Note: This article was originally written in 2007. The links have been recovered. The sidebar on the original article was left out because it requires significant update. Link to old article. Some new information has been added.
On August 20, 2007, the Washington Times published an article about the Security and Prosperity Partnership summit being held in Montebello in Canada. The article quotes an anonymous White House source as saying that the concerns of the cyber community, a few radio and TV personalities and grassroots organizations are “silly”. He said, “Americans will still be Americans; Canadians will still be Canadians; and Mexicans will still be Mexicans”. As silliness goes, he has us beat with that statement.
The creation of the North American Union has been accomplished in incremental steps and through stealth and deception. Legislation purports to have one purpose but buried in the legislation are the enabling programs for the merger. The system of “public-private partnerships” is how the strategies for the merger are planned, funded and implemented. The Congress passes the framework legislation. Lower level government employees who fly under the radar of public view work with corporations, Foundations and special interest groups (front groups funded by corporations, Foundations and government). These groups are called ‘Working Groups’. They exist for many purposes but one of the functions of the Working Groups are to harmonize our legal system with Canada and Mexico to produce an international set of regulations which in turn are harmonized with the European Union – both of which fall under the domain of the United Nations.
The strategy of disempowering our elected, representative government structures is to provide funding and the legal framework for parallel quasi-governmental (public-private partners) groups that usurp power from existing governments. The first such integration of private interests into government functions that this writer found was the requirement for cities to form a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) comprised of public and private interests to plan regional transportation needs. The MPO pulls power away from each of the local governments in the affected area. The effect is to replace elected representative government with an unelected, unseen body of private interests having the force of law to implement their private agenda on the public. This is the communist system of ‘governance’ and it is the means by which the North American Union is being created surreptitiously.
Getting back to the Security and Prosperity Partnership, it is just the latest incremental step in dissolving the United States as an independent sovereign nation. The following is a brief overview of the steps to the North American Union. It should be obvious how the stated objective for public consumption is a misdirection for the public to hide the real agenda of merger.
1983 La Paz Agreement – created an international border region with Mexico. It called for Working Groups comprised of U.S. and Mexican officials with ‘private partners’ to work on environmental issues around the border. The Environmental Protection Agency was put in charge on the U.S. side – along with its Mexican counterpart.
1990 Enterprise for the Americas Initiative to establish the financial framework for the economic integration. 1992 Status Update
1994 – NAFTA Agreement. The NAFTA Agreement is an annex to the La Paz Agreement. Carla Hills was the USTR under the administration of George H.W. Bush. She is the one who negotiated the NAFTA agreement that was ultimately passed and signed by Clinton.
On 3/27/2007, the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade held a hearing titled, “Trade, Foreign Policy and the American Worker” in which Carla Hills testified. She stated that the goal of NAFTA was economic integration. Obviously, you can’t have economic integration without harmonization of laws – and international governing supra-structures with authority over the integrated (merged) areas of the economy. The following is an audio clip of the segment of the hearing in which Hills claimed NAFTA was huge success given her (the CFR) goals of integration. Also testifying was Lou Dobbs.
The hearing is no longer available on the Committee website, but the transcript for the hearing was found on the Government Information website. The audio clip begins with Mr. Michaud – page 38 (pdf), page 35 (transcript).
The Summit Process began in 1994 with the first summit being held in Miami. It should be noted that the summits are a formal meeting of leaders who decide on the next steps (as defined by the Working Groups who are actually doing the work of harmonization and integration).
Each Summit includes a Declaration and a Plan of Action and each summit takes us farther away from a sovereign, independent nation under a Constitutional U.S. government.
If you read nothing else on the above page, read the Quebec City Declaration because it makes clear the diminishment of sovereignty to ‘regionalism’ and ‘the collective’.
The intent of these incremental steps was to create the Free Trade Area of the Americas (North American Union) by 2005. They didn’t quite make that date – but that hasn’t stopped them. They are proceeding without the knowledge or consent of the American people – and it would appear until recently – a lack of understanding by many members of Congress.
2001 – Partnership for Prosperity was announced. The ‘private partner’ – Council of the Americas (David Rockefeller’s treason club) produced a blueprint report giving a lot of information about the agenda.
The following is a link to a recovered webpage about the Partnership for Prosperity.
Office of NAFTA
NAFTA Brochure
Appointments for USTR negotiators for the FTAA – notice that they are State Department diplomats many of whom had been working in foreign countries as ambassadors. [That explains a lot about why these agreements are not in the interest of the United States]
2005 – Security and Prosperity Partnership – next step towards the North American Union
Free Trade Area of the Americas
Seventh Meeting of the Ministers of Trade
Ministerial Declaration
Quito, Ecuador
1 November 2002