By Fear They Shall Rule
As revealed in previous work, the G7 leaders of countries agreed to establish GLOBAL SYSTEMS. Global Systems does not mean just the telecommunications network we call the Internet. Global Systems means internationally connected systems of “governance”. One of those systems is the Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative (GEMINI).
When the G7 foreign ministers decided upon the pilot systems in 1995, they also decided which countries would be assigned to be the coordinator for which project. The United States was assigned the GEMINI system. No doubt that seemed like a logical choice because the U.S. had the Federal Emergency Management System (FEMA) to build upon.
“The ability to respond depends on community, national, and global information and resource networks“
Follow the History
Jimmy Carter, the freak president who came out of nowhere established FEMA as an agency to centralize response for civil defense and for disasters in 1979 by signing Executive Order 12127.
Executive Order 12148 was signed a few months later to add civil defense functions into FEMA’s portfolio. Note: Carter did some fast shuffles with the authority for telecommunications. George Washington University compiled a very handy list of executive orders pertaining to telecommunications.
In 1988, President George H.W. Bush made FEMA international as documented in FEMA’s own history of the agency.
Continuity of Bureaucracy
Jimmy Carter also pushed the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 which created the Senior Executive Service to ensure Continuity of Bureaucracy.
Homescam is DOD in Drag
Out of the ashes of the Murrah Building disaster, Homeland Security was born and the sun set on America.
The 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK shook the Nation with the emerging threat of domestic terrorism. In 1996, Congress passed the Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act that reshaped the role of our Agency and other entities to further protect the public from terrorists. Earlier that year, President Clinton also raised our FEMA Director to cabinet-level status, signaling the importance of our disaster authority and responsibilities in response and recovery.
. . . With the threat and hazard landscape continuing to evolve, Congress also passed legislative reform to further advance disaster risk reduction. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 marked the first time in history that disaster management legislation placed a requirement on state and local governments to assess risk and plan for mitigation efforts as a condition of receiving Federal mitigation grant assistance. P.21
National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 1997
Title XIV
Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act
Public Law 104-201 — September 23, 1996
Public Law 106-390
October 30, 2000
(5) with a unified effort of economic incentives, awareness and education, technical assistance, and demonstrated Federal
support, States and local governments (including Indian tribes) will be able to—
(A) form effective community-based partnerships for hazard mitigation purposes;
One Comment
I can’t watch these “agit-prop” videos Vicky- I get too angry, and I’m sick of it all. If you don’t mind I copied a comment from the Youtube page of this BS video though if you don’t mind: “Wendy Lou 5 days ago Wait…is that the same shower cap girl at the DC protest that attacked Trump supporters?!?!
Also I might add…is anyone going to investigate the $10 billion that BLM has raised? Where is this money going? Is it being spent to help communities or to arm this group???
$10B is alot of money and it’s a legitimate question.
Where the hell is our FBI and why do we even need them anymore?!” I am furious the “Office of President-Elect” (not a real office, by the way, it’s not, nor ever has been an official term- it’s merely a phrase as in “latest Lotto winner” or “barber college dropout”but that didn’t stop rubber-face The Joker/Biden campaign from sharing a pic of BIden in front of an official-looking seal “Office of President Elect” in the background) is not addressing the question on BLM money. I am more angry at America for not DEMANDING an accounting of that money. If it isn’t BLM, it will be something else- and so on and so on.