Bill Clinton appointed Carol Browner to be Administrator of the EPA in January of 1993. Discover the Networks has a lengthy profile on her background that is worth reading. Browner served as EPA Administrator for both terms of the Clinton Administration making her the longest serving EPA Administrator according to the DTN profile. A retrospective look at Carol Browner’s tenure in government leads one to the conclusion that her career could be summarized by saying that she energized cannibals.
The following is a video of clips from two C-Span events broadcast during the Clinton Administration. The purpose of including these clips here is to establish that Carol Browner was using supply chain in her application of environmental policy and that she knew Michael Porter well before the Clinton Administration and that he was looking at supply chain in terms of the environmental agenda. Those things become important in terms of what they knew – and when they knew it and what they did.
At roughly 3:18 into the video, the speaker introducing Carol Browner talks about Browner’s “innovative partnerships” giving an example of extorting Disney. The extortion was that Disney was allowed to develop some property presumably for Disney World in Florida in exchange for Disney “donating” some land for a wetlands preserve. Regardless of the benefit of the wetlands preserve, what Carol Browner did was to use her regulatory authority for extortion of Disney Corporation. There is no way around it. Even if Disney swore that it was voluntary, that wouldn’t be believable.
The leader of an organization serves as the model and sets the standard for integrity for the organization. Carol Browner re-established the regulatory enforcement division of the EPA. Her unapologetic use of extortion and regulatory racketeering to achieve her environmental objectives would have been infused into the agency as a standard of behavior for the EPA. To be blunt, she turned the EPA into a criminal operation regardless of her perceived notion of environmental benefit. If you take a life to save a life, you don’t get the moral high ground and Browner doesn’t get the moral high ground for what she did at the EPA.
Presumably, on the Disney deal, the land she extorted from Disney was already owned by Disney and was part of the land they planned to build on but it wouldn’t necessarily need to be. Once the door is opened to extortion and regulatory racketeering, the land the EPA – or the BLM wanted or the Forest Service wanted – could be anywhere. In a case like that, the resources – muscle and money of a large corporation could be turned as a weapon against any property owner – anywhere in a 3rd party unconnected way.
This is the link to the entire program at which Carol Browner spoke on the Clean Act and Business Opportunities. Listen to it for the corrupt and exploitable opportunities she is laying out as her environmental policy. The intro for Browner is in the clip above so you can skip to 5:30 into the program to where Browner gets into the details.
Carol Browner – Clean Air Act and Business Opportunities, September 10, 1993
To recap where we are at this point in the Clinton Administration:
- End of the Cold War – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell announces a new “Marshall Plan” at Harvard to help rebuild Russia and the former Soviet states. The focus is on energy and oil and he didn’t mention this – but food. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 established the Oil for Food program that was the subject of a major scandal a number of years ago. See Section 3019. And Section 132. (search on the word ‘food’). The Energy Policy Act of 1992 also included the establishment of a private corporation to own and control highly enriched uranium and to buy highly enriched uranium from Russia and the former Soviet states.
- Clinton kicks off “reinvention of government” plan to centralize policy, planning and programs within the U.S. government with a mission of achieving their objectives of “sustainable development” which as Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown defined it was: Trade, Technology and Environment – presumably with their greedy eyes on Russia, the Soviet states and the new “Marshall Plan”. Clinton announced that for the first time a trade sanction was placed on a country for failure to adhere to environmental demands of some kind.
- They expand superfund projects which were originally intended for big projects like Hanford in Washington State to include city lots in urban areas.
- Carol Browner, Administrator of the EPA and Hazel O’Leary, Secretary of Energy both announce new policy directions that include extortion and regulatory racketeering. They expanded the extortion racket to include “creativity” in meeting the extortion demands that went outside the walls of the environmentally “offending” corporations. That would the pollution credit trading system (right to pollute) with third party participants in the market. It would include the extortion demands for environmental mitigation acreages for the right to carry on their corporate business development – whatever it was. This was actually indirect taxation with the corporation deciding who got the “tax” benefit – bypassing Congress and their spending authority. And since corporations pass on costs like that to the consumers of their products, it was indirect pass through taxation of the American people with direct benefit to a selected few.
- In the video where Carol Browner is speaking at a trade show of companies involved in the manufacture and marketing of environmental technologies for environmental clean-up, Browner talks about creating new jobs and new business opportunities without damaging the existing economy. That was impossibility because the business she was promoting – “environmental cleanup” was and is a cannibalizing agent on the real economy so what she was doing was energizing cannibals at that conference. For an existing business to be extorted into buying new equipment that’s a cost and since in most cases it probably didn’t increase the bottom line, it’s overhead cost that can only be recovered through increased prices without an increase in quality or service and that’s inflationary. That’s probably why so many businesses left the country and that kind of thing is a chain reaction with their suppliers. That’s where Michael Porter, supply chain and cluster analysis comes in. But I’ll get to that in the next article.
Coincidently, in my email this morning, there was a link to an interview with William Black on the rigged global markets and the banks. It’s relevant to what I’ve written because the reason banksters and Wall Street fraudsters aren’t being prosecuted is they are doing what the government organized them to do. They were included in the restructuring of our economy by the Clinton Administration to support “Sustainable Development” as defined by Commerce Secretary Ron Brown – Trade, Technology and Environment – including the new “Marshall Plan” for Russia and the Soviet states.
The Clinton Administration globalized this corrupt system of racketeering through the United Nations and through environmental regulation and sanctions. Bill and Hillary Clinton are still engaged in the racketeering through the Clinton Foundation which is how they are making all the money while putting on the appearance of doing good works.
This all makes my head spin around on my neck – but it was designed systematically with the assistance of people at Harvard. They did an absolutely phenomenal job at destroying our country through the reinvention of government and the gutting of our economy.
I read a little bit about the Panama Papers and I suspect that a lot of what I suspect about the global economy will be revealed. What I disagree with is that the problem is that the 1% can move money around for global investment while the 99% can’t. That’s not the problem. The problem is extortion, fraud and cannibalization of real economies – replacing real business with fraudulent businesses in the name of environmentalism.
DANGIT! Vicky I must have spent at least 25 minutes last week writing a comment. Went to post, and the CAPTCHA whatever thingie alerted me my security deal had “expired”. I refresh, and of course my entire comment ERASED. This was a week ago, and just out of propriety I am telling you here, as I am sure others have had it happen, but gave up (as I did, I figured it wasn’t an important comment anyway) but yes- checking out that write up on Browner was way worth it. She’s like Obama, and everyone else they hire for these jobs- nobodies, with no experience or real know how, as lackeys- lackeys that will not risk asking the REAL questions for fear of losing their prestigious job they could not land otherwise. I figured out it’s the same way they hire those TSA agents: get flunkies that have chips on their shoulders that cannot, will not identify with the individuals they are up against (in TSA’s case, the “rich, white, world travelers’) Conversely enough, I read a recent news article for our crummy city news about a wage increase for fast food workers (it’s in every town) and the entire thing was set up by some official-sounding group, NO body in the comments bothered to let on that they’d actually looked up the organization responsible? Every state has their own arm that reaches off of Center For Popular Democracy- a U.N. feel-good, Communist to the core, LGBTQ and immigrant hand holding scream and shout holding signs people. I did a web search for our local chapter called something like “Arizonans for Equal something or other- the ONLY hits that came up were for ads on Backpage dot com for “community leaders” (i.e., sign holders and shouters) the job listing was written by morons, FOR morons: LGBTQ and immigrants STRONGLY urged to apply” (capitalized words theirs) – you know, chips on their shoulders folks, who won’t read the fine print, nor ask too many questions. People who hate the rich- the ones “responsible”- no matter without the rich they’d have no entitlements, no jobs, how can the poor hire anyone? When was the last time the poor raised enough funds for the museums, or the arts council? The “Arizonans for Equal” whatsit page (apologies, I don’t want to sift through all the BS looking for the site again) spouted off some nonsense about “people deserving housing”. No mention on working for it, just GETTING it. They don’t tell them they’ll be in glorified shipping crates like animals.
I’m really sorry that happened. For a couple of weeks I was getting really hammered by a spammer. He didn’t like my BLM post apparently because he kept posting the same LONG comment that was just junk on that article so I had to figure out how to stop him. Capcha was one of the tools but I’ve de-activated it now. I know how to block persistent spammers now so I don’t think I need it.