In 1990, a movement was initiated to co- opt American Universities to participate in the subversion of the United States in favor of the communist United Nations environmental agenda. The timeline below was found on the University of Idaho’s Sustainability Center website. It appears that they either took it down or moved it but it doesn’t matter. The image captures it and their complicity is documented.
In the spring of 2005, there is a notation on the Talloires Declaration and then the University of Idaho Sustainability Center (UISC) was established in 2006. I searched on the declaration because the UN is always declaring this, that and the other. That search turned up the University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) website where the history and the Talloires Declaration is posted. The following is the explanation on the front page of the ULSF website. I added the emphasis.
The Association of University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) is the Secretariat for signatories of the Talloires Declaration (1990), which has been signed by over 400 college and university presidents and chancellors worldwide. ULSF supports sustainability as a critical focus of teaching, research, operations and outreach in higher education through publications, research, and assessment.
I can’t emphasize enough how important that Talloires Declaration is. It defines the role of Universities as the “social and economic” leaders of the New World Order of psychotic environmentalism. Their role includes propagandizing not only the students but the communities in which they reside as well. I’m listing the ten points of the Declaration here with emphasis because it’s important that you read them.
The report that accompanies the declaration is found HERE. It is equally important to the Declaration.
We, therefore, agree to take the following actions:
1 Increase Awareness of Environmentally Sustainable Development
Use every opportunity to raise public, government, industry, foundation, and university awareness by openly addressing the urgent need to move toward an environmentally sustainable future.
2 Create an Institutional Culture of Sustainability
Encourage all universities to engage in education, research, policy formation, and information exchange on population, environment, and development to move toward global sustainability.
3Educate for Environmentally Responsible Citizenship
Establish programs to produce expertise in environmental management, sustainable economic development, population, and related fields to ensure that all university graduates are environmentally literate and have the awareness and understanding to be ecologically responsible citizens.
4 Foster Environmental Literacy For All
Create programs to develop the capability of university faculty to teach environmental literacy to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.
5 Practice Institutional Ecology
Set an example of environmental responsibility by establishing institutional ecology policies and practices of resource conservation, recycling, waste reduction, and environmentally sound operations.
6 Involve All Stakeholders
Encourage involvement of government, foundations, and industry in supporting interdisciplinary research, education, policy formation, and information exchange in environmentally sustainable development. Expand work with community and nongovernmental organizations to assist in finding solutions to environmental problems.
7 Collaborate for Interdisciplinary Approaches
Convene university faculty and administrators with environmental practitioners to develop interdisciplinary approaches to curricula, research initiatives, operations, and outreach activities that support an environmentally sustainable future.
8 Enhance Capacity of Primary and Secondary Schools
Establish partnerships with primary and secondary schools to help develop the capacity for interdisciplinary teaching about population, environment, and sustainable development.
9 Broaden Service and Outreach Nationally and Internationally
Work with national and international organizations to promote a worldwide university effort toward a sustainable future.
10 Maintain the Movement
Establish a Secretariat and a steering committee to continue this momentum, and to inform and support each other’s efforts in carrying out this declaration.
Obviously, I’ll have more to say about this, but I want to leave it here for the moment so that you can absorb what I just told you.
If bad language offends you, don’t watch the video. I just have to post it.
When you see a sign that says Koalas Crossing, that means all the koalas along that section of road have been destroyed paving the way for development. Same with brush wallabies. When you see a destroyed forest you know that it has been environmentally sustained, by the signs placed that say “Sustainable Pole Supply”, to appease us and assuage their own guilt. Nothing is left there except stumps of a wiped out forest where untouched forest stood before on steep roadside inclines and hills. Diesel and spent oil from dozers are drained and spilled at sides of roads on top notch volcanic soils. Beautiful wren and firefly habitats are sprayed to kill the tangled lantana habitat they thrive in and get cover in. No mor.e blue wrens and fireflies on my property roadside strip. Meanwhile property owners are disallowed to remove a sapling that has attained 8 ft. Of course difficult to police but fined extravagantly if caught.
By writing down the opposite, they do nothing, just write aggrandized words that expunge their guilt while employing the regional council workers paid to poison and wreck the environment. Their words really mean spray, doze, chainsaw and spoil – called management. It is all disguised Xmas packaged propaganda. Tar and cement is the reality of ‘sustainable development’. They know no other way except to tabulate high sounding officialese such as, Cnnvene, aspire, establish, encourage, exemplify, enhace, create and notwithstand. In a word they’re full of it, up themselves and useless.
The ‘regional’ magnified council area in which I abide has a cutout from the Agenda 21 motif of overlapping circles. Like 1/9th of it cut from the centre and enlarged. The nine areas between the overlapping circle segments represent nine councils merged into a region. Asked about the Agenda 21 Biopsy of the logo, I get the stupid, quanderous, stung, perplexed look of a stunned mullet from council staff who obviously have never heard of Agenda 21. And Councils, regional or otherwise, are not even constitutional in Australia. I know because a referendum was held to address that. It failed miserably. Australians if asked are not very trusting of authoritarian change. That is why the trick is to not ask them, just do a ‘snow job’ on them. Snow job meaning – pull a swify over them.
We should be protected from such as occupy universities , and regional councils, administering socialist edicts with pompous air from the UN. A few brown snakes should be released into their repugnant sterile offices, so they can learn the meaning of ‘excitement’.
A ‘snow job’ means – ‘pull a swifty’ over them. Don’t know whether generally in use in America as in Australia.
We use the same phrase for the same purpose here 🙂
That’s what they did in the Ukraine as they were converting to communism. A professor in Soviet Politics told us that they killed as many starlings as they could because they thought they were eating the farmers seeds. They weren’t of course. Communists are destroyers of people and the environment.
Of course communists are destroyers, killers. It’s even written in the Bible! ”
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”.
I liked Peter’s “Koala Crossing” analogy. Here in Phoenix we have “Sustainable Living” apartment complexes sprouting up on every corner. Sustainable? They are expensive and very cramped living quarters. Residents are forced to utilize coin laundry or those apartment size (read- useless) machines that fit into a slot in a closet.What’s sustainable or ecological about tens of electric dryers running full power all day?
I am in a house, I can hang dry my garments and bed clothes in the sun. Sun sanitizing- free dry. I can grow my own produce, I can have a goat, chickens if I want. Can’t do in apartments. They have to drive to the car wash, because you can’t wash your car in apartment lots. There’s nothing earth saving about multi-family dwellings. The corporations who had them built get government grants.Peter’s Koala Crossing reminds me of their phony “green” self-congratulatory b.s.