On June 5, 1947, General George Marshall announced the Marshall Plan for rebuilding Europe at a commencement speech given at Harvard University but there was a Top Secret plan behind the public announcement that only a few at the highest levels of military and government knew about. In the declassified papers of Clark Clifford who was at the time, White House Counsel, there was a plan to create a European Customs Union through multilateral trade agreements. Inherent in the plan was the subversion of sovereignty of the countries of Europe.
The money for rebuilding was made contingent upon “cooperative agreements” towards multilateralism.
The first public step towards the European Union was the Coal and Steel agreement.
“The French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, in his famous declaration of 9 May 1950, proposed that Franco-German coal and steel production be placed under a common High Authority within the framework of an organisation in which other European countries could participate.” ECSC Treaty
EU Bonds
According to an article posted on Stock Lending Today, Euro Bonds were introduced by SG Warburg in 1963. The following is an excerpt from the article – included because it explains why countries are collapsing into chaos all over the world:
“In the EU the discussion on potential Eurobonds, joint liabilities of all countries continues, without any real new information. BTW “Eurobonds” is a very unfortunate name, as the word has been in use for almost 50 years for bonds issued in a currency and structure outside the jurisdiction of the issuer (first structure by SG Warburg in 1963). I’d call them EU Bonds, Union Bonds or EU Treasuries. The risk that the Greece restructuring will falter forces – due to the requests by Finland and other countries for more collateral – is real. One option for collateral is real assets, e.g. the pledging of bank shares.”
A second source for the origin of EU Bonds is this article title: History of Eurobonds. From this article we get a little more info:
“The first Eurobonds were traded in 1963 and were originally issued by Autostrade, an Italian motorway construction company, in conjunction with SG Warburg and Co; Autostrade issued $15 million in Eurobonds through the London banking institution.”
It’s important to understand that at the core of the global crisis is bonds for infrastructure and “Public-Private Partnerships”. A few years ago when the Great Irish Miracle was exposed as a fraud, I researched and wrote about it. Note the involvement of Senator John McCain in it and consider it a pattern because other politicians are involved similarly (Harry Reid). The global plan for the Global Information Infrastructure that was expanded to automate and collectivize control of critical infrastructure was a racket from the beginning. There wasn’t enough money in the world to automate the entire world and since it was racketeers that were implementing integrated control systems for infrastructure, it doesn’t take much imagination to understand why the world is now run by criminals that are collapsing governments by calling in payments on the debt – and taking over the governments when the payments can’t be made.
Now that I’ve given you the punch line, I have to backtrack a little bit to show you the progression. When I was researching the collapsed Irish Miracle, I found a website with reports about roads in Ireland. The website can be found in the Internet Archive but the reports are gone. I did however, save one of the reports. The following is an excerpt from page 36 (emphasis added):
It wasn’t until Ireland’s accession to the European Union in 1973 that things began to change. I began working in 1974 and my first job involved driving to every corner of the country. Traffic volumes were still relatively low but the state of Ireland’s road infrastructure was such that trips to Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford or further afield were major expeditions. H o w e v e r, the impact of EU accession began to make itself felt in the 1980s….At long last in the 1990s sanity began to prevail. EU funding was made available and the National Roads Authority came into being with the brief of managing those funds in order to bring about a planned and prioritised development plan for the improvement of the country’s road infrastructure.
EU Bonds for Automated, Collectivized Infrastructure
The infrastructure racket may have hit Ireland in the 1990’s but the plan for a European-wide automated, integrated transportation system for Europe began in 1985 with the Prometheus Project.
How I happened on to the information about Prometheus was when I was researching the NAFTA Superhighway. There was a report on the Federal Highway Administration website about it so I captured a COPY of it.
European ATIS Projects/Systems
Europe has several large-scale programs in progress under the umbrella of Road Transport Informantics (RTI), which is the equivalent of the U.S. ITS. Their main programs are dedicated road infrastructures for vehicle safety in Europe (DRIVE) and the program for European traffic with highest efficiency and unprecedented safety (PROMETHEUS). These two programs are separated by the organizations that formed them, but their goals are largely the same. DRIVE is under the control of the Commission of European Communities (CEC), while PROMETHEUS is part of the European Research Coordination Agency (EUREKA) platform, an industrial research initiative involving 19 countries and European vehicle manufacturers.
Intelligent Transportation Systems in the U.S.
The U.S. move towards an automated, integrated highway system began with a federally-mandated regional transportation study in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. It was completed in 1986. In 1988, a consortium was formed of various groups that had participated in the study. They named themselves Mobility 2000 with the objective of developing highway and road technology and systems parallel to the European Prometheus and DRIVE projects.
In 1991, two pieces of legislation were passed that made it possible for development of technologies for an automated, integrated highway system for the U.S. The two pieces of legislation were:
High Performance Computing and Communications Act of 1991
• Vision for a National Information Infrastructure which Gore called the “information superhighway”. The concept of the NII changed almost immediately to the ‘Global Information Infrastructure’ (GII) after passage of this legislation.
• Funding for the build out of the communications lines (Internet) as we know it today.
• Money for Research & Development
• Open Use – educational, public and commercial use
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
• The purpose of the National Highway System is to provide an interconnected system of principal arterial routes which will serve major population centers, international border crossings, ports, airports, public transportation facilities, and other intermodal transportation facilities and other major travel destinations; meet national defense requirements; and serve interstate and interregional travel
• The National Intermodal Transportation System shall be adapted to “intelligent vehicles”, “magnetic levitation systems”, and other new technologies wherever feasible and economical, with benefit cost estimates given special emphasis concerning safety considerations and techniques for cost allocation.
• The National Intermodal Transportation System shall provide improved access to ports and airports, the Nation’s link to world commerce
It wasn’t until 1995 that the highways that would receive funding for the new integrated road systems technology would be designated.
National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-59)
The following are two of the designated priority corridors:
Sec. 332. High Priority Corridors, (Items 26 and 23).21
(26) The CANAMEX Corridor from Nogales, Arizona, through Las Vegas, Nevada, to Salt Lake City, Utah, to Idaho Falls, Idaho, to Montana, to the Canadian Border as follows…:
(23) The Interstate Route 35 Corridor from Laredo, Texas, through Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to Wichita, Kansas, to Kansas City, Kansas/Missouri, to Des Moines, Iowa, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Duluth, Minnesota. (Trans-Texas Corridor)
(a) <<NOTE: 23 USC 309 note.>> Pan American Highway.–
(1) Study.–The Secretary shall conduct a study on the adequacy of and the need for improvements to the Pan American Highway.
(2) Elements.–The study shall include, at a minimum, the following elements:
(A) Findings on the benefits of constructing a highway at Darien Gap, Panama and Colombia.
(B) Recommendations for a self-financing arrangement for completion and maintenance of the Pan American Highway.
(C) Recommendations for establishing a Pan American highway authority to monitor financing, construction, maintenance, and operations of the Pan American Highway.
(D) Findings on the benefits to trade and prosperity of a more efficient Pan American Highway.
(E) Findings on the benefits to United States industry resulting from the use of United States technology and equipment in construction of improvements to the Pan American Highway.
Blown away (again). Now I understand why the older folks are put away in homes- separated from the younger generation: their opinions won’t be heard. Elders are continuously mocked, their opinions classified as “bigoted” “outdated” I see this everywhere- even the house hunter programs on HGTV are forever tearing down the old, to make way for the “newer updated” trends. The nostalgia channels on TV only air tired old programs and none of the political arguments and talk shows: too bad as our youngsters could learn from our history and what we really were fighting against. Too many younger people, even middle aged still think it was a Red “Scare” and haven’t been informed that it was real and that the files weren’t released until the 1990s, past the mark where the files had to be sealed for 50 years for reasons of National Security.
Dear Old(er) People: If you are reading this, please TALK to your children and grandchildren. Tell them, inform them- what we were fighting against in your time. Tell them the worst has happened, and that no one noticed because no one believed you when you warned us. Do something, please.
Vicky I hope people will start reading all of the news regarding the public-private partnerships planned for all of the refugee programs. The plans for all of these big grant programs are all plain to see if people just go to the UN’s own website and read what they have in store. Few people understand that this is communism, or they don’t want to see it. They think it is humanitarianism out of control. They aren’t grasping the concept that the UN wants to equalize the incomes between 3rd world and The United States, the US citizens fronting the entire funding. Citizens aren’t angry enough. I just read an article where some group is getting Federal monies to teach 3rd world savages how to make drones. I also read in the same afternoon that 18% of all refugees in the state of Arizona where I live now, have latent TB. In one article they gush over all of the 3rd worlders, next they’re warning us of all the pathogens and dangers associated with islamic extremism. They are making us crazy.