Note: This article is a composite of a couple of articles on my old website In my early research and reading, there was a lot of duplication as I struggled to comprehend and absorb the magnitude of the betrayal of our country. Some new information was added (requirement for the states to pass legislation requiring state judges to honor a Hague Convention under threat of loss of funding for Health & Welfare if they didn’t pass it.)
The following are excerpts from the Agreement Between the United States of America and the United Mexican States on Cooperation for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment in the Border Area, signed on August 14, 1983. It was a treaty – not just an agreement.
Recalling that the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, proclaimed in Stockholm in 1972, called upon nations to collaborate to resolve environmental problems of common concern;
Article 8 – In the case of the United States of America the national coordinator shall be the Environmental Protection Agency, and in the case of Mexico it shall be the Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecologia, through the Subsecretaria de Ecologia.
Article 9 – By mutual agreement they may also invite representatives of international governmental or non-governmental organizations who may be able to contribute some element of expertise on problems to be solved. The national coordinators will determine by mutual agreement the form and manner of participation of non-governmental entities.
Article 14 – the Parties may agree on a special modality of financing, taking into account the objectives defined in this Agreement.
This is UN regionalization – divide and conquer. Regionalization is a cannibalizing force against representative government. It usurps power (and property in this case) from elected officials – giving it to unelected and unaccountable committees and commissions. This is the communist system of governance – appointed apparatchiks working in soviets to determine and implement policy and regulations (law) by fiat. So in effect, the EPA was a Herald Patch – a cancerous seed of international communism in our country.
Expanding Areas of Responsibility
Any organization – government or corporate that has the authority and money to expand areas of responsibilities will do so. The La Paz Agreement created a fiefdom of the border region that power. (Probably more accurately, a thiefdom). Supposedly, the mandate of the EPA is health of the environment so the next power partner to add was Health and Human Services. And of course, working in an international zone with an international body, they had to establish an international section of their department.
Internationalization of Domestic Agencies
U.S.-Mexico Border XXI Program
Office of Global Health Affairs – Regional Affairs
HHS – Office of Global Affairs
Mission Statement
To promote the health of the world’s population by advancing the Department of Health and Human Services’ global strategies and partnerships, thus serving the health of the people of the United States.
(Have you ever read such twisted bullshit in your life?)
Global Health – Sharing Solutions to Global Problems
Office of International and Refugee Health
Global Health Core Messages
FDA in the international arena
Expanding areas of responsibility:
HHS Efforts in Global Health, August 17, 2001
FDA in the international arena
FDA and the Department of Agriculture.
HHS News, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, September 4, 2001,
U.S. and Mexico to Share Vital Food Safety Information
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) 2008. References the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. This Convention was not self-executing. It required the states to pass legislation recognizing the Hague Convention and requiring state judges to honor the decisions of the International Court at the Hague pursuant to it.
Government Services for Foreign Workers: The New Giant Sucking Sound
Government Services for Foreign Workers: The New Giant Sucking Sound
The states were extorted by the federal government to pass this legislation (note: it was required of all states, not just Idaho).
Archive of the research on the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) 2008