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    Vicky you could post just one writing of yours from the old site, just any old one out of a hat and it will be mind blowing. Family asked if I’d seen any good films or shows lately- said I don’t have time, I spend it all on this website called Channeling Reality. I’ve lost hours and days on that site and I admit the topics often addressed issues that did not interest me at first. Now I can’t get enough of it.
    The “old” site is nothing that is outdated so I recommend checking it out. There is something on it for EVERY one, every interest you have, no matter what your career is or your education or hobbies, you’ll find something there that will catch your eye. The topics on education are of interest to me, I mean public education although I have no school age children. Your “Vicky’s Rants” are fun and educational.

    PS I will, if I have time to tonight- upload some more stuff to It is not time consuming in itself, but finding pdfs on your site to upload take a few minutes (if there is probably some technological way to change html to pdf but I haven’t figured it out yet) I may get a person to assist me with that however.

    Again thank you for your fun and educational writings. I know Ive told you a thousand times thanks but I really do appreciate it, I think I am unanimous in this 🙂

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      Even if nobody else reads what I write, the fact that you enjoy them so much makes it worthwhile. What I intend to do is to put what I’ve written in logical sequence so that people can understand the strategy and the treachery. It’s really important for the people in Oregon because the circus is just now coming to their rural towns.

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        John Boyd

        God Bless You Vick, you are a gifted researcher/writer.


          Vicky Davis

          Thank you John. Since you are reading my website, may I suggest that you read Gorbachev’s New World Order speech on the Global Transportation page. On the right hand side, I included a number of Gorbachev’s main points from his speech. Those items are relevant to what is happening in our political arena right now. Notice ‘World Space Organization’. Yesterday Alex Jones was talking about space and a world space organization. I wonder if he even knows who proposed the idea? Supposedly he’s being investigated for Russian collusion too.

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    Vicky. I always get the impression that you know more than you are letting on. I got this impression first when hearing you on Govern America with Darren Weeks which led me to your site. You always limit yourself to what can be documented, and very well too, while leaving alone the intangibles which have not yet been documented, as they are still under cover of darkness.
    Nevertheless, I sense that what you know is this: – that “EVIL WILL FLOURISH UNTIL THE FINAL UNMASKING.’ Thanks for sharing your scholarly insights.

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      Thank you Peter. My objective when I write is to have people be able to walk down my logic path with me because I am trying to prove to them a point which may not necessarily be obvious or even in that same article but if you could take all of the articles, they would paint a picture for you. That might sound obscure but I don’t mean it to be. Globalists – the international crime syndicate has been working on their plan since before the turn of 20th century. They have been methodical and strategic. I’ve tried to follow their logic path and to expose it through my writings. It’s just so darn big I have to break it up. They are uncloaking now and people can see the evil even if they don’t understand yet where it’s coming from. I am cautiously optimistic 🙂

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        Vicky. Not obscure at all. Knowledge has to be three dimensional and viewed from all directions to get the true picture. It can only be presented module by module to single dimensional simpletons before they can get the true perspective and know the passage ways. This will take a long time, unfortunately. A long way to go, and a short time to get there.



          Globalises get it easy. They keep their propaganda at the level of the least intelligent so as to ensure it is understood quickly by all – no matter how shallow and deceptive.



            See the response comment below this one.

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    I’m reposting my last comment as a new comment because this wordpress facility (or theme) doesn’t handle responses very well.

    Yes, some of the actions of the globalists are easily understood by anybody with an IQ over 90 – the border for example. But the really dangerous stuff is hidden and arcane. An example of that would be S.1067 – legislation that came before the Idaho legislature last year. It was uniform legislation so it was put before the legislatures of all the states – customized for each state to mask the fact that it was boilerplate from the Uniform Law Commission. What that legislation did was to require state courts to recognize foreign court orders – and it called for the integration of the systems of our government with a European system controlled by the Hague.

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      If State courts are made to recognize foreign court orders; then that immediately places that foreign court above the State courts. And what’s more, if the Idaho State Legislature can see that and legislates it, then they are complicit in undermining State sovereignty, making it inferior to foreign courts. Handing power over on a platter in subservience to that foreign court.
      If they are incapable of seeing that, what are they doing there running the State?
      So, was S. 1067 passed? Did other States pass it? Did all States pass it uniformly? I don’t really expect an answer to these questions unless it comes to hand easily off the top of your head. I just question its goofiness.

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        Send a Bill to the Feds and to The Hague expecting them to recognize Idaho State court findings foremost and uppermost. You never know they might be silly enough to be in favour of it, if they are anything like the States they expected to sign the Bill about S. 1067.
        Thereby righting the pyramid of sovereignty, in Idaho’s favour.
        When nothing makes sense, and no answer is forthcoming, all that is left is STUPIDITY or CORRUPTION. These two things cannot be reasoned with.


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