Refugee resettlement is supposed to be a humanitarian endeavor right? When the American people are shown pictures of refugees, they are shown the pictures that tear at your heart strings. What would they say if they knew that the woman pictured below is a refugee? They would be shocked to learn that some refugees look like this:
Hardly the image one expects to see. The above picture is from a story on the UNHCR website titled, Manpower and UNHCR empower refugees resettling. The story is date 2010.
Manpower is a temporary placement agency that has gone international and is partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The following is a quote from the article:
“I was told that the course would teach me how to work in an office and would improve my English,” said the young woman, who already speaks three other languages.
“I realize that I’ve learned so much from this course. I learnt how to submit a leave request, how to use a photocopying machine and other basic skills. My English language has also improved.”
Under the pilot project, 19 refugees – seven women and 12 men – have completed six weeks of classroom training in the camp. Through videos, role-playing and live instruction by specially-trained instructors and Manpower staff volunteers, refugees learned all the basic skills needed to work in any office in the United States. A further 30 refugees will be accepted for a second six-week course due to start in July.”
And Manpower has business partners – Microsoft being one in Europe and there is absolutely no doubt that they are doing the same thing here – especially in sanctuary cities:
Manpower, Microsoft and the United Nations
Stay Tuned… More to come
One Comment
Before you know it they’ll be pushing you around telling you what to do from the government public service (civil service) offices they work in. Australian government offices.are crawling with them where there is very little to do and vastly overpaid. Not really jobs at all. Mainly long morning and afternoon tea breaks, walking slowly around. Really cushy air-conditioned stuff. I myself quit that environment for real muscle and skill work. Not sorry either. Moslems pushing westerners around with government clout. I’m not afraid of giving a bit of backchat either.