- +Beginning of the Information Age
- In the 1930’s and 40’s electronic computer systems were designed and built in laboratories by scientists. They had limited functionality making them essentially gigantic calculators. In 1946, Penn State University had built ENIAC. ENIAC was designed to solve engineering problems. In 1951, the Whirlwind computer at MIT was being used for applications involving air defense. In 1959, Stanford Research Institute and the Bank of America collaborated in the design of a computer system to manage the checking accounts of customers with the main feature being a device that could read magnetic ink on the checks for the purpose of automating the account posting process.
- +Efficiency Gold Mine
- Before the introduction of the computer, account posting was labor and time intensive. A good and experienced bookkeeper at Bank of America (BOA) could post check entries to about 2,000 accounts per day[1]. In that era, BOA was growing at a rate of about 23,000 new accounts per month. The first production version of ERMA was able to process 33,000 accounts per hour, 792,000 accounts in 24 hours and 5.5 million accounts in a week. The advent was a revolution in speed, efficiency and volume – vastly reducing the manpower required to do the mundane, repetitive administrative work of checking account management.
[1] Stanford Research Institute, The SRI ERMA Project, http://www.sri.com/about/ermastory.html
- +Pioneers in Business Computing
- By the 1960’s, there were seven manufacturers building computers for use by governments and large corporations. International Business Machines (IBM) was the largest. The others were Burroughs, RCA, Control Data, Univac, Honeywell, NCR and General Electric (GE). The Bank of America contracted with GE to manufacture 40 computers to install across California for their check handling processes.1
In 1954, Ronald Reagan was hired by General Electric to be their spokesperson for GE Theatre. The Theatre was a TV entertainment program that was used as a platform to sell GE’s products and vision. Reagan worked for Lemuel Boulware at GE. During World War II, Boulware was Vice Chairman of the War Production Board (WPB).2
The purpose of the WPB was to convert civilian industry to war production and to manage war material procurement. Propaganda was a major component of wartime production. It was used to build support for the war effort – telling people what they should think and how they should act 3. In 1945, Boulware was hired by GE to be head of their affiliated manufacturing companies for his expertise in management. “He was the author of two books. The first, “The Truth About Boulwarism” (1969; Bureau of National Affairs”), using General Electric as an example, dealt with measures that business executives and their companies could use to gain public confidence and with steps to help workers understand business economics”.4
About 25 percent of Reagan’s time with GE was spent touring GE factories, finding out about the employees, their beliefs, desires and fears. At the same time, he promoted GE’s policy of communicating business economics wrapped in the kind of folksy, old-fashioned Americanism that made Reagan one of the most popular public figures in American history. Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying about his time at GE: (it was) “a post graduate course in political science for me. I am seeing how Government really worked and affected people in the grass roots of America, not how it was taught in school.” 5
Frontiers of Progress refers to a GE Sales Meeting in Apache Junction, Arizona where Ronald Reagan gave a speech6 where he said, “Webster has defined a frontier as: An advanced or not fully explored region through accelerated improvements of its present products and their related facilities, and through added research and development. General Electric recognizes the computer business is an exciting frontier. The traditional pioneering efforts of the Company in this field have already resulted in dramatic new technologies”.
[i] Ibid.
[2] New York Times, Joan Cook, November 8, 1990, Obituary, Lemuel Ricketts Boulware, 95; Headed Labor Relations for G.E., http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE7DA133BF93BA35752C1A966958260
[3] Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture, War Production Board, http://digital.library.okstate.edu/encyclopedia/entries/W/WA021.html; Also Lew Rockwell, Karen De Coster, Propaganda’s Fools, http://www.lewrockwell.com/decoster/decoster64.html
[4] IBID …4
[5] GE website, Celebrating the Centennial, Ronald Reagan & GE, Progress Reports, GE Theatre at the Reagan Museum Opens, http://reagan.geblogs.com/ge-theater-at-the-reagan-museum-opens/
[6] Southwest Museum of Engineering, Communications and Computation, General Electric, Museum Archive, Frontiers of Progress – GE Computer Division, http://www.smecc.org/general_electric.htm
National Sales Meeting Agenda, http://www.smecc.org/frontiers_of_progress_-_1961_sales_meeting.htm
- +Restructure Local Governments for Efficiency
- Reagan, as Governor of California, initiated a project to restructure local government. A woman named, K. Maureen Heaton in a book titled Impossible Dream1, documented her activism in opposition to what she called ‘big government takeover’ – consolidation of city and county governments. Through that activism, she managed to get a copy of a report titled, “The Politics of Change in Local Government Reform”2. This report included case studies on experiences of local government consolidation attempts as well as the conditions under which changes could be made and the requirements for when the change-enabling event occurred.
[1] Charlotte Iserbyt, American Deception archive, 1990, K. Maureen Heaton, The Impossible Dream, type in Heaton in the keyword search box to find the book. http://www.americandeception.com/
[2] Institute for Local Self Government, January 31, 1974, John C. Houlihan, Executive Director, The Politics of Change in Local Government Reform, http://www.channelingreality.com/Power/Redding/Houlihan_Plan_P2_Change_OCR_Text.pdf
- +Reagan: GE's Man in the White House
- 1980 Ronald Reagan is elected to the presidency. In 1981, Reagan signed Executive Order 12329 creating a Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives1. The purpose of this action was to build the constituency groups and coalitions of the constituencies for what was to follow – which was privatization of government which is an oxymoron. A privatized government is not government – it’s corporatism – communism for the people as the fascists collectivize and confiscate assets while implementing policies of oppression.
[1] The American Presidency, Ronald Reagan, October 14, 1981, Executive Order 12329 – President’s Task for on Private Sector Initiatives, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=44377#axzz1yXsZ1FxN
- +Computer Industry Can Make Political Representatives Obsolete
- In research by Barbara Aho published in 2005 on the Council for National Policy, Aho reports that the letter from Willard W. Garvey to President Ronald Reagan about privatization was published in a media promotion brochure for an International Conference on Family Choice/Educational Vouchers that was sponsored by the NCP on Sept. 30-Oct. 2 of 1985.1 A copy of this letter came to me by way of Charlotte Iserbyt who worked on Private Sectors Initiatives in the Federal Department of Education for the Reagan Administration2. She has a copy of a letter from Willard W. Garvey to President Ronald
Reagan, written in 1984. Garvey founded an organization called the National Center for Privatization. In the letter, he listed the organizations that supported privatization with the comments:
“Privatization is now ‘an idea whose time has come’
The knowledge, communication, and computer industry can make political representatives obsolete!
The banner for “Volunteerism” refers back to the Private Sector Initiatives3 – to build coalitions of special interest groups whose purpose would be to act as the change agent instigators and chorus for demanding change (the ‘behind the scenes’ plan of which was to break down government – replacing our system of government with feudalism but probably more accurately fascism.
[1] The Council for National Policy (CNP) Part I, by Barbara Aho,
[2] Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Iserbyt, articles, interviews, books, bio, http://www.deliberatedumbingdown.com/pages/author.htm, article No American Left Alone
[3] The Heritage Foundation, November 2, 1981, Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D, Policy Analyst, Voluntarism and the Reagan Economic Program, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/1981/11/voluntarism-and-the-reagan-economic-program
[4] The American Presidency Project, December 12, 1981, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=43348
- +Thoughts
- When I was working, there was a program to loan businessmen to government agencies to help government entities to professionalize their management. The businessmen remained on the payroll of the business from which they came. They were “volunteered” by the company they worked for to “help” government.
Question: Was our government replaced with “volunteers” from business.
Ronald Reagan: Announcement of the Creation of the President’s Volunteer Action Awards to honor outstanding volunteer achievement by Individual Citizens. The awards were sponsored by VOLUNTEER – the National Center for Citizen Involvement.4
There is an organization called Ford Better World, a non-profit of the Ford Motor Company. It has a timeline of volunteerism.
There is another one that is even more disturbing. IESC:
IESC was established in 1964 at the initiative of entrepreneurs and philanthropists David Rockefeller and Sol Linowitz, who saw the need for American business leaders to provide technical and managerial advice to developing countries. An all-volunteer corps that viewed private enterprise development as a tool of diplomacy, IESC complemented the efforts of USAID and the Peace Corps, both founded just three years earlier.
In June 1964, President Lyndon Johnson announced the launch of IESC in the White House Rose Garden, in the company of representatives of prestigious American businesses such as Xerox, Time, CBS, and General Dynamics. In his speech, Johnson said that “the preservation of the free world may well depend on our success in seeing economic development succeed.” Since then IESC has been committed to the idea that private enterprise is the cornerstone of strong communities and strong societies.
Under the heading of “what we do”:
Local solutions that empower people to help themselves.
We implement programs with the support of USAID, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, U.S. Department of State, host-country governments, and private companies. We collaborate with local business and organizations to find appropriate interventions to promote economic growth. We are committed to long-term solutions and seek to connect our local partners with real markets—ones with viable buyers and suppliers—to ensure success and sustainability.
- +Commission on Privatization
- 1987 – 1988, President Reagan signed Executive Order 12607 creating the President’s Commission on Privatization. The focal point of the executive order was “private sector action to address public problems”1. The Commission published a 287-page report of a plan to privatize government2. From September 1987 to March 1988 roughly six months to produce a plan to dissolve government – replacing it corporate rule behind a façade of “public-private partnerships”.
[1] The American Presidency Project, Ronald Reagan, September 2, 1987, Executive Order 12607, President’s Commission on Privatization, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=34751#axzz1yXsZ1FxN
[2] USAID – government website, Report of the President’s Commission on Privatization, David F. Linowes, Chairman, PRIVATIZATION: Toward More Effective Government, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNABB472.pdf
- +Dissolution of American Government
- Twenty years of privatization – transferring government functions to corporations and dissolving America’s borders – merging government functions with Canada and Mexico and transferring sovereignty over our economy to the World Trade Organization.
- +Traitors in Common Cause
- The Alliance for Redesigning Government was formed. The Alliance consisted of corporations and foundations. General Electric was among the corporate sponsors for the Alliance – as was Goldman Sachs and Anderson Consulting (they brought down Enron).
Part 2 – Revolution: An Inside Job
Part 3 – Achieve the Impossible
Part 4 – Public Policy for Private Profit
Part 6 – Fascism By Any Other Name
One Comment
And for those of you who have lived to 80 years old this year (2018), you have been lucky to have lived in the best generation humankind has ever seen. Before that humans lacked enough technology and wisdom to live as long and healthy. But the direction we are going with technology now is nothing less than grim. Humans are genetically encoded to be self-destructive. They, or at least enough of them, are too greedy, selfish, and just plain foolish. Now we have computers that can out think humans being replaced by new models that can outthink the old models. Just look at people walking around staring into their spy-phones like zombies, seemingly unaware of their environment or what’s really going on in this world. When satellites are blown out of the sky, what will they do? Monopolies growing into oligopolies, growth of humans continue to rape and pollute our environment, and there is a contest, not to just get ahead in life, but a “Winner takes all” mentality. Just look at the new monsters in the neighborhood wiping out competitors. They include Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google, which are the beast entities monitoring, recording, and controlling all those texting zombies. But when something goes over its limit, that’s when bubbles are created to burst. Let this past week’s stock market drop of 1,000+ be a warning of what’s to come.
The Obsolete Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3quruHpcuo
Cellular City http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcANNdRAvdU