor of History, Wells College. The copyright is in the name of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The book is about the ICC and their relationship to the Carnegie Endowment. Merchants of Peace is the source for what follows. The Introduction reads:
“The idea of an international regime of law based upon popular consent and sustained and developed by organized opinion throughout the world was implicit in the prewar democratic conception of a world parliament which gave birth to the League of Nations. Against the arbitrary acts of autocrats President Wilson marshaled “the organized opinion of mankind”. A world-wide democratic regime of law according to the Wilsonian thesis could not be achieved or sustained by power politics… The extension of the reign of parliament to the international sphere meant the spread of “this liberation to the great stage of the world itself.” To the democratic slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” President Wilson added the watchword of prewar parliamentary reformers–public opinion. The rule of international law was in the last analysis to be the rule of world opinion”.
In 1905, in Liége, Belgium, titans of industry from the industrial revolution came together with the intellectual revolutionaries of the Scottish Enlightenment – the Peace Movement and they formed a conspiratorial partnership based on Richard Cobden’s economic philosophy of peace through trade. In the United States, the Peace Movement is represented by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, formally founded in 1910. The objective of this partnership was impose an international system of law on the peoples of the world. The first meeting of the International Congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Commercial and Industrial Associations met in Liége to formalize an organizational structure and plan for their ambitions towards an international system of governance.
The creed of the partnership is captured in Thomas J. Watson’s, President of International Business Machines (IBM) company motto. Watson became President of the ICC beginning in 1937.
The treason of this conspiracy is best understood by looking at the organizational structure that was in place (“what was”) and the new organizational structure that is in progress. The new organizational structure is destroying the old. The people who are actively involved in building the new structure are in fact, guilty of subversion of constitutional government at both the state and federal levels.
A requirement for international governance which will be under the United Nations system – the roots of which track back to the League of Nations which tracks back to the Merchants of Peace – conspiracy of the Carnegie Foundations and the organization of the titans of business through the various levels of the Chambers of Commerce is to dislodge elected, representative government and in it’s place, on the social side of the ledger, replace government education, health and welfare functions with non-profit foundations (charities in English law).
On the economic side, replace decision making by elected officials with councils (soviets) of leaders of the local business community (AmCham member) with elected officials so that the elected officials become merely puppets of the business community. The function of the media in this conspiracy is manipulate the perceptions of the public. In the words they like to use, they “inform public opinion”. They tell you what your opinion is because the entire strategy depends upon keeping the public ignorant and docile.
In academic and public circles, they call this new system “market-based governance” which is really just a euphemism for feudalism/fascism.
The privatization of government is a simple concept to express: for-profit corporations manage the economy and non-profits (charities) handle the social services functions of government.
It is an extremely difficult concept to internalize and to incorporate into your thinking as a real-world conspiracy in progress against the people of the United States. It is treason and our country is hanging by a thread.
It is my belief that the new system of “governance” with economic and social central planning with a fascist governing council comprised of business leaders, government officials and with the involvement of the universities is actually National Socialism modeled roughly in the image of Germany before World War II.
The industry groupings in modern vernacular are called clusters. The man most associated with the system of clustered economic development is Harvard Professor, Michael Porter.
At roughly 10 minutes into his presentation, he begins talking about something “deeply disturbing” that happened to the economy. He acts as if it had nothing to do with him. In fact, it did have to do with him and it did have to do with Harvard’s participation in the “reinvention of government”.
The following is a video clip of Michael Porter as he was participating in a economic conference put on by President Bill Clinton’s presidential transition team.
Check out the gains of Harvard’s Hedge Fund –
From Ivy League Policy Rackets to Crimes Against Humanity
In an honest world in which the government works for the people, Michael Porter would have been tarred, feathered and run out of town. The problem is that his updated national socialism makes so much money for the few.
The following is a link to the index of livery companies but go to the linked livery company websites for the information and history of the livery company.
Charities in History
The Statute of Charitable Uses Act (1601)
43 Elizabeth I c 4.
Harvard University’s Archive on British Charity Law — the basis for U.S. Law
The State’s Agenda for Charity Law, Blake Bromley, October 2001
Cox-Reese Hearings on Tax-Exempt
Foundations, Nov-Dec. 1952
Testimony of Ernest Hollis
Full Hearing Record of the
Cox-Reese Hearings, 1952
Wilson was elected to the U.S. Presidency in 1913 and he served until 1921. During his time in office, the Federal Reserve was established, the Income Tax was implemented and he got us involved in World War I.
Gutenberg Library – The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
Woodrow Wilson, 1913
I don’t know how, who, or when, but I am noticing some discontent among the masses. I am hearing words like “fascism”, and “strategic partnerships”, and other knowing terms, this out of the mouths of Facebook posts, Disqus comments, and other such areas. People are starting to catch on. They are watching less TV maybe, or figuring out that they’re being lied to, because they’re noticing that what is being told and what is going on are not jibing. I don’t think they’re seeing the deeper picture but what do I know, I can only judge on what people are writing, and people often say nothing, the brightest people I know never ever post online.
“On the economic side, replace decision making by elected officials with councils (soviets) of leaders of the local business community” I’m so frustrated that people think things are still working the old-fashioned way. I hear stupid people still making the Republicans vs Democrats argument.
“…actually National Socialism modeled roughly in the image of Germany before World War II” I do too, and even with the eugenics, it isn’t mentioned very much but I do hear this incredibly inane comment that made me wince, is this one “it’s in our DNA” even Obama said it on TV, and his comment referring to it was also even more stupid, so bad I erased it from my memory bank for fear of the stupidness spreading in my brain. But people are repeating this nonsense “it’s in the DNA” as if personality traits can be passed down? Isn’t that what Nazi-ism taught?
that’s giving me an idea… Thanks Vicky
Yes, you are right, in my own words, newspapers are busy formulating, formularizing, shaping, creating and forming public opinion, while the dopey, misled public are corralled into thinking the newspapers are only innocently and well-meaningly REFLECTING public opinion, that the public thought of all by their dear sweet little gullible selves. An example of this in a local paper was headlined “Why Australians hate Silicon Valley.” That was the first time I ever heard that Australians are perpetually grumbling about Silicon Valley.
I did not read the article but pointed out to all nearby that this was how newspapers dictate to all what their thoughts as sheep should be and already have been, in case they didn’t know it.
The Beatles wrote and recorded two hit songs. One was “Can’t Buy Me Love”. (I don’t care too much for money – money can’t buy me love . . . ) the second was “Give Me Money” (Money can’t buy everything it’s true . . . . But what it can’t buy I cain’t use. So give me money). This shows two sides of a question can be debated. A person can listen to one, say ‘that’s right’ and be brainwashed by the arguments of those lines, and live accordingly. Equally, the opposing lines of the opposing song, can convince the listener if heard alone without the earlier recording which neutralizes it.
I say this to point out that newspapers can create strong arguments in favour of what your public opinion SHALL BE, while ignoring stronger, more truthful arguments. By this process democracy has been subverted while newspaper swayed public opinion does the voting. The Public later regrets, complains and is told “You should have thought about that BEFORE.” To which the Public retaliates, “Well it’s no good you telling us that NOW !”
Don’t read the newspaper propaganda. Get the full story before you make up your mind – from VICKY DAVIS.
The second Beatle song in the above reply should be ‘That’s What I Want” in place of “Gve Me Money”. Peter.
That’s very perceptive of you to catch that with the Beatles songs. I have to admit that I wasn’t aware of the degree to which the arts and entertainment industry exists to serve the purpose of subliminal messaging. And I say that as a person who did take a class in Media Studies with a close look at the World War II propaganda coming from Hollywood. When it really hit me was in 2003 when Treasury Secretary John Snow, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and the Secretary of Commerce Don Evans went on a bus tour through Wisconsin. When Elaine Chao brought up a movie about a broken down horse making a comeback. The name of the movie was Sea Biscuit and the horse was symbolic of the American people and our economy.
Here is what I wrote at the time:
Here is the program on C-Span.
As I watched it the first time, I couldn’t hardly believe what I was seeing. Did they really think they were going to convince people of anything except how foolish they look?
The media is playing a very big part in the crimes being committed against the American people. They are trying to sell normalcy while on the ground, we are living in bizarro world. It’s not working – not anymore, but too many people still don’t know where to look for answers. It was my hope to provide some of those answers for anybody who was seeking them and accidentally stumbled onto my website. I’m very glad you found it.