Reagan, as Governor of California, initiated a project to restructure local government. A woman named, K. Maureen Heaton in a
book titled  Impossible Dream, documented her activism in opposition to what she called ‘big government takeover’ – consolidation of city and county governments. Through that activism, she managed to get a copy of a report titled, “The Politics of Change in Local Government Reform”. This report included case studies on experiences of local government consolidation attempts as well as the conditions under which changes could be made and the requirements for when the change-enabling event occurred.

The Politics of Change in Local Government Reform  (The Houlihan Plan)

The Plan to Collapse the Government

Houlihan Plan, Chapter 7 – Summary of Conclusions


Climate for Change

1. There must be a climate for change in order for the restructuring of local government to occur, whether this restructuring involves drastic reform, reorganization, modernization, or a minor administrative realignment. While the following does not represent an exclusive list, the factors mentioned here are those which most often create such a climate:

a.  a Collapse of government’s ability to provide needed services;
b.  a Crisis of major magnitude;
c.  a Catastrophe that has a physical effect on the community;
d.  the Corruption of local officials and
e.  the high cost of government and the desire for a higher level of services.

This is a synopsis of the report on the inaugural conference of CAPAM, the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management. Held in Charlotte, Prince Edward Island, Canada, in August, 1994, Government in Transition was the first gathering of public administrators from the 51 nations that comprise the Commonwealth . . .

There are, however, some lessons learned about the organizational dynamics that are necessary to governmental reform. Among them:

° Some kind of shock may be needed to force change.
° High level support is necessary to implement reform.
° Reform programs need clear visions, objectives and priorities.
° The organization needs its most capable people in charge, all of its employees — and its clients — involved.
° Technology is not a panacea; it is a tool.
° New systems should be tested before they are implemented.

Metro and the United Nations

City of London – Locus of Syndicalism Disease

London Livery Companies – Associated Tyranny

The City of London is an organizational structure of associations by profession or tradecraft.  The livery companies are the keepers of standards for the profession.  Power is aggregated through the associations:  standards and best practices plus co-operation amongst the livery companies themselves.

Medieval Entrenched Privilege

The Woolf at the Door

Metro Makers at the Door