For over a decade, I’ve sounded the alarm at every opportunity telling you that the “reforms” that were planned for the health care system included using the American population for medical research. The whole purpose for the nationalized electronic medical records since the inception of the idea in 1990 was for medical research. The cover letter for the GAO study of the “benefits” of a nationalized medical records system commissioned by Senator John Glenn, Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee, began:
Dear Mr. Chairman:
In response to your request of December 4, 1990, we are reporting to you the results of our review of automated medical records. The report discusses the potential benefits that automation could make to the quality of patient care and the. factors that impede its use. We are making recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services to support automated medical records as part of the Department’s mandate to conduct research on outcomes of health care services.
Another significant excerpt from the Executive Summary:
In September 1989 the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine began a study of automated medical record systems, noting that patient medical record-keeping has changed little over the last two decades . . .
The Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are currently developing automated information systems for the broad support of medical care. These systems, which will provide support for both outpatient and inpatient services, are intended to replace manual systems and provide physicians with immediate access to data in patient medical records obtained from such departments as laboratory, pharmacy, and radiology. When complete, these efforts will provide automated information services to more medical facilities than any other hospital information system.
FHA – Federal Health Architecture
So how did the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration move to work on the civilian side of health care? First, look at a powerpoint that was prepared by:
Commander Laura Tillery
Deputy Chief Enterprise Architecture
Military Health System
Department of Defense
The following is a slide (Page 8) from the presentation – vital statistics and public health message added:
It was very clever how they did this. We had the anthrax dialectic. Anthrax as a weapon was found first in Florida where President Bush’s brother Jeb was Governor. The Florida Department of Public Health had a new employee – allegedly a medical doctor with a Masters in Public Health. His name was John Agwunobi, MD MPH.
You can read about John Agwunobi HERE.
The US Public Health Service is a branch of the military – just like the Army and the Navy.
They moved the military leadership of Public Health under the Secretary of Health and Human Services but they are still military. It’s the same as the organizational structure as the military under the Department of Defense.
Origins of the Public Health Commissioned Corps
Public Health Service – 1995 reorganization probably to work on Global Health Systems.
In researching the Public Health Districts, I found that they are independent agencies of the federal government – not agencies of the state. The state merely controls money coming from the federal government.
Public Health – Independent Agency
So how did the Public Health Military come to takeover civilian health systems? Port Jurisdictions. It’s easy to understand the takeover on the coasts. So how did they handle the takeover inland? George H.W. Bush ended the Interstate Highway system and began a new transportation program – the National Highway System was one component of it. The National Highway System was designed around the concept of intermodal transportation zones. An intermodal zone is one in which any two forms of transportation come together at a single point. Further, going back in time, global commerce included a provision for land-locked countries. They provided for inland ports. An inland port is the same as a seaport under international law – but it is not directly connected to the ocean except by land-based transportation routes.
Port jurisdictions are established through ground transportation routes – in particular by the interstate highway system as you can see below. Since the military is prohibited from operating domestically – except at ports, it’s pretty easy to see that the port jurisdictions created by transportation legislation become the points at which the Public Health Commissioned Corp – as a branch of military, can locate their interconnected systems of medical records for medical research. Add all of that to enterprise zone funding (goes by a number of different names – just focus on zone funding for economic development). Zone funding is the buy-off money for local and state public officials. They feed like pigs at the trough.