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    Hi VIcky- they hide these economic initiatives in innocuously boring plans (like in Education Reform initiatives, namely Tough Choices or Tough Times) so the public won’t see inside workings. I was just looking up Tough Choices – remember that? The pyramid graph? “Work” , which is the biggest chunk at the bottom of the pyramid to go to slaves, and US (1st world) at the top) to focus on Research and Development? Basically turning USA into 7th century Chad, or Eritrea. We shall be like those nomad Turks in year 600, the “advanced” populations to lounge around reading books in an IQ utopia. Look at Turkey or Chad or Saudi Arabia today but we don’t have their oil…. USA to be void of industry that is and guess who gets the industry, China. China being a Communist state any big profits must go back to the State which means their military. Actually they won’t even need a military, this can all be done economically. I think the fear-mongers are looking for the thief in the night, when actually it’s the “grocery boy” who brings destruction I think.

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      I do remember that report. In fact, I wrote an article about it.

      The problem with their conception of how the world would work – won’t work. I like to use the analogy of the pampered pussy cat and the feral cat who lives on the streets in the real world. The idea of Tough Choices – keeping Research and Development here while exporting the actual production of the ideas – is that innovation comes from the doing – not the thinking. Their idea is analogous to the pampered pussy doing the thinking work while the feral cat gets their hands dirty doing the actual work. Why would they do that? Because the intellectuals who designed our economy are pampered pussy cats. They have no idea about the real world and how things work in the real world.

      China already won the economic war because they were aided and abetted by intellectual traitors (pampered pussys) in our country. I think you are right but instead of the grocery delivery boy, I’d say it was the janitors who clean the buildings at night.

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    Listen to this. It supports my analogy of the pampered pussys and the feral cats.

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      Vicky I disagree with you completely on the elites being oblivious to actual real work, working persons and so on. I think they know perfectly well but they don’t like thinking about it, not unlike a soldier who must de-humanize his target in his mind before he can eliminate that target. Dark browns are automatically lower classes which see Ocasio-Cortez famous ghetto-speech recent history of her addressing the Democrat black business women: “ain’t no shame in foldin’ clothes..” wasn’t that what she said? OK why would she, and all those like her, assume this group of black voters were a bunch of washer-women? that’s what bothered me, and if any media outlet mentioned that anywhere and not just about her fake new black accent tried on for that event, I’d like to see it. Black does not equate “manual laborer” but it does in these people’s minds. They’re not racist because they say they’re not, but people like Pres. Trump are racists. I don’t get it, it’s not fair. Today is Juneteenth apparently, I am in AZ it’s now a holiday here, no work for husband we get to stay in, but Juneteenth is a TEXAS holiday and I remember it fondly it was special only to Texans so I thought but now it’s global and a holiday ! today, husband didn’t have to come in to work, well that’s BS because I can’t even find Big Red soda in my area. Big Red is a great drink number one, it’s my favorite soda, but it’s the official yes official drink of Juneteenth. ‘God bless’ to you Vicky, (Kristin in AZ)

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        I guess I didn’t make myself clear. It’s not that they don’t understand the attributes of a job. Every type of job in the country has been documented along with the requirements of the job. What they don’t understand – and can’t ever understand is how the lower socio-economic classes navigate within the world of work and the society around them. There is no humanity in statistical reports.

        I didn’t hear Cortez give that speech. I don’t know if she was deliberately being insulting or if she is just such a narcissist it didn’t occur to her that it would be insulting. She’s not a politician. She’s an actress. Obviously when she is writing her own script, she screws up because she’s a dim bulb.

        They made Juneteenth a national holiday. That’s why your husband didn’t have to work.


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