Yesterday, Lazaro Ecenarro posted the following video he did at the entrance to the Red Mountains Mining company in Arizona.
Something that Laz said triggered my memory and I wrote the following on the facebook post that had Laz’s video:
I remember there was an issue in the 1990’s about the group that managed oil leases on public lands. The group was a subgroup within the Department of the Interior. The group – and I want to say their acronym was MMR (Mineral Management?)
This is my recollection but it may not be accurate in the details – but it is accurate in where … and the approximate timeframe and what to look for in terms of research:
The oil companies held leases on thousands and thousands of acres of land for potential oil drilling, but they were just sitting on the land. They were getting the leases dirt cheap… no pun intended. The government – Clinton Administration I think … decided to take those leases away from the oil companies because they were not using the land.
It may be connected with the Kelo Case tangentially. A corporation was able to take a woman’s home on the waterfront on the Communitarian (communist) principle of “highest and best use”. The city thought there was more value in the property for a Phizer Pharmaceutical facility than there was in property taxes so the government used condemnation to take her property in a mis-application of the word condemnation. She had a beautiful home but condemning it provided a way for the public officials to steal it.
I think this is the battlefront between the oil companies and the U.S. government.
The oil companies may be subleasing to foreign enemies – and paying off local officials to go along by giving them some share of a tanker of oil somewhere. This system of payoffs was apparently designed by some company in Khazakstan and it was how Saddam Hussein was getting around the UN oil for food sanctions.
The war on the American people is for the most part not being fought with bullets and guns. THIS IS A WAR IN THE CONTEXT OF EVERYTHING ELSE.
From a war point of view…. if an enemy destroys a water aquifer…. it’s even better than if they shoot 50 soldiers. If an enemy causes an oil spill in the Gulf as British Petroleum did, it’s better than bombing a building.
This whole global system of “market” control of production has to stop. The “market” itself is the monopoly and it controls ALL buyers and sellers.
As I recall, some British outfit operating in the U.S. controlling the global “market” for oil.
To make it more clear to you what “market” means, it means a COMPUTER SYSTEM that controls all buying and selling of whatever the “market” manages. Think of the design of EBAY because EBAY is the model.
Here is a link to the story I did on ENRON because Ken Lay is the one who started this whole system of “market” as being synonym for a computer system that monopolizes the market for whatever commodity is being bought and sold.
I just did another search and found that the name of subgroup within the Interior Department was the Minerals Management Service (MMS). I always read Wiki first to pick up source links, acronyms and program names. It’s very handy for that.
From that Wiki page, I did a search on Minerals Revenue Management. The page I found is about privacy, but the system they are describing sounds like the “market” system I described in the Market Racket. If they are selling our natural resources in a “market-based” global system where foreign firms get national treatment… they could very well be selling our natural resources to our enemies. Worse still… a piece of land might have many different kinds of minerals on it. Are they selling specific mineral rights to multiple companies such that you might have a lease for the water, the uranium, the whatever… ? If so, that would be a cluster … you know what.
Here are a couple of other article I found…
Department of Energy – timeline
Sex, Drug Use and Graft Cited in Interior Department
This is not the end of the story obviously. It’s a trail head from which to begin to unravel the corruption in our land management agencies.
How’s that Laz? 🙂