Yesterday, a friend sent a link to a video of an interview between Steven Molyneux and Charles Ortel that was posted on November 5, 2016. The subject of the interview is the fraud of the Clinton Foundation as charitable institutions. Under New York State law, how the Clinton Foundation operates is not a charity. On Charles Ortel’s website, he has summaries of his research concerning the charities.
[Note: youtube deleted the channel but a podcast of the interview was found HERE.]
The charities are only one part of the story – part 2 actually. Part 1 occurred before 1997 and it concerns how the Clinton Administration changed our form of government through the redesign of our systems of government. Clinton, Gore and whole lot of other people including Republicans are World Federalists. The objective of World Federalists since the 1947 Montreux Declaration (actually before – but formally and publically), has been to create a World Federal Government.
The New World Order that George Herbert Walker Bush talked about in 1990, was a World Federal Government. Obviously that means a transfer of U.S. sovereignty to a World organization. The race to the finish line began in 1990 because the Cold War with the Soviet Union was declared over at the Malta Summit in 1989. One of the historical documents is on the George Washington University website. Document 11 is key to understanding all that follows in terms of Climate Change and technology which is required for global control for a World Federal Government. The following is a summary of the document contents from the website with emphasis added:
This draft prepared by Gorbachev’s aides envisions quick progress across the entire spectrum of U.S.-Soviet relations, starting with the proclamation that the Presidents at Malta “came to a common conclusion that the period of cold war was over and that the emerging era of peace opened up unprecedented opportunities for multilateral and bilateral partnership.” The draft calls for preparation for a full-scale “watershed” summit in 1990, and puts “harmonizing national interests with universal human values” as a top priority for the two countries. The Soviet proposal outlines a comprehensive program of arms control with the goal of “creating a fundamentally new model of security.” In addition to quick progress on START and “radical reduction of Soviet and U.S. stationed forces in Europe,” the Soviet draft calls for discussion of “Open Skies, Open Seas, Open Land and Open Space” proposals. This draft shows that the Soviet side came to Malta with an ambitious arms control program – exactly what the Bush administration was trying to avoid – but the Malta discussions would lead directly to a growing Bush embrace of the arms reduction possibilities on offer.
The new model of security involved centralized and globally linked information systems combined with ubiquitous data collection, computing, surveillance and sensors, etc. It’s a no-brainer… if they control your critical infrastructure, they control your city, country, whatever the political jurisdiction. The following begins on page 4 of Document 11:
…With a view to developing joint initiatives, continue to examine problems of interstate relations in the North-South perspective and ways of steering them away from the situation of crisis as well as the issues of international debt.
Work for a step-by-step solution of the problem of compatibility of the Soviet and U.S. economies and more comprehensive involvement of the Soviet Union in the world economic systems and seek to establish a better legal basis for the two countries’ economic cooperation. Coordinate the efforts of the two countries economic agencies working to prepare in time for the summit meeting in the United States an important package of commercial and economic agreements and accords.
Recognizing the ever increasing importance of joining the efforts of all countries to solve transnational problems for the progress and survival of human civilization, provide general political coordination of cooperation between the appropriate Soviet and U.S. departments and agencies. Attach special importance and urgency to questions such as harmonizing the Soviet and U.S. national environmental programs, bearing in mind the possibility of jointly promoting a concept of an international “code of ecological behavior”; enhancing U.S.-Soviet cooperation in the United Nations, including the presentation of joint initiatives; and formulating a long-term program for expanding cooperation between the USSR and the USA, including efforts by the appropriate agencies of the two countries, in combating international terrorism and drug trafficking…
In 1987, Charlotte Iserbyt and a group who called themselves the National Citizens Alliance exposed in a full page advertisement in the Washington Times, an agreement that Ronald Reagan signed with the Soviets in 1985. This agreement was a step forward in cooperation that was the subject of the Helsinki Final Act signed in 1975 by Gerald Ford. The following is the heading and a few excerpts from the 1985 General Agreement:
Article I
1. The Parties will encourage and develop contacts, exchanges and cooperation in the fields of the natural sciences, technology, the humanities and social sciences, education and culture, and in other fields of mutual interests on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and reciprocity.
Article II
a. The Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics signed at Moscow on May 23, 1972 and extended until May 23, 1987, by means of exchange of Diplomatic Notes
b. The Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Socialist Republics on Cooperation in the Field of Medicine and Public Health, signed at Moscow on May 23, 1972, and extended until May 23, 1987, by means of an exchange of Diplomatic Notes
CONTINUE READING… HERE (image copy of original) (updated version HERE )
The significance is that the cooperation involved the exchange of professors, teachers and journalists.
“Parallel to the exchanges specified under paragraphs a and b above, the Parties note and encourage the exchange of scholars between the American Council of Learned Societies and the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.”
The purpose of showing the 1985 General Agreement and the updated version is to show that the education, the environment and health were subject areas for cooperation before the 1989 Malta Summit and that the cooperation involved the exchange of professors and scientists. The timeline becomes important for what follows next.
George Herbert Walker Bush was the one to negotiate the agreements with the Soviet Union for the end of the Cold War. As a consequence of those negotiations, everything he did during his administration was towards the goal of creation of a World Federal Government as evidenced by his own actions with the benefit of hindsight. He betrayed this country and the Clinton’s being World Federalists and opportunistic gangsters exploited the opportunities created by the dismantling of our nation-state. History is long and complex but when you get on the right track of – technology and environmentalism, it’s like being a hound dog on a coon’s trail – the stench is easy to follow.
Obviously – except for George’s pronouncement of a New World Order coming into view, the intellectual elite – which includes journalists at the newspapers of record, went along with the cover story of Climate Change as a function of the weather when in fact, Climate Change referred to the end of the COLD WAR and the warming of relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Environmentalism has been used both to change our laws and way of life to be more like the old Soviet Union. Treaties and international agreements written and signed on environmental issues have been for the purpose of creating an international body of law that governs the way we live, how we use our natural resources, how we control our borders and immigration (or don’t as the case actually is). The international law is the harmonized law for the World Government. Everything we do is within the sphere of the environment. Regulatory control of the environment is control of us. QED. They are trying to make environmentalism and humanism the new religion – replacing nationalism and God. Toward that goal, they went for the children first – to indoctrinate them into the de facto cult of GAIA.
In 1989, the Global Change Research Program was created by Presidential Initiative. In November of 1990, the Congress passed legislation (S.169) to formally create the program. The legislation defined the functions as:
- Requires that the research findings of the Committee and of Federal agencies and departments be made available to the Environmental Protection Agency and all Federal agencies and departments.
- Directs the President to establish an interagency United States Global Change Research Program to improve understanding of global change.
- Requires the Chairman of the Council, through the Committee, to develop a National Global Change Research Plan for implementation of the Program. Sets forth required Plan contents and research elements, including that the Plan provide recommendations for collaboration within the Federal Government and among nations.
- International Cooperation in Global Change Research Act of 1990 – Declares that the President should direct the Secretary of State to initiate discussions with other nations on: (1) international agreements to coordinate global change research; and (2) an international research protocol for cooperation on the development of energy technologies which have minimally adverse effects on the environment.
- Title III: Growth Decision Aid – Directs the Secretary of Commerce to: (1) conduct a study on the implications of growth and development on urban, suburban, and rural communities; and (2) based on the study, produce a decision aid to assist State and local authorities in planning and managing growth and development while preserving community character.
I’ve already written about the Talloires Declaration signed in 1990 by about 400 university leaders in an article titled, The Movement. Concurrent to that, was a piece of legislation that was passed by Congress and signed by GHW Bush titled, The National Environmental Education Act (S.3176).
National Environmental Education Act – Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish an Office of Environmental Education within EPA to carry out this Act.
Authorizes the Administrator to enter into cooperative agreements or provide grants to support projects to design, demonstrate, or disseminate practices related to environmental education and training. Outlines activities eligible for grant support and priorities in awarding such grants. Requires the Administrator to publish an annual solicitation for environmental education grants. Authorizes local education agencies, colleges or universities, nonprofit agencies, or noncommercial broadcasting entities to apply for such grants…
Requires the Administrator to provide for a series of national awards recognizing outstanding contributions to environmental education… for film, broadcast, or print media for public education and information on environmental issues or problems; and (4) the Gifford Pinchot Award for education and training concerning forestry and natural resource management, including multiple use and sustained yield land management… Authorizes the Administrator to provide for the President’s Environmental Youth Awards to be given to young people in grades kindergarten through twelfth for outstanding projects to promote local environmental awareness (Hitler’s Youth). Permits the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality to administer an awards program to recognize elementary and secondary education teachers who advance environmental education through innovative approaches.
Establishes the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation to: (1) encourage and administer private gifts in connection with EPA environmental education and training activities; (2) conduct other environmental education activities; and (3) participate with foreign entities in activities to further environmental education and training to address environmental issues involving the United States and Canada or Mexico.
EPA – National Environmental Education and Training
Going back to the Talloires Declaration on Sustainability in Higher Education signed by university leaders, recall –
Talloires Report and Declaration of the President’s Conference
Below are excerpts from the Talloires Report –
State of the World
For the first time in world history the human species is drastically altering the face of the earth and the composition of its atmosphere. Global air and water pollution, accumulation of toxic wastes, destruction of forests, and depletion of the ozone layer threaten the survival of humans and thousands of other living species. The integrity of the earth, its biodiversity, and the security of nations are at risk.
Role of Universities
Universities educate most of the people who develop and manage society’s institutions. For this reason, universities bear profound responsibilities to increase the awareness, knowledge, technologies, and tools to create an environmentally sustainable future. Universities have all the expertise necessary to develop the intellectual and conceptual framework to achieve this goal. Universities must play a strong role in the education, research, policy development, information exchange, and community outreach to help create an equitable and sustainable future.
Research and Policy Formation
Research on the complex interaction of human activities and the environment – examining strategies, technologies, policies, and institutional behavior – must be greatly expanded.Universities must lead the effort in the rapid development of environmentally sound technologies and the establishment of a new ethos to stabilize population, promote the efficient and sustainable use of energy, water, and other natural resources, repair damage, and prevent pollution and wastes. Universities must increase anticipatory research to identify future threats to a sustainable society, and develop solutions to circumvent these threats.
So the universities are the centers of the malignancy of radical environmentalism as the cover story for totalitarian world federalism. Further support for that is found in a biography of Daniel Sitarz, the acknowledged author of the Agenda 21 Plan of Action. In 2014, a biography that was published by the Earth Press website said the following:
From 199 to 2008, he taught and lectured as guest lecturer on sustainability and environmental issues for the Environmental Studies Program and the Environmental Resources and Policy PhD Program at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. He also served as project advisor for the first detailed sustainability assessment of the University in 2000 and was instrumental in the University’s signing of the Talloires Declaration on Sustainability in Higher Education. He was one of the initial founders and a director of Southern Sustainability (now the Southern Illinois Center for a Sustainable Future), and he has assisted numerous organizations and businesses seeking to further sustainability goals, including the Land for Learning Institute, the Center for Neo-Tropical Conservation, and many others. He has also advised many entrepreneurs and small business owners on green business and sustainability issues.
It makes more sense that Agenda 21 was written as a Plan of Action for the Universities than for Congress. As we all know, most of the member of Congress don’t read. They just vote the way they are told.
Getting back to the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Foundation was never a charity. I’m not sure there is name for the type of organization it is. They are engaged in an international socialist mission of “bridging the digital divide” bringing the Internet, technology, health care, and education to poor countries – and they are doing it on the backs of the American taxpayers by using the financial organizational structure of a charity. That puts James Comey in the crucible between international socialists, corporations and wealthy individuals that are contributing and profiting, and New York law enforcement which is the jurisdiction where the charitable organization is located. It should also be noted that because charitable deductions are involved, the IRS should be involved as well.
Here is a statement of the FCC Chairman from 2000 on Clinton’s Global Digital Divide Initiative –
Here is a 2014 press briefing on the Clinton Global Initiative website concerning Senegal: Expanding Broadband Networks from Tenerife to Senegal –
Here is a link to an article I wrote in 2009 called The Digital Fascism of the Dons of Davos