On December 30, 2020, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch did a special interview with General Michael Flynn. In the interview, General Flynn said referring to when the Obama Administration first came into office, “it felt like a hostile takeover by a hostile force“. I have no doubt of that.
It’s a very important interview but what drew my attention was the mention of a report produced by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) on September 12, 2012 concerning the attack on Americans at the State Department compound in Benghazi. I believe General Flynn was head of the DIA at that time.
To the right is the interview with the time set at the point when Fitton mentions the report and then Flynn talks about it.
The parts of the report that are significant to me and my research are the following highlighted excerpts:
AZUZ was to set up bases in Libya
AZUZ established a college in Derna
It was located near the hospital
Hospitals, bases and colleges. They are key elements in the globalist cookie cutter economic development plans. The bases (transportation hubs) relate to the global transportation system for international commerce, the hospital (emergency room in particular) is an element of the global health system and global emergency management system. The colleges have a special role as “workforce developers”, they are the beneficiaries of the “innovation economy” – research dollars, foreign dollars, corporate dollars – king makers in the global system of work.
To understand the significance as I’ve understood it requires reading my prior research on Benghazi, the Undeclared War for Ports and the G7 Global Systems and in particular, the Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative (GEMINI).
The punch line is that the global mafia is creating conditions of insecurity (insurgency) and then they offer security (embedded security insurgency). I came to that conclusion after hearing the Fitton-Flynn discussion, reviewing my own research and then going back to 2011 it becomes obvious for reasons that you will see – and that you are now living. Remember, I’m an Analyst – not a journalist so I’m walking you through my logic.
I searched on the word: BCOAR Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (the Blind Sheik)
That search located a website called the Clinton Foundation Timeline, on which is located this article by Katie Weddington:
September 12, 2012 – The day after Benghazi attack in Libya, the Defense Intelligency Agency (Michael Flynn) releases a report saying the attack was planned 10 days in advance
I did a search on that website for 2011. (This is a great website).
The July 14, 2011 article is about one of Sid Blumenthal’s emails to Hillary about a security company called Osprey Global Solutions headed by Army Major General David Grange. The following are the significant passages from the article:
Blumenthal tells Clinton about Osprey’s attempt to get a contract to give “field medical help, military training, organize supplies and logistics” to Libyan rebels currently fighting Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi.
He adds, “Grange can train their forces and he has drawn up a plan for taking [the Libyan capitol of] Tripoli… This is a private contract. It does not involve NATO. It puts Americans in a central role without being direct battle combatants.
Blumenthal is a private citizen, journalist, and Clinton Foundation employee at the time. “Tyler” is Tyler Drumheller, who worked for the CIA until 2005. “Cody” is Cody Shearer, a longtime friend of Clintons. Blumenthal, Drumheller, and Shearer formed a business relationship to help Osprey.
The information on Osprey’s website in 2011 had to be extracted because the formatting they used at the time is not easily readable now.
Notice the company – Guardian 24/7
Bio’s of Leaders of Guardian 24/7, partners of Osprey
Now, go back to the extracted website of Osprey and read the list of services under the category: Life Support Services – Medical.
There you have it – Global Health and Global Emergency Management at a transportation hub/ with a privatized paramilitary team building the global force structure. The public side is diplomatic and philanthropic. The dark is psychopathic.
Defense Intelligence Agency Report, September 12, 2012
Obama, Hillary Clinton and the people in the upper reaches of his administration knew what happened at Benghazi but they chose to fabricate a story. Why?
Not sure if it is not relevant to your latest Vicky- but I noticed you didn’t mention PEPFAR (“Benghazi Bamboozle” : “The program that George W. Bush authorized was PEPFAR – President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. It appears to have been passed in the 108th Congress, H.R. 1298 with the title, United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003. It became Public Law No. 108-25 If you look at the media coverage about this legislation, it was supposedly a humanitarian endeavor – providing medications for people with AIDS. That wasn’t true. That was the cover story. The PEPFAR program is about a computer system – a global computer system: Global Health – medical care via telecommunications, logistics for the delivery of vaccines (containing God only knows what deadly pathogens), etc.” So I guess the new Trojan Horse for today will be COVID then? considering hardly anyone’s talking about AIDs these days. All this globalist stuff – reminds me so much of that Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man” remember that one? Martians come down, solving ALL the problems we Earthlings have to deal with- world hunger, crop failure, disease and wars. Vicky you remind me of the character in that episode-she’s a scientist or researcher? anyway, last moments of the show she is shown trying to chase down a scientist colleague before he boards a tourist spaceship to Mars- to alert him the bible To Serve Man the Martians are using is no how-to book but in actuality a cookbook.
COVID will be much more useful to them than AIDS. AIDS primarily effected homosexuals. COVID supposedly effects everyone including children. There is no reliable test for it. They can claim that anybody has tested positive and they must be isolated or quarantined. It will be useful from a political point of view because of that. Whatever is in that DNA-modifying cocktail, it probably will have a bad effect on people with underlying conditions – especially the elderly. As I see it, COVID is a great tool for a population purge. That Twilight Zone episode is a perfect analogy for how this diabolical scheme is rolling out.
On PEPFAR, yeah – I’m not finished with this subject yet. Doesn’t it strike you as anomalous that right after 9/11, right after the stock market meltdown, the congress would pass a piece of legislation like PEPFAR? The keyword is EMERGENCY. You are right btw… it was about a computer system – global health. I have to check this but I think the legislation to add a drug “benefit” to Medicare passed at around the same time – 2003. If I’m right on that, I don’t think it was a coincidence.
I do feel like it’s a losing battle. Communists won but I don’t know how to quit.