About a hundred and fifty people showed up for the III% March to Oppose Refugee Resettlement today in Twin Falls. The purpose was serious but the mood of the crowd was jovial and lite. It was a nice day to go for a walk.
The III% ers know how to stage an event. There was security all along the route and no incidents to report except for one marcher who took an uncontrolled dive into terrain and required a band-aid on his elbow.
There was one Federali skulking around in the crowd with a camera before the march. She said she was an employee of the U.S. Labor Department. The III% ers might get a visit from them. There probably is a rule about walking without a helmet. During the filming of an interview with a man, Doug Fletcher who came all the way down from Weippe for the march, this Fem Federali tried to get her voice on the video from the background. That was a bit of unnecessary theatrics. If she wanted an interview all she had to do was ask.
As the march proceeded down Blue Lakes Blvd there was positive feedback in the form of horns honking and waving from cars but no negative feedback was observed. The march ended at the driveway entrance to the College of Southern Idaho but did not go on CSI property. The school is a gun-free zone and the III% ers respected their rule and crossed the street instead.
It was a great day to walk for a good cause. Well Done III%.