The other day, a friend sent a list of utility company subsidiaries for me to look at. She said the name of the company that owns all of those subsidiaries is National Grid. It’s a British company with American subsidiaries. What do you make of that?
My Goodness, thought I. You’re telling me that we have foreign ownership of segments of our electric utility grid, natural gas pipelines, electric generation? I thought we had a Department of Homescam Security that was supposed to be protecting our critical infrastructure. Surely, Homescam wouldn’t let our utilities fall into foreign ownership would they? Foreign ownership and/or foreign contractors of any part of our critical infrastructure is a compromise of that infrastructure.
Do you remember 9/11?
[Note – I had a video here but it was taken off youtube – 11/26/2024]
Oh yes, then I remembered. Homescam Security is busy down at our southern border helping the illegals to get a ride to their new forever home in the United States. We have such a wonderful and giving government – giving our country to third world illegals while treating Americans like trailer trash.
What in the world could the American people have done to make our government turn against us like that? As I think about it, all around the world, governments are turning against their own people. Remember how they said that Assad was gassing his own people? Imagine that. The leaders of the industrialized, successful countries working together to destroy their own highly productive populations while transferring wealth to the “shit hole countries” of the world to build them up while they tear us down. Since that makes no sense in a normal world, it must be war against the people of the industrialized countries with our governments joining into the psychopathic strategic take down of our country. It’s a take down because an America filled with foreign workers is not America.
The last three articles I’ve written were retrospectives on the 1992 Earth Summit. Simply stated, the message out of the United Nations conference was that the world was over populated. The people in the third world countries were breeding like rabbits and they were destroying their own environment like swarms of locusts devour all vegetation. Somehow that was the fault of the hard working people of the industrialized countries – especially Americans. But the freak show in Rio had a solution for it: A propaganda campaign with a
treaty for the fake science of climate change (fake news – fake science) and technology and systems are the solution to it. DUH… can we figure this one out? As if technology could keep Brazil from bulldozing the rain forests. The only way that could happen is if Brazil was using their bulldozers as blackmail leverage. The U.S. should have said, go ahead, mess in your own nest but we had a cocaine-snorting sex addict as president and the Vice President was a wholly owned tool of the technology sector. (Gore was an Atari Democrat – look it up).
On the National Grid website, when you click on the US side of the business, there is a picture of the U.S. President of National’s business. Isn’t that special? The UK wants to decarbonize the U.S. economy and provide rebuild opportunity for America’s working class (a McJob for everyone because the illegals get the construction jobs and H-1b’s are getting the tech jobs!) What a concept. Third world breeders are being imported to destroy our environment and the U.K. is going to save us by decarbonizing our economy. Call me crazy but that sounds like a security breach to me but more than that, it sounds like a war on the American people.
The cherry on top of this steaming pile is that Donald Trump is aiding and abetting in the foreign occupation of our country – as if his hands are tied. Yeah. Right. I believe that. Don’t you?
Great plan Donald. That’ll teach ’em.
Actually, The Donald is continuing with the same policies that were in effect during the GW Bush administration – flood our country with foreign workers. H-1b’s for the white collar tech jobs and illegals for the blue collar jobs. Some of my earliest work was on the issue of importing foreign workers to take American jobs. The traitors shout Shortages! Shortages! Shortages! The choice given to Americans as exemplified by Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company’s essay contest is Export Jobs or Import People. Donald Trump is repeating the cycle. He’s just a better con man than GW.
So what’s the point of all this besides the obvious exploitation of working people as commodities for trade in the global labor market (see GATS Trade in Services)? For the answer to that question, we have to go back to the National Grid story and what appears to be the United Kingdom’s attempt to re-establish the British Empire through strategic control of energy – worldwide by control of the electric transmission grids via IT systems (in other words, the Smart Grid). Of course to do that means they need a telecommunications system (fiber optic cable) and the electric transmission lines.
Service Companies
By way of introduction, think of a bank as a service company. The bank is the middle man between you and the people you do business with. They keep your money for you and they direct payments of currency (digital or paper) to the people you designate as payees for what you buy. So the bank is a third party service company. They control the money and they keep it flowing to keep the economy moving.
The Natural Gas Bank: Pipeline Service Companies
In 1985, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) established the same kind of bank-service company structure for natural gas. FERC issued Order No. 436 which made the natural gas pipelines “common carriers”. Common Carrier means that the pipelines no longer belonged to the gas companies. They became a “public conveyance” controlled by a Pipeline Service Company which served as the middle man between suppliers of natural gas and distributors of natural gas. The Pipeline Service Company in this context is “the bank”. The natural gas bank controls the flow of natural gas through the pipelines and they direct the flow from the suppliers to the distributors on order by the distributor. Read MORE here…
Electricity Service Companies: Bank of Electricity
In 1996, FERC issued Order No. 888 and 889 (see page 18 adobe) ordering the utility companies to divest themselves of their electricity transmission lines to make them common carriers in the same model as the above service company middle man system. Instead of calling the service companies that control the transmission lines electricity service companies – they chose to call them Energy Service Companies because at this point in the gambit, the third party service companies for gas and electric, could begin to FUSE into a single service company controlling our essential critical infrastructure as third party controllers of our access to the energy that we need for our economy. That’s what National Grid is doing. Of course these things don’t happen over night. It’s an incremental process that occurs over time but by looking at the British company, National Grid you can see they are well on their way.
Fiona Woolf
Of course all of that sounds like a conspiracy theory – until you look at Fiona Woolf, a Judas goat hiding within the skin of a woman. Woolf is from the UK. She came to the United States as a consultant to help restructure the utility business to establish the independent system operators – the electricity banks aka energy service companies that control the electric transmission grid. From her CV:
California, USA: Preparation of the Phase II (detailed) FERC filing of the documentation to establish the Independent System Operator and the Power Exchange and developing the operating protocols and procedures with the ISO and PX staff. Advised on the regime for existing contracts and ancillary services. Chaired large stakeholder meetings involving all regional participants.
USA: Strategic advisor to Board of PJM Interconnection LLC (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland) with reference to its role as an independent system and market operator, its governance arrangements, its market power monitoring functions and aspects of its transmission access arrangements and tariffs.
England and Wales: Leader of a McKenna team of 38 lawyers, advising on, drafting and negotiating over 700 agreements and codes for the restructuring and privatisation of The National Grid Company plc including the legislation, ancillary services agreements, the Grid Code, transmission access and pricing and the regulatory regime.
Of course the United States is a much bigger country than the UK and our entire country is electrified so it was a big job involving lots of money to establish Energy Banks – third party service companies across the country. No doubt because of that, Blythe Masters came to the U.S. to work for JP Morgan where she invented the credit derivative that caused the economy to blow up in 2008 according to Bloomberg.
Since I don’t understand credit derivatives very well so I can’t discuss those, but there is a lot of information available about Enron’s business model. The Enron meltdown was presented to the public as a case of accounting fraud when in fact what Enron was doing was that they were one of the first – if not the first of the energy service companies managing parts of the transmission grid and they became propagators of energy service companies. In an article in the Financial Times, the reporter wrote (emphasis added):
Former employees say it was easy for Enron to inflate services margins, because no one could accurately predict them. Perhaps Enron’s boldest assumptions had to do with something called “efficiency projects”.
As part of the Quaker deal, Enron was permitted to spend its own money to upgrade equipment such as boilers and lighting if it believed the investment would improve its margins over the life of the deal.
In total, EES identified efficiency projects at Quaker that it forecast would save $25.3m over the life of the deal at a cost of $14m.
These projections were highly speculative, former employees say. They took into account hard-to-predict variables, including future energy prices, construction costs and the client’s future energy use. In spite of this uncertainty, before the projects had proved their savings Enron booked $11.3m in profits based on efficiency projects at Quaker.
Enron’s business model was a virtual energy company – an energy services company – a middleman energy bank. In 2009, the FCC produced a National Broadband Plan. This report was no doubt produced not only because of the Enron financial fraud and the subsequent congressional investigation but also to inform the public and the Congress of the plans for the various technocratic uses of the Internet that were planned by corporate leaders partnered with the government. In Chapter 12 titled, Energy and the Environment, the following is a figure that describes the business model of the Virtual Energy Company.
Enron’s deal with Quaker was an ancillary energy agreement (refer back to Fiona Woolf’s CV). The problem was that American corporations are very mindful of every dollar they spend on overhead. It was a smart move on Quaker’s part to have Enron pay for their efficiency recommendations because there wasn’t enough (if any) payback on the investment otherwise Quaker would have already done it. It’s highly unlikely that Quaker would have gone along with the plan except for the corruption of the Department of Energy when all of these systems of CONTROL were planned. Our entire government has been corrupted by the management capabilities enabled by the Internet and their partnership with the Tech Companies that the government authorized to design and implement them. What we have is a technocratic control grid that is largely in the hands of the private sector that profits from the use of those systems and they are authorized to do that because of regulatory racketeering which is the use of regulatory power to create a demand for non-cost effective efficiencies (that are in reality totalitarian control mechanisms).
Smart Grid is the data grid is the control grid and the third party Service Company Banks control the inflows and outflows. And National Grid – a British company apparently wants to be the world’s energy bankers controlling the flow of units of energy perhaps measured by BTU? BTU is a generic enough unit of measurement that people as units of energy could be valued in BTU’s based upon their age, profession and ambition (willingness to expend energy to achieve a goal).
Even Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world is implementing a smart grid.
Dhaka Power Distribution Company
Gee whiz as I think about it, with the third party service companies in the middle and everything connected to the smart grid, this would be the perfect design to implement a system of social credit like the Communist Chinese have implemented. All they need is Big Data and look at this diagram of the smart grid with the data center in the middle of everything.
Cutting to the chase, the analysis is that the geniuses at the Department of Energy, the Treasury Department conspired with the British to design a new economic system for the world based on energy. Technocracy was the intellectual foundation but back in the day when Technocracy was founded, they didn’t have the capability to implement a system like that. Today with the Smart Grid and computing technology they do. All they need is to control the telecommunications systems of all countries along with the pipelines and utility companies. Eventually all of the smart grid systems in each country will link up as National Grid, plc. is doing and the world will have a totalitarian management system as our legacy to future generations. Complete and total control of everything. Think about that the next time you see a small child and think about what you are giving to him or her.
The British Empire was a maritime empire. They controlled port cities for commerce and that’s how they controlled countries as large as India. All they had to do was to buy off local officials in the port city and they were in control. That’s the same strategy that is being used today – control of the port cities with port security being the hubs of control for the Service Companies.
In the 1990’s Total Quality Management – Six Sigma for the military was all the rage. The idea was to level the corporate hierarchy and spin-off non-core functions to contractors. The contractors were Service Companies. That was the method for gaining control because OBVIOUSLY the core does not function without the support services. Support services are essential to the core business function. DOH! With that in mind, take a look at SERCO NA. Service Company – North America another British company.
Patrick Wood on the Smart Grid
Pingback: Decarbonizing the Economy: Building the Technology Beast System – Abel Danger
This is very disturbing to me! This is part of the new interconnected one-world order. I don’t want anything that is WiFi, smart, or intrusive into my (deteriorating) private life. To me this is like communism, only worse. Why the heck can’t we take care of ourselves? Technology is not only being used to take away our privacy and freedoms but it is also harming our health and the health of our planet, as well as making us homos worthless entities. What good are we when A.I. software, robots, automation, and other technology is taking our jobs and our need to do physical or mental chores?
So then since we are heading to becoming worthless beings we bring in anyone who can successfully illegally or legally cross our borders, by the millions per year, thanks to Democrats, RINOs, Leftists, and other worthless “Americans” (U.S. citizens) who either want them to come here or don’t care and/or refuse to do anything about it. We are being invaded by armies of alien invaders and those lefties want to make Trump look bad since he is (was?) the best politician ever when it comes to immigration control. They (traitors) refuse to help him control the aliens, and yes he is giving in to more growth of high-tech aliens which is wrong.
I definitely know that this planet is overpopulated. But not because there’s not plenty of land or other resources, but for the reasons stated in Vicky’s article: “The people in the third world countries were breeding like rabbits and they were destroying their own environment like swarms of locusts devour all vegetation” which is a fact. And they still are! True it’s not the fault of the hard working people of the industrialized countries for the most part – especially Americans, but still they are to blame for bringing in armies of illegal/legal immigrants and refugees. The difference between now and 100 years ago is back then people would come here to work, but now most are coming here to take advantage of our social benefits. So many of these people are bad. Many are litterbugs, bad drivers, rapists, gang members, graffiti vandals, polluters, terrorists, murderers, fraudsters, and the list is very long. Many secretly just hate us infidels. So we are overpopulated with bad people, and we already have plenty of good people out of the 325 million plus living in the USA today. Why bring in more? Because Whitey can’t afford to take care of a lot of kids? House prices too high? Healthy food too expensive? Medical care to pricy? Taxes to pay for welfare to immigrants too high? No problem, just print and borrow more money to bring in millions more aliens, that’s what we the people are doing! While our infrastructure goes to hell. While 1 in 8 species on earth are getting closer to facing extinction. While our food is no longer food quality due to massive non-natural additives and chemicals. We are one of the fattest and malunrished nations on earth, if not #1.
Yes, terrible, “Third world breeders are being imported to destroy our environment and the U.K. is going to save us (not so) by decarbonizing our economy”. We don’t need them, the breeders or foreign intervention! We can and should regain our sovereignty and take care of ourselves! (Good for Trump on tariffs, but not on growth!) We don’t need any more growth! Why live like communist China at 1.3 billion camera-controlled faces? Our 320+ million is way too many because we have way too many scumbags living here and coming here, and we already have plenty of good people! So, why not reduce all immigration by 95%? We should! Sure, if everyone was good, then I would say we are not overpopulated, but they are not and we are! And keep the high-tech people out so they can stay in their own countries and make them better instead of terd-world hellholes.
As far as Donald Trump goes: there are NO good politicians! That is because we the people are divided on too many issues, so to be elected you are always damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I like Trump better than most of them because his stand on immigration and islam and a couple other things, but it’s we the people (mostly the lefties and RINOs) who are to blame and demanding he and others do the wrong things. So yes he like all of them has his flaws, but who else will stand against the alien invasion? The demonCRATS?. It’s all part of the new one-world order communistic A.I. clouds, meaning that soon we will all be run by automation anyway, like 95% of FaceRape (aka Facebook) already is. I’m not disagreeing with Vicky on the negative things about Trump, since I haven’t done my research I assume she might be right. I’m just saying look at the others (i.e. as Vicky says: Bush).
So Vicky and I have a few differences or perhaps it’s just that we see a few things differently, but who doesn’t differ with everyone on something? But I can see we are pretty much in agreement on most everything in her (this) latest article. And to the rest of you technology controlled puppets out there submitting to and obeying authority instead of questioning it, just wait until an EMP pulse or virus or something else brings down the WW grids. Where will you be when your spy-phone (aka I-Phone) goes blank? You’ll be walking around like zombies in walking dead movies, helpless, worthless, out-of-control creatures. In the near future, A.I. will know that too about you all.. Your god, no god, will help you.
Symphony of Destruction:
Grid dependent texting zombies:
World Destruction:
Vicky I am concurring your findings on President Trump. I once opined his hands WERE tied, that he was held over a barrel. I still believe that- but also am seeing him embrace the foreign workers plan.
“Technocracy was founded, they didn’t have the capability to implement a system like that. Today with the Smart Grid and computing technology they do” This is so important, there are SO many- so many! seemingly innocuous details in our lives, that in themselves seem rather insignificant but altogether will be chained togather- such as the Smart Meters, our smartphones, even the garbage men will have access to our entire digital life and goings on in real time, thanks to the FirstNet intercommunicability program. “See something, Say something!” Vicky, do you remember that murderer shooting spree kid Nikolas Cruz? A lot of people DID “say something” – to the tune of over three thousand calls and communications to law enforcement and FBI- real, credible fears- his own mother called & warned FBI this kid was going to kill someone. ” CNN. Just five months ago [before the shootings}, he stated his aspiration to become a “professional school shooter.” < People DID see and say something- & what did law enforcement do?
Vicky I re-read this piece & I think it is the most concise, robust & informative post there is on the current situation and it's all in a nutshell. This is what got me reading: "Oh yes, then I remembered. Homescam Security is busy down at our southern border helping the illegals to get a ride to their new forever home in the United States. We have such a wonderful and giving government – giving our country to third world illegals while treating Americans like trailer trash…..: The public believes ICE job is to keep out illegals. It isn't- it's simply to PROCESS them. Get them in the system. They don't turn anyone away. They scare off some scum but it's a few persons per day. They are spending a lot of tax dollars at the border with all sorts of IR and telescopic cameras, radio systems, and manpower. I hear them over my scanner & their goings on. There was an article about an ICE agent who made disparaging remarks about illegals, and I believe fired for it. People can't speak their mind. I don't know if he actually did anything against the law, but he was terminated based on his opinions. What's going on with our American citizenry, that they embrace the policing, and damning of an individuals opinions? So much so to have them lose a career? Yet Muslims have pretty strong opinions about gays and women, and Jews- oh that's ok. "What in the world could the American people have done to make our government turn against us like that? " Indeed!
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