The prosecution of the Hammond Family has proven three things:
- The U.S. Attorney’s office is corrupt. They are willing to use law intended for one purpose to accomplish a different purpose. In the case of the Hammond Family, the law was used to effectively steal the property of a hardworking ranching family by bankrupting them and throwing them in prison for simply carrying on the business of ranching – as ranchers have done in the west for 200 years.
- The Judicial System has been neutered by mandatory minimum sentencing. Mandatory minimum sentencing throws the power of the judiciary into the hands of the U.S. Attorney’s office. It allows them to falsify charges in an indictment to raise the level of the “crime” so that the mandatory minimums must be applied. Using this technique, the U.S. Attorney’s office can send anybody to prison and apparently our highest courts are willing accomplices to this injustice.
- There is not a farmer or a rancher in this country that is safe from federal prosecutorial abuse and misuse of the law for other purposes. The other purposes in the case of the Hammond Family falls into the category of radical environmentalism with the misuse of the law to obtain the Hammond property for expansion of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
There is absolutely no question that our nation-state is under attack. The problem has been in identification of who is responsible and how to regain control because we know that treason has been accomplished by power shifting – both vertically and horizontally to unelected groups of people over time – effectively neutering our elected representative government while putting remedy out of the reach of the people. The means of power shifting has been through contract agreement regardless of what level one is reviewing – international, federal, state, local. The Congress again over time has facilitated that power shifting even to the extent of neutering themselves.
What we have in place of an American government is an Administrative System that has no accountability to either Congress or the American people. That Administrative System was designed to operate in harmony with United Nations Association.
Recently, it was discovered that in 1960, the United Nations General Assembly took a major step towards becoming a global governing system when the Assembly voted on social policy sidestepping the Security Council and the veto power of the permanent members. The issue they voted on, de-colonization, was not as important as the precedent they set for setting the social and economic policies of the member nations. There are currently 193 member nation-states. Each member has one vote in the General Assembly. The U.S. membership in the United Nations is an example of power shifting to unelected groups of people unaccountable to the American voters. They are making social and economic policy for Americans through contractual commitment (international agreement). The Administrative Agencies of the American government by law must follow U.S. law which says that they must adhere to international commitments. It was a trap and the 1945 Congress walked us into it.
This past summer, Idaho’s District 2 Representative Vito Barbieri gave a brilliant speech on the Administrative Bureaucracy on the floor of the Idaho House of Representatives just before the legislature voted in the affirmative to violate the U.S. Constitution by knuckling under to an unconstitutional federal mandate. Every member of the Idaho legislature who voted for it should have been kicked out of office in disgrace.
Invisible Lines of Authority
The practice of power shifting by contract has created invisible lines of authority within the American government. Relative to the Hammond Case, by all appearances, the bureaucracy that is out of control is the Bureau of Land Management but in fact, the invisible lines of authority are to the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. State Department. Why? Because the EPA controls every agency of government through the requirement for other agencies to file an Environmental Impact Statement for everything they do. The EPA must approve those Impact Statements.
In 1969, through Executive Order, Richard Nixon established a Cabinet level environmental Advisory Council. When the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) was passed, it created the regulatory agency we know today as the EPA. In a history on the EPA, it says the following concerning the creation:
This statute recast the government’s role: formerly the conservator of wilderness, it now became the protector of earth, air, land, and water. The law declared Congressional intent to “create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony,” and to “assure for all Americans safe, healthful, productive, esthetically and culturally pleasing surroundings.” Henceforth, all federal agencies planning projects bearing on the environment were compelled to submit reports accounting for the likely consequences–the now famous Environmental Impact Statements (EISs).
The first Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality was Russell Train. The first Administrator of the EPA was William Ruckelshaus. Train and Ruckelshaus agreed that Train would work at the international level and Ruckelshaus would work on the domestic side. In the hierarchy of power, Train had more power because his was a cabinet level position. This organizational structure carried forward to today which is why the EPA is out-of-control from an American perspective. They aren’t implementing American policies of, by and for Americans. They are implementing United Nations policies voted on as social and economic policies by their member nations.
All Power is Inherent in the People
Our federal, state and local governments are locked into an administrative system that is attempting to subjugate the American people to a despotic international organization. Participation in the United Nations system under these circumstances is in contravention of the entire purpose of having a national, American government. The solution is going back to ground – to reclaim the power of local self-government – county government to protect and defend the citizens of the county and then to begin rebuilding the American government for the American people from there. It’s a tall order and not for the faint of heart and the weak of spirit but it must be done. Last week when the citizens of Harney County voted to establish a Harney County Committee of Safety, that’s exactly what they were doing – beginning the rebuilding process. The following are sections of the Oregon State Constitution they are relying on:
Oregon State Constitution
Section 1. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.—
Section 26. Assemblages of people; instruction of representatives; application to legislature. No law shall be passed restraining any of the inhabitants of the State from assembling together in a peaceable manner to consult for their common good; nor from instructing their Representatives; nor from applying to the Legislature for redress of greviances [sic].—
Section 27. Right to bear arms; military subordinate to civil power. The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]
The people of Harney County are blazing a trail for all of us. It may be too late to save the Hammond Family and their Ranch from the corrupt U.S. Department of InJustice but the process of reclaiming a republican form of government Of, By and For the American people is a necessity and a duty we owe to the future. The people of Harney County are going to need – and they deserve our full support for what they are doing because we will learn from their experience and will be able to apply those lessons when we begin to rebuild in our own counties.
“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man – brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the TIMID join him, For then it costs NOTHING to be a Patriot.” — Mark Twain
“Mandatory minimum sentencing throws the power of the judiciary into the hands of the U.S. Attorney’s office. It allows them to falsify charges in an indictment ”
Vicky I was JUST discussing this very thing with my husband last night in the car. I quoted you, as a matter of fact (I call you the ‘genius lady’, lol) about how power has shifted to the prosecutors, thus allowing them de facto judicial power to create charges to see which ones can stick.
The people who put the mandatory minimums into law are too smart for it to have been an accident. They intended to dis-empower the judges. I really do believe that.
There is corruption everywhere including the EPA, BLM, United Nations, and everywhere else including police departments. We (the people of the USA and earth) must protect the earth, air, land, and water so we can be safe, healthful, productive, esthetical, and culturally compatible. So we can’t get rid of what the EPA, BLM, UN, police, fire, and these agencies are suppose to do. Imagine getting rid of the police because some are corrupt, the chaos we the people would create. But yes, find the corruption and clean them up, and we could start with out congress and other leaders who we elect. Hey, how about Trump instead of Obama for starters! You also make a good point about the mandatory minimum sentencing as we all are corrupt in one way or another and we can’t throw everyone in jail – we must have some flexibility, but do throw the book at the repeat and uncaring thugs.