In the previous article, The Animal Farm, it was established that the Department of Energy initiated the Human Genome Project (HGP). Between 1986 and 1991, they were engaged in the planning stages including the development of computer systems and telecommunications infrastructure in addition to organizing the project teams for the combined biological and IT technical aspects of the project.
In 1990, the first steps were taken to redesign the U.S. Health Care System beginning with the nationalization of medical records. The High Performance Computing Act of 1991 legislation was passed to open access to the nation’s telecommunications system for business and the public. The real reason was to provide shared access to research databases and resources for the Human Genome Project. All other uses for it not related to the HGP have evolved as applications of opportunity.
In the year 2000, President Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair announced the completion of the sequencing of human DNA. They spent fifteen years, billions of dollars with thousands of scientists working on dissecting the human genome. Do you suppose they then intended to simply file that information in the vaults and call it done?
Basic research which is what the Human Genome Project was, is always followed by APPLIED BASIC RESEARCH. With the redesign of our health care system being implemented concurrently, they have set up the entire American population to be RESEARCH SUBJECTS in a system of integrated research and regular medical practice. I can’t be any clearer than that except to say that we have been set up to be the victims of crimes against humanity. And it isn’t the medical profession that did it. It’s the Public Health system which is a different animal. So from this point forward, when I write about health care reform, understand that the Human Genome Project is omnipresent in the background – driving the “reform”.
Funding Health Sciences Research
During World War II, basic research in the sciences made significant contributions to the success of the war effort. In 1945 Vannevar Bush, then head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), formulated a set of proposals intended to sustain the nation’s war-time research momentum and direct it toward civilian goals. His report to the President, entitled “Science, the Endless Frontier,” proposed a coordinated federal policy of investing in research and training new researchers.5 The policy was to be driven by scientific merit rather than by political or geographical interest. Subsequently, Bush and his colleagues in OSRD established a system by which grants and contracts were awarded to institutions based on scientific merit, and this approach became the cornerstone of the peer-reviewed, academically based system now in place for federally sponsored, competitive extramural research grant programs.
In the two decades following the war, several pieces of legislation changed the organization and conduct of scientific research in the United States. The federal government became the largest single sponsor of health research and about three fifths of these funds now come from programs in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), namely those in the Public Health Service (PHS).2 Within the PHS the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) allocate the largest percentage of federal funds for health-related research (Figure 2-4). Research funds in DHHS also are allocated to the Centers for Disease Control; the Health Care Financing Administration; the Health Resources and Services Administration; the Food and Drug Administration; the Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology; and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health in the PHS. Other federal departments and agencies have budgets for health sciences research as well—most notably, the Departments of Defense, Energy, and Veterans Affairs, and the National Science Foundation (NSF)
The Public Health system includes those freaks in the laboratories who design and develop new organisms for biological warfare. It’s the same system that is facilitating the importation of “refugees” which at this point are primarily Muslims from Muslim countries all of which puts an entirely different slant on legislation passed through the Congress in the early 1990s. Why? Because the Human Genome Project included scientists from all over the world.
Immigration Act of 1990
The Immigration Act of 1990 established the system of employment-based visas, investor visas and called for the Secretary of Labor to determine labor “shortages” in up to ten defined occupations and to develop a system of labor certification to allow employers to request visas even when there is a surplus of labor in a profession but claims there is a shortage for a particular job.
The significance of this legislation as a major step towards global systems, global “governance” and an invitation to terrorism cannot be under estimated. The devil is in the details of how the Secretary of Labor would go about fulfilling this legislative mandate. The place to begin with that is the initiation of the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) in 1990 by the U.S. Labor Secretary which was billed for public consumption as education reform.
Summary of the Legislation
Text of the Legislation (EB- visas to sell our country out from under us)
Soviet Scientists Immigration Act of 1992
After the Soviet Union allegedly collapsed, the U.S. passed this legislation to bring Soviet scientists to the U.S. This was well timed for the Human Genome Project requirements for scientists with experience in genetic engineering.
Senate Version of the Legislation
Introduction into the House of Representatives
Text of the Legislation As Passed
Preventing Proliferation of Biological Weapons: U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet States1
Excerpts – emphasis added
Reports indicate that Soviet development of biological weapons (BW) dates back to at least 1928 when the Red Army ordered Soviet scientists to find a way to deploy typhus as a weapon. The Soviet BW program expanded in the 1930s; there are strong indications that weapons testing involved some prisoners in Stalin’s labor camps…
Negotiations on the 1972 BiologicalWeapons Convention (BWC) alerted Soviet authorities to Western achievements in weaponizing pathogens.5 Soviet authorities reportedly doubted that other signatories would abandon their development of biological weapons. At the same time, a prominent Soviet molecular biologist convinced the Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev, and other Soviet authorities that developing genetically altered pathogens and more advanced ways to weaponize them would give the Soviet Union a strategic advantage in the Cold War.
In 1973, the Soviet Union created Biopreparat to pursue this new direction in BW development. It was a network of approximately forty “private” biological research and production centers (BRPCs), and reportedly its work remained hidden even from many high-ranking Soviet officials. At its peak, Biopreparat and four military biological institutes reportedly employed approximately 60,000 people.
Soviet BW Capabilities
According to unclassified reports, the Soviet/Russian BW program developed and produced genetically altered pathogens designed to attack human targets, agricultural targets, and environmental targets. The BWC classifies BW agents as bacteria, toxins, viruses, or rickettsaie. The Soviet/Russian program experimented with all these. The program developed and “weaponized” genetically-altered bacteriological agents such as anthrax, plague, tularemia, glanders, and brucellosis that were resistant to heat, cold, and antibiotics.7 They also “weaponized” several viruses, including:
• Small pox, which can kill 30-40% of an exposed population during an epidemic;8
• Venezuelan Equine Encephalitus, which is unlikely to kill but can incapacitate troops;
• The Marburg virus, which, like the Ebola virus is a hemorrhagic fever which destroys cells and causes massive internal bleeding.9
According to some sources, the Soviet/Russian program also developed “chimera” or “recombinant” weapons, such as a combination of plague bacteria and the myelin toxin which attacks sheaths protecting nerve fibers.10 Reports indicate that the Soviet/Russian BW program also developed weapons to attack plants and animals. The anti-plant diseases targeted corn, wheat, potatoes, tobacco, barley and other crops.11 The anti-animal diseases included Foot-and-Mouth Disease and African swine fever.
Freedom for Russia & Emerging Eurasian Democracies...Support Act of 1992
Text of the legislation Note: References to Helsinki Final Act and National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Senate Roll Call Votes (Final Passage by cowardly Voice Vote)
This program is still in operation and they’ve spent “more then $41 billion in U.S. government-wide assistance funding for the Eurasia and Central Asia region”.
You can read about it on the U.S. State Department digital archive.
Tech CEO Meeting / Dinner Party

Caption on the photo:
Guest list: Left, from President Obama, Apple Chairman and CEO Steve Jobs, Westly group founder Steve Westly, host’s wife Ann Doerr, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Genentech chairman Art Levinson, Cisco Systems, CEO John Chambers, venture capitalist John Doerr (host) Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, Stanford University president John Hennessy, Yahoo president Carol Bartz, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, unknown, Facebook founder, president and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
In 2012, the Federalist Society sponsored a panel discussion at Stanford University on the issue of deregulation of biotechnology, bioengineering and biological research – which obviously includes human biological research. They mask the real purpose behind the words “technology and innovation”.
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies was founded in 1982 by a group of conservatives and libertarians dedicated to reforming the current legal order.
Their purpose “entails reordering priorities within the legal system to place a premium on individual liberty, traditional values, and the rule of law… In working to achieve these goals, the Society has created a conservative and libertarian intellectual network that extends to all levels of the legal community.”
They are arguing for the freedom to use your body for genetic research integral to the concept of “personalized medicine”.
Click the image to watch the panel discussion on C-Span.
1 The report that originally found was on the Defense Technical Information Center website ( as report ADA454722 – ( The Congressional Research Service produced a report for Congress – same title but given the number CRS RL31368. It’s not known if the reports are identical but presumably they are. The report seems to have been scrubbed from the DTIC website and interestingly, I’ve been unable to locate the CRS report. Fortunately, I captured the CRS report which is the link for the article. updated 12/5/2024]
Armies of Pestilence: CNS Infections as Potential Weapons of Mass Destruction
Background: Public Health in Reverse
See Note: footnote 4
One Comment
I’m reading the SCANS (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) pdf now. This diagram, they call “EXHIBIT 1” is telling:
The know-how identified by SCANS is made up of five competencies and a three-part foundation of
skills and personal qualities that are needed for solid job performance. These are:
WORKPLACE COMPETENCIES: — Effective workers can productively use:
Resources — They know how to allocate time, money, materials, space, and staff.
Interpersonal skills — They can work on teams, teach others, serve customers, lead, negotiate,
and work well with people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Information — They can acquire and evaluate data, organize and maintain files, interpret and
communicate, and use computers to process information.
Systems — They understand social, organizational, and technological systems; they can monitor
and correct performance; and they can design or improve systems.
Technology — They can select equipment and tools, apply technology to specific tasks, and
maintain and troubleshoot equipment.
FOUNDATION SKILLS: — Competent workers in the high-performance workplace need:
Basic Skills — reading, writing, arithmetic and mathematics, speaking, and listening.
Thinking Skills — the ability to learn, to reason, to think creatively, to make decisions, and to
solve problems.
Personal Qualities — individual responsibility, self-esteem and self-management, sociability, and
So, basically, these “skills” needed are self-control, ability to work well with people from ‘other cultural backgrounds’ (rolling my eyes here) sociability (what’s that, friendliness? Least likely to make waves, maybe, or ask the ‘wrong’ kinds of questions?)
and, how to “navigate systems” (use a computer)
This is in black and white what Charlotte Iserbyt meant when she told us about “limited learning for life long labor[ers]” Lacking is real learning! Where is Latin? Where is Physics? Where is Electronic Circuits? Where is Mathematics?
It also is proven when, recently, a news story about a purported “genius” came out: “The boy makes his own radios, repairs his own go-kart and on Sunday spent about 20 minutes before bedtime assembling a clock using a circuit board, power supply wired to a digital display and other items”, The Dallas Morning News reported.
But he didn’t “make” anything. What he did, really, was remove a 1986 Radio Shack electronic clock from its housing by removing some screws, and put it into another box it would fit into: a pencil box. Radio Shack built the clock. He did nothing but take something out of one container and put it in another. Mind you- when I was 12 years old, I must have been some Einstein, but I got no visit to White House nor 100k from Microsoft, nor any GoFundMe fortune. I took apart dad’s radio and fiddled around with the parts inside until I could receive air traffic radio, and this was pre-internet and I had zero help or assistance from any one or any books to teach me. This was all out of curiosity on my part. And, I am a girl – or WAS a “girl” the youthful word for female at that age. I do not mean to turn this comment into a political argument, as that is another topic on its own, but I do mean to address the basic ignorance of the public today, that they are credulous enough and ignorant enough to buy this bit of nonsense about him “making” this clock as gospel truth, since that pile of impressive looking wires and circuits, and a BS media says he made it- since no one has any skills whatsoever but to follow instruction, navigate around a computer, and “get along with other cultures”. But actual, real, usable knowledge?
I feel special, when I was in school- I was taught root words of our language came from Latin and Greek, so I would be able to figure out new words I found without having to have them explained to me. The medical fields would be a breeze, one could define terminology without resorting to a dictionary. The possibilities of having a well rounded, *real* education are endless. But they don’t want that. What is needed is an ignorant populace, who will believe anything they are told, because they are incapable of knowing any different. Add to that a huge influx of 3rd world savages, who know not our Constitution nor our history or pride for our forefathers, in fact those same savages regard our history as nothing more than “slave traders” and the educated few will be outnumbered and out-shouted, and you have your slave labor force.