Montana Human Rights Network (MHRN) – Research – not for distribution (not yet)
The Red Thread in the Pacific Northwest – connects history to the present. Note: Base Closings and Realignment
City-State Conversion (Evan Dobelle)
General and Complete Disarmament
On September 26, 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed the Arms Control and Disarmament Act which became Public Law 87-297.
The U.S. State Department, Office of Public Services, Bureau of Public Affairs issued Publication 7277 to explain the disarmament plan. It was released presumably after Kennedy signed the Arms Control and Disarmament Act.
Declassified memos – Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense, 1961
Stage 1 (F) (b) (Publication 7277 – Page 16)
There shall be established observation posts at such locations as major ports, railway centers, motor highways, and air bases to report on concentrations and movements of military forces.
See 1990 New Transportation System announced by George H.W. Bush
Immigration Act of 1990 – includes EB-5 visas for foreign direct investment
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990
1990 – Bush and Gorbachev sign U.S.-Soviet Agreement for destruction of chemical weapons Note reference to transportation
1990 – Global Pollution Prevention Act; using the opportunity of elimination of “chemical weapons” to redesign life in America for communism. See President’s Council on Sustainable Development (1993) – led by Dave Buzzelli, VP of Dow Chemical.
1990, 2nd APEC Ministerial Meeting, Singapore, Secretary of State James Baker III, proposes adding Transportation to the APEC agenda. 1990/AMM/017
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
Letter – Transportation Secretary Federico Pena to John Chafee, Chairman on Environment and Public Works, May 1996
The 1995 act, which designated the NHS, directed the Department to submit, within 180 days of enactment, modifications to the NHS to provide connections “…to major ports, airports, international border crossings, public transportation and transit facilities, interstate bus terminals, and rail and other intermodal transportation facilities.”
National Highway System Designation Act of 1995
Foreign Trade Zones as Principalities
Global Transportation System
Memos – JCS and Sec Def, Page 10 (pdf)
Set forth as the objectives of a program of general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world:
(a) The disbanding of all national armed·forces and the prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force;
Office of Economic Adjustment
1992 – George Bush, Executive Order 12788, Defense Economic Adjustment
OLDCC – renamed Office of Economic Adjustment, NDAA 21, OLDCC – Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.
OLDCC – established in 1961. Title 10, Section 2391
Human Rights Community Organizers
1980 – Socialist International, North-South
Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations (KCTFHR)
1981 – Tony Stewart, Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations
1981 – Peace Development Fund
1981 – U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission
1983 – La Paz Treaty with Mexico, working groups – Border XXI
1983 – Frank Fahrenkopf, Chairman of the Republican National Committee co-founded the International Democrat Union. NED was chartered.
1984 – Oct. 9, 1984: The US Congress adopts the Trade and Tariff Act, an omnibus trade act that notably extends the powers of the president to concede trade benefits and enter into bilateral free trade agreements. The Act would be passed on October 30, 1984
1984 – Peace Development Fund, grassroots organizing – training, Center for Economic Conversion and National Commission on Economic Conversion and Disarmament. Connect Western States Center – Eric K. Ward, Base Closings, Mikhail Gorbachev, Hubzones. Economic conversion from war economy to peace economy. Disarmament, Seymour Melman, Marcus Raskin.
1986, KCTFHR – incorporated
1987 – Free Trade Agreement with Canada – CUSFTA
Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment (NWCAMH), Tony Stewart
1987 – Incorporated, multi-state organization, regional Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming, membership – public officials, police and human rights NGOs.
Partnership with the DOJ, Community Relations Service, “monitor and report the activities of racial and religious hate groups. Encourage uniform crime reporting. “facilitate responses of law enforcement agencies to incidents of harassment and violence. Determine the dimensions of the problem – monitoring the activities of racial and hate groups. Civil Rights
1989 – article, Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations (KCTFHR)
nature of business, non-profit civil-rights “cultural politicians” “cultural politics”
1999 – NWCAMH renamed to be the Northwest Coalition for Human Dignity (NWCHD), a National Institute for Equal Justice
2003 – NWCHD – dissolved. Eric Ward and Leonard Zeskind went to work for the Center for New Community
Center for New Community – opposing “nativists” who were trying to protect our borders 2050
Community Tentacles of the Administrative State
Community and Povertization for Power