Public Health Service Act of 1944
. . . its basic purpose is to bring together into a single and consistent enactment virtually all of the statutes relating to the Service—a body of law which had accumulated over a century and a half, with little system or consistency . . . Since the founding in 1798 of a seamen’s health insurance system, there had previously been no comprehensive legislative treatment of the Public Health Service –
. . . “Through its research branch, the National Institute of Health, the Public Health Service has made important contributions to the great advances in medical and public health science during the twentieth century. . . . The Public Health Service Act gives the National Institute of Health the authority to develop such programs, in the same way that cancer research has been developed in our National Cancer Institute.
“The law also confirms the broad powers and duties of the Public Health Service with respect to foreign and interstate quarantine, as well as its first and oldest obligation—medical and hospital care of the Nation’s merchant seamen—and its medical service to the Coast Guard.
Part F continues the authority or the Public Health Service to license and supervise the manufacture and distribution of viruses, sera, and toxins, and other biological and related products. Here again, the Public Health Service Act effects no substantial change in law.
Library of Congress, treaties, Bevens
Pan American Union
Resolution adopted by the Fourth International American Conference at Buenos Aires August 11, 1910
Amended by resolution of May 1, 19231 of the Fifth International Conference of American States, as amended
Termination: Became obsolete December 13, 1951, upon entry into force of the Charter of the Organization of American States of April 30, 19482
Report of the Delegates of the United States to the Fourth International Conference of American States, Held at Buenos Aires, July 12 to August 30, 1910 (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1911), p. 156; Senate document 744, 61st Congress, 3d session.
Public Health Service Commissioned Corps – History
Public Health Service Act of 1944
Truman – Executive Order 9575 Declaring the PHSC to be a Military Service
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, Oct 23, 2001 Source: Sweet Liberty website Source: Govern America, May 25, 2024
H.R.3448 – Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, Billy Tauzin (R-LA) 12/11/2001, Public Law 107-188. H.Rept 107-481. [Note 1: Billy Tauzin was a democrat. He switched parties to become a republican. After this legislation was passed, he left congress and took a million dollar a year job with Big Pharma.] [Note 2: Agricultural Security]
H.R. 5005 – Homescam Security Act of 2002, Dick Armey (R-TX), 6/24/2002 (by request), Public Law 107-296 11/25/2002. S.Rept 107-609
President George W. Bush announces National Strategy for Pandemic Preparedness (C-SPAN), November 2005; White House Pandemic Implementation Plan — State Department Press Release on Bush’s announcement.
National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, November 2005; CDC National Strategy
Pandemic Flu government website, 2005-11, Nov. 4th 2005, Partnership with China
S.3678 109th Congress (2005-2006) – Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), Public Law 109-417. S. Rept 109-319
HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan, 2005, HHS Secretary Michael Leavitt
Fact Sheet: Implementation of the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, Six-Month Status Report, December 18, 2006
State Department, Fact Sheet, “U.S. Launches International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza“, September 2005, Core Principles State Department archive on Avian Flu International Partnership
CRS Report R46379: Emergency Authorities Under the National Emergencies Act, Stafford Act and Public Health Service Act, July 14, 2020
CRS Report R41981: Congressional Primer on Responding to and Recovering from Major Disasters and Emergencies, June 12, 2023
Zoonotic Disease
Zoonosis – General Principles for Treatment, Prevention and Control of Zoonotic Diseases
Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the
Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals, 2003
local – Nov. 2005 Pandemic Funding nov_2005_Pandemic_Funding