On December 19, 2007 Leavitt gave a speech at the National Press Club. The subject of the speech was supposed to be food safety but what he really talked about was supply chain management. Notice that he talks about tracking food items from the field – to the table.
What ‘field-to-table’ means is that the government and their “corporate partners” are essentially taking over management of your farm operation and your assets have been incorporated into the supply chain which is controlled by big business through government facilitation of “the market”.
The Administrative state government entities driving the automation agenda were (are) the OMB in charge of IT Systems, Bureau of the Census in charge of data collection, BEA – statistical reporting
How Information Communication Technology Can Enhance Evidence-Based Decisions and Farm-to-Fork Animal Traceability for Livestock Farmers (PDF)
. . . this study recommended a better electronic system to be used at the farm level to facilitate data analysis, hence promoting informed decision-making and adherence to the international animal traceability standards. Otherwise, there is a need for researchers to conduct more studies in developing different analytical models for exploring on-farm data in order to improve the decision-making process by farmers and other stakeholders.
Curious how all of these adulterations of products come a few months apart. Do you think these might be acts of terrorism to “incentivize” government led supply chain management?
Contaminated toothpaste, June 2007
Contaminated (melamine) pet food, March 2007,
Poison toys, November 2007
By definition, any requirements on China are requirements on our producers increasing the cost for our producers.
Globalization (Internationalization) of Food Regulatory System
When you follow the paper trail on the farm-to-table initiative, you see how the U.S. lost our national sovereignty while the government and their corporate partners built the international system. It reveals the method of the administrative coup d’etat on America and for the record, this is not the only government system that was internationalized. Globalization of the functions of government was a treasonous de-construction of the American government and in the process, they commited grant theft of American taxpayer dollars from the Treasury. While the assumption of the uninitiated would think this legislation was about food safety. It isn’t about that. It’s about building an international, networked computer system NOT controlled by the American government – but paid for by the American taxpayers. The fraud is embedded in the term, “capacity building”.
A good place to begin is with H.R. 2751 – FDA Food Safety Modernization Act; Public Law 111-353; 1/4/2011. Printed Copy of H.R. 2751. As you read through this legislation, put yourself in the position of a business in the food sector as a producer, food supplier, distributor, retailer reading your marching orders from the government.
See H.R. 2751, top of page 29, it mentions the Food and Agriculture Government Coordinating Council and the Food and Agriculture Sector Coordinating Council. Both councils are gone now, but there exists one article in the Food Safety Magazine about the system and the Council. It’s being included here because it reveals the scope of food safety system that was being built: The Food Safety Challenge of the Global Food Supply Chain. Start reading at the top of page 29 – including through Sec.110 – Building Domestic Capacity.
See page 30, Laboratories, Information Technology, Automated risk analysis, etc. As you read through this section, think if your job was to implement the requirements defined in this legislation. Defining a requirement is one thing. Implementing it is an entirely different thing.
Note: “Building capacity” means building the systems that would be needed to meet the requirements as defined. This legislation includes requirements for both domestic and foreign food operations.
See page 69. Title III. Improving the safety of imported food.
See page 74. Section 305 – BUILDING CAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY; Scroll down and read carefully “The Plan” and keep reading from there.
Food Safety is about feeding data to a computer system. Quality of the food isn’t even on the list of priorities.
Global Supply Chain: From Cow-to-Kid
Unbeknownst to most of the public, parallel IT systems among countries are being built. This is how global governance is being implemented phase by phase, country by country. A good example is the European program that corresponds to the U.S. version of farm-to-table is the cow-to-kid presentation that was posted on the OECD website. The OECD is the successor program to the OEEC which was the European organization for implementation of the Marshall Plan post WWII.
Home Page of the Cow-to-Kid explanation
SIGMA – Support for Improvement in Governance and Management
CAPAM – Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management
Corporate fascist rule Parallel Construction – National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), Alliance for Redesigning Government, “partnerships between government, private for-profit and non-profit organizations”.
Vicky, I’ve a request and it may be too “domestic’ or low brow for your research: “Foothills Food Bank” is a food pantry organization and I’m trying to find information on this food bank system. I wish to find out just about everything in logistics. “Cascadian Farms” foods have something to do with this system but I am not sure how. I became interested when one of my siblings showed what the senior food bank was giving Cave Creek senior citizens: Expired foods, soured dairy, weird international foods yet this organization pats itself on the back frequently for it’s good deeds…. if you can point me in direction where I can get anything would be greatly appreciated.
I think this organization is probably the head of the snake. https://www.feedingamerica.org/partners
I qualify for Meals on Wheels and it would help me a lot but I won’t sign up for it because I don’t trust the people who are running the Senior Center. The Senior Center here was taken away from the seniors and was being run by a group of women who are involved with providing food for the food banks. They use the Senior Center as a logistics center for food arriving for the food bank. The federal government oversight is called the Office on Aging. You need to find that agency in your local area that oversees the Seniors food program in your area. That Agency office in my area is located at the local community college and they are “in league” with the women who took over the senior center here but you can get information from them about the program there.
The Meals on Wheels program for seniors is a non-profit. They receive federal grant money and they are able to raise a lot of money from town businesses. It’s a dream setup for con artists and racketeers. Lot of money involved and the intended recipients are generally speaking a perfect victim population – old and tired.