In the year 2000, the G8 meeting in Okinawa Japan, the leaders of countries (actually the trade representatives that negotiate the so-called trade agreements that aren’t), declared the Global Information Society. The reports from the meeting can be found on the University of Toronto website where they maintain an archive of all meetings and reports.
In the U.S. the move to the so-called Information Society began in the transportation sector in 1990. Samuel Skinner, a former IBM rep was the U.S. Transportation Secretary. The Markle Foundation became involved in the Information Society movement in the year 2000 if not before. In a report titled, Creating a Development Dynamic: Final Report of the Digital Opportunity Initiative in the acknowledgements, they wrote:
The Digital Opportunity Initiative thanks representatives of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and developing countries for their valuable contributions to this report.
The following are excerpts from the report:
Executive Summary:
The Digital Opportunity Initiative (DOI) aims to provide some fresh answers for this new reality. The uniquely diverse nature of this partnership has made it possible to combine for such a purpose the skills and expertise that each of its members—Accenture, the Markle Foundation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)—enjoys in their respective fields.
Page 7:
Industrialized nations that have a high degree of ICT penetration also experience high levels of wealth (see figure 1.1) and human development. However, there is still considerable uncertainty about the nature of the relationship between ICT and development. Recent efforts launched by the international community—including the G8’s Digital Opportunity Taskforce (Dot Force) and the United Nations ICT Taskforce—directly recognize the urgent need to harness ICT to contribute to the achievement of development goals. These efforts are significant, not only because they seek to develop strategies and initiate innovative and effective action on the ground, but also because they represent and encourage new forms of collaborative interaction among government, private sector, multilateral, and non-profit organizations.
As a contribution to this global effort, at the G8 Okinawa Summit,4 Accenture, the Markle Foundation, and the United Nations Development Programme formed a public-private partnership5 to launch the Digital Opportunity Initiative (DOI). The DOI aims to help mobilize, focus and coordinate action by developing a strategic approach to harnessing the benefits of ICT for sustainable development. The present report will focus on lessons learned to date about the value of ICT for achieving development goals, and will offer an analytical framework that developing countries and the international community can use as a guide for designing and implementing a more strategic approach to the use of ICT for development.
In July of 2001, Markle published a report about ICT for Development:
Creating a Development Dynamic: Final Report of the Digital Opportunity Initiative
In 2002, the Markle Foundation and their “partners” published a report titled, Protecting America’s Freedom in the Information Age: Full Report. That title is a tongue-in-cheek joke.
Protecting America’s Freedom in the Information Age: Full Report
In the full report, see pages 69, 73, 81 and 91 just to reassure yourself that what you are looking at is the real deal.
In 2003, Markle produced another report. This report is available online, but the color of the cover is different and the number of pages is different than the copy I have so I’m uploading the copy I have that I found a number of years ago. In this report, search on the word “aggregator” and read those sections for sure.
Creating a Trusted Information Network for Homeland Security
The above report includes Appendices that are at the end of the report but there was a separate pdf of the Appendices that was found.
Notice the first paragraph and who was involved in the preparation of this report:
Appendix A
Reliable Identification for Homeland Protection and Collateral Gains
This paper is presented by the Subgroup on Reliable Identification for Homeland Protection and Collateral Gains, which is chaired by Amitai Etzioni. Members of the subgroup are Robert Atkinson, Stewart Baker, Eric Benhamou, William Crowell, David Farber, Mary McKinley, Paul Rosenzweig, Jeffrey Smith, James Steinberg, Paul Schott Stevens and Michael Vatis. This paper was written by Amitai Etzioni.
If you don’t know who Amitai Etzioni is, then you need to find out. Here is a paper that will give you an introduction. After you read this, then find the work of Niki Raapana and read her work on Communitarianism.
Watch this page because I will be adding more reports.
Oh Thank you, Vicky for this. I did read the piece on Amitai Etzioni, written by the brilliant Edward Younkins. Now I “get” Alexandria Ocasio Cortez! Here’s Younkins description of Etzioni: “… he barely discusses communitarianismwithin its philosophical traditions. Instead, his sprawling, inconsistent, andintellectually deficient writings are pragmatic and aimed at an audience of activists and policy-makers rather than intellectuals. “That’s Ocasio-Cortez and all like her- activists, change agents, policy makers, none with a double digit IQ.
OK- about data- this is what happens when things get “aggregated”: “UCSD’s EmPower study focused on the health outcomes of women with HIV and AIDS based on the frequency of care. Researchers teamed up with Christie’s Place, a nonprofit that supports women with the virus. Seven months ago, study leaders discovered that delicate information, including audio-taped conversations with participants, was accessible to all Christie’s Place employees. The researchers were also told that the facility used the study participants to pad their patient numbers, which would mean more money from the government. A spokesperson for Christie’s Place denied the latter allegation.”
Vicky Davis
I haven’t read anything that Etzioni has written. I’ve read some of what Niki Raapana wrote but not much. I don’t need to read about communitarianism to know that it is a philosophical cover story to justify/explain the all encompassing nature of the totalitarian system of control that’s been built. IT systems are perfect for totalitarian control because by their very nature they centralize control even when the systems appear to be distributed because of how the Internet functions. With all of the data aggregated in the background, they have everything they need for totalitarian control. The philosophy of communitarianism – community before individual is required so that the systems of control can be changed at will.
Etzioni is like the proverbial Judas goat teaching the morons that Satan is good guy and Jesus is the bad guy therefore go the way of Satan and enslave your fellow man.
I’m not surprised by that story of the data/privacy breach. The government is funding a lot of “social jobs” providing support services to people. Maybe gathering data is actually their real job. The entire U.S. population has become lab rats for medical science thanks to the design of the health care system – lab rats collectivized into one big communitarian herd.
Vicky- US veterans being used as lab rats:
“Misconfigured” website to blame on data breach affecting over a million patients?
I really wonder if these are bonafide “errors”, or planned breaches.
Vicky Davis
There is nothing like a good crisis to bring in more money. How many events have we seen in recent years of things that shouldn’t have happened – but did happen and in many cases, right before budget time.
The health care system – nationalized medical records was designed for medical research. It’s something that is so obvious to a systems analyst because there is no way to justify the expense otherwise.
I did a couple of stories on the Phoenix VA Hospital but I can only find one. The woman who was managing it was in no way qualified to be managing it. What I found out after I did that story was that the VA hospital was buying a lot of renewable energy credits because the government requires agencies to use renewable energy when it is available. Once energy produced by a renewable source (wind,solar, etc.) hits the electric grid, there is no way to tell what the difference is between electricity generated by a bulk power utility company and electricity produced by a windmill so they came up with a system (third party energy service companies) that keep track (allegedly) of the production of renewable energy and they issue renewable energy credits for it (subsidies to help build out the system). Of course there is no way to audit the system so they basically has a license to print money. Yet another government racket.
Here is the article on Sharon Helman: