Yesterday after reading the press release on the Department of Justice website regarding fourteen more men being charged related to the 2014 Standoff at the Bundy Ranch, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the following:
“These indictments and subsequent arrests send an irrefutable message to the American people that our determination remains steadfast to protect them and pursue individuals who participate in violent acts of this nature,” said Special Agent in Charge [Laura] Bucheit.”
Laura is Legally Blonde but not as smart as Elle. The American people were never in danger from the men at the Bundy Ranch Standoff because they ARE the American people. They were defending the property of a fellow American citizen from a criminal syndicate that operates behind the façade of an American government. They AREN’T an American government. They are pretenders. The American government was dismantled during the Clinton Administration “reinvention of government”. What replaced the American government is a global system of eco-fascism and I can prove every word of that.. the who, what, where, why and when.
The Department of the Interior was a main target during the “reinvention” because in the words of Willie Sutton – that’s where the money is – but the money was in the most secure vault – in the ground.
Bill Clinton established the President’s Council on Sustainable Development when he issued Executive Order 12852. An amendment to 12852 put the administrative functions of the Council under the Department of the Interior. If one were to summarize the “reinvention” activities of the Clinton Administration, the phrase would be ‘elimination of borders and boundaries and extraction of wealth’.
The Clinton Administration signed the NAFTA agreement eliminating the borders of the U.S., they signed the agreement that created the World Trade Organization that set up our country for wealth extraction by the export of businesses from the U.S. and the eco-fascist reorganization of government included regionalization of the country to de-link our land-based systems of government with elected representative government – replacing them with regional “partnerships” and communist soviets comprised of public officials, corporate officials and special interest groups. They considered the jurisdictional boundaries of our land-based governments as being obsolete. The description of the replacement system can be found on Page 28 of the Natural Resources and Task Force Report:
“One solution to many of the quandaries of natural resource management that we heard espoused over and over again—by scientists, representatives of grassroots organizations, and bureaucrats, among others—was to manage natural resources on their own terms, that is, based on their own boundaries rather than in a context of artificial governmental jurisdictions. Organizing around natural resource boundaries, such as watersheds or geographic areas having specific physical or biological values, forced communities to transcend the limitations of traditional governmental jurisdictions.”
We have videos and transcripts of Congressional Hearings where the criminal activities of the BLM are described in detail to members of the Natural Resources Committee.
First Hearing
U.S. House of Representatives
October 29, 2013
Threats, Intimidation and Bullying by Federal Land Managing Agencies
Natural Resources Committee Hearing 1
Here is the printed version of the hearing on the Government Printing Office website
Govt Printing Office – Hearing Printed Record
Second Hearing
U.S. House of Representatives
July 24, 2014
Threats, Intimidation and Bullying by Federal Land Managing Agencies
Natural Resources Committee – Hearing 2
House Committee on Natural Resources
Here is the printed version of the hearing on the Government Printing Office website
Printed hearing record – second hearing
They discussed how the BLM was using the power of government to put ranchers out of business so they could acquire their land. THAT’S THEFT! And it doesn’t matter what authority they think they were operating under… THEFT is against the law.
I talked to a law enforcement officer recently. He told me that federal agents are immune from prosecution. They can come into a state and commit crimes. Even if the Sheriff arrests then, he must then turn them over to the U.S. Attorney. The U.S. Attorney then dismisses the charges. That’s how the federal agents got away with the murder of Randy Weaver’s wife and that’s how they are getting away with theft of ranchers land and livelihoods.
The Clinton Administration turned the world upside down. The black hats run the government and they are putting the white hats in jail for defending themselves and their property.
This is not America.
Judy Ralls
Wondering if you have done a historical article on Dr. Marus Whitman ? He led the Pioneers on the Oregon Trail which founded our Great Northwest Territory. He was a young missionary who left his practice from the East Coast to establish a mission in this wilderness area. Since he was instrumental in our Northwest states becoming part of America-at the time no other power or country was able to do- I feel attention should be given to our beginnings- one young Christian man who persuaded a thousand people to cross a wilderness by wagons- a feat not done before. It seems like the importance and significance of Mr. Whitman has diminished greatly- when in fact this Northwest could have easily been British, Russian, Spain, Mexico. Thank you
No, I haven’t done any research of that type because I’m totally focused on the corruption of our government. I do know that there were a number of other countries – the ones you mentioned and others that had settlements in the U.S. before the boundaries and organization of the United States was settled.