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    April K

    Fascinating but sad Vicki! You did you really grear research there…

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    April K

    Fascinating but sad Vicki! You did you really great research there…

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      Vicky Davis

      Thank you April. I have so much more than I included there. I just had to introduce the subject before I take the dive into the darkness 🙂

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    Deep State are the senior executive service . You’re awesome Vickie! Great Job!

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      Vicky Davis

      The SES people have power only over other government employees within the agencies. The NSTAC Committee is comprised corporate executives involved in some aspect of our critical infrastructure and they are leaders in their own sectors for the information sharing organizations. That’s real power both inside and outside of government (at the highest levels of government). They have the power of the corporation they represent behind them. That’s real power.

      Look at the people at this table minus Obama. They are the Deep State. You have to look at the relationship to our government centers of power – which NSTAC is one.

      Thank you Ron!

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    Blown away- I knew the corporations were *running things* but I wasn’t aware of them having absolute power. APCO25, Motorola, etc all control the law enforcement- as they control the communications. Private prisons, telecommunications “deregulation” is what it was called in the ’80s, and even then as a young pup I knew it was a bad idea. Blown away because you nail it as usual and de-mystify the miasma for the rest of us. What bothers me is when Americans complain on how “the government is in to everything” no, no they aren’t, it’s the corporations.

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    I’m a big fan of Alex Jones and I boycott as many of the biased monopoly medias as I can. They keep growing (i.e. Jeff Bezos worth $150 billion+) while the little publishers are squashed along with free speech. Trump wants to break some of the worst ones up and I hope he can but where’s the will of the people? The people (sheeple) would rather support Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, CNN, Twitter, and the other big ones for convenience and profits. But they (sheeples) too may be banned as artificial intelligence will take charge of who can say what.

    p.s. Hopefully this will be published before these monopolies and their A.I. ban me too!


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