Bill Clinton and Al Gore’s “reinvention of government” was about privatizing government functions – handing them off to tech companies to automate processes as much as possible – hence electronic government otherwise known as eGov.
Either they didn’t know – or didn’t care that the centralization of electronic systems was conversion to a fascist system of control with communist management systems for the people and businesses under government regulatory power. It’s not too late to hang the bastards but there are more important things to do which means unwinding the systems that are choking our economy and our people while they rob us blind.
Department of Defense – Foundation Documents, 2006
E-Government Act of 2002 – House version: H.2458 became Public Law 107-347 on 12-17-2002; Joe Lieberman – senate version), Report 107-787. The legislation that drove a stake through the heart of America.
Office of Management and Budget Electronic Government Services – Establishes in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the Office of Electronic Government (Office).