I’m not sure what triggered the program on C-Span that seems to be – from my point of view, confessions of the transportation, tech and government transportation agencies but it doesn’t matter. The presentation sponsored by Techfire on C-Span about self-driving vehicles is a program not to be missed. All is revealed if you know what to listen for and you understand the roles that different groups have played in destroying the lives of millions of Americans and perhaps tens of millions of people all over the world.
From their point of view, they are rolling out the brave new world of the technological, transportation control grid – seeking consumer approval as a precursor to pushing these technologies down your throat. I suspect the reason for this program has something to do with the recent decision by the FCC on net neutrality but it doesn’t really matter to me. What matters is what’s revealed.
In 1990, when the new Transportation Highway System was announced, there were six themes listed:
1. Maintaining and expanding the existing transportation system
2. Providing a sounder financial base for transportation purposes
3. Maintaining a competitive transportation industry
4. Ensuring the public safety and national security are protected
5. Enhancing the environment and the quality of life
6. Advances transportation technology
While those six themes don’t seem to be world-shattering, the devil (truly) is in the details. In the details of each theme, you can find the programs that have built a system of a centrally planned economy, centrally planned, one-size fits all “community planning” that we attribute to Agenda 21, the destruction of our education system, the destruction of our health care system, the theft of trillions of dollars from our economy, corruption of the military, corruption of our government agencies and law enforcement, massive fraud (yet to be revealed) in the renewable energy and smart grid design triggered by the demand to reduce the import of foreign oil – not to mention the human rights violations simply stated as the right to be autonomous and not to be defined as a human device attached to the grid.
In 1988, there was a report, Project 2020 produced by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. The sections in that report correspond roughly to the Bill Clinton’s task forces for his President’s Council on Sustainable Development. It should be noted that when a new administration takes office, they slap a new report cover on the reports and shift the public focus to a party appropriate description and then present the plan as if it is all new and different when in reality, the administrative state is simply continuing with the plans that were in-progress.
The capsulized version of this story is that there was a plan to dissolve the U.S. government through iterative privatization, turn the territory of the United States over to a Common Market Commission (like EU) to manage along with Canada and Mexico and to control the territory and the people with technology in an open-air prison – the Panopticon. Whether or not they knew that was the vision is irrelevant. It’s an expectation that when planning, you extrapolate to determine the consequences of your plan. They really did know what they were doing though – revealed by the use of the term “disruptive technologies”. Disruptive technologies are in fact, Destructive Technologies” and they’ve done a bang up job of destroying this country. The costs are incalculable.
On April 30, 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803 ordering the sell-off of American infrastructure assets. Carla Hills, Bush’s U.S. Trade Representative negotiated the NAFTA agreement creating a North American “common market” creating a tripartite governing system hiding behind “environment”. Try to think of something you can do outside the environment. You can’t. That agreement was signed by Clinton but was completed and ready to sign before Clinton took office. That agreement was the logical bombing of our economy and we have been in decline ever since. The bigger and more sophisticated the Panopticon becomes, the more people are driven into poverty. The rise of technological control systems is the demise and destruction of people. And the irony of ironies, it began with a transportation plan for mobility.
Following World War II, trials for the men who led the Nazi war machine were held in Nuremberg. It’s time now to begin cataloging the crimes for the purpose of prosecuting the men and women who built the Technology War Machine. It’s been reported that GITMO is gearing up to receive a lot more prisoners. Let’s hope that it’s the right war criminals that are being captured for war crimes tribunals.
Read More HERE
This world is getting way too big: too complex, too automated, too dependent on government, too interdependent with other governments, too greedy, too selfish, too anti-privacy, and as a result of all these: too self-destructive. Just last night there was a nationwide computer glitch at major airports causing massive delays. The new area 51 (Utah West Desert) reportedly installed 4 new germ warfare development facilities. 100 cities are begging Amazon to move in their new super-oligopoly distribution center so 50,000 jobs are created, with disregard on how many jobs and other companies will be eliminated, and the fact that automation will eventually take most of those new jobs. And think about it, all the crimes all of us commit daily, rather it be going 1 mph over the speed limit or what. With all the new surveillance being installed everywhere we will find that we are all criminals now
We’re All Criminals Now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDvzdBXNIgE
World Destruction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du_ouycoP1k
That’s why I called it a war machine because when all the evidence is considered, it was intended to destroy us.
Pingback: The Technology War Machine – Abel Danger
My take: – Sounds like a bird trap.
Thoroughfares are the traffic flow circulatory system of a country. It seems to me, that is being set up for go and whoa – freedom of movement and instant constriction. On the ‘Boa’ highway, they’ve got you where they want you, by the jugular. Computerised cars can be stopped remotely, locked, and possibly even made to steer over a cliff, or slam into a rockface if authorities deem it desirable to jettison a citizen.
These ideas began incipiently, to take control of a jet out of the hands of an airline pilot being forced to comply with terrorist demands. The plane could be hijacked remotely out of the hands of the pilot to disable the terrorists threatening the pilot to comply.
Then came the awareness that this could be applied universally even to cars, not to control the car, but to ensnare the driver, but under the guise of ‘safety for all’.
In my experience, computer systems sometimes have to be manually over-ridden, because of their stubborn inflexibility having no intellect. They are programmed by intellectuals of limited capacity unable to foresee the foresight needed in some circumstances.
Brake failure can still occur in a truck remotely controlled running at speed into the back of you, as you see the approaching fate in your rear view mirror, while stopped dead at a red light by law, rigidly computer obeyed. But without the remote computer system control, a human will manually over-ride the law intelligibly and ignore the red light standing between life and death of the occupant – and work his way out of danger, driving straight through it to safety, if no cross traffic is present, to avert the danger. Life prevails, especially its preservation.
Under the gridlock systems being developed in the USSA, one could not do this. One’s only chance is to get out of the car and run clear of the threatening event. The traffic is at standstill stopped by a red light, so a sane thing to do.
This would be the way to manually override the entrapment of a computerised system of constriction of freedoms. But that is the moment when the ‘flicker of intelligence light’ switches on, that you realize that the car door is computer locked and will not be unlocked, and that you are the ‘fall guy’, moments before the final cataclysm that ends your life.
Having said that, it is to be hoped that the loaded truck driver, will take matters into his own hands. He knows the remote computer system cannot solve his hydraulic brake failure problem, they are that useless. Too late for gear braking, he could attempt to steer around the poor unfortunates he is about to terminate the lives of, and slam it into the red light itself, or convenient government infrastructure if he is a quick enough thinker, but that is when he finds that even the steering is jambed – to stay on the road like a well behaved train on rails. His only recourse that remains is to derail the system by throwing himself out of the truck and let the truck damage as much of it as possible.
But that’s when he too finds that he cannot manually over-ride the remotely locked door.
Just another fall guy.
Everybody on the scene gets squashed. Nobody is held responsible. The system undermines any escape routes. The system is above reproach. The system is not a person. The brake lines are cut, sabotage to murder the driver. The mechanic is innocent. The system did not cut the brakelines, but made sure the animated brake failure purpose was effective. It prevented innocent and otherwise doomed men from doing something to save their lives. Manslaughter.
A system, ivory tower controlled, to constrict or garotte the victims incapable of manually over-riding it.
I call the sabotage, murder or attempted murder at the least. But the system in such a case in the final verdict is guilty of manslaughter when it ensures the inescapability of death caused by mechanical failure or sabotage.
You ask: – How do you prosecute unprecedented crimes?
The answer: There is nothing new (unprecedented) under the sun.
Even the plurality of the word ‘crimes’ tells of many repetitions precedent.
How to prosecute? Maybe ‘kidnap’ by virtue of the fact one has been detained within one’s car against one’s will, by an unidentified nominal defendant esconced in some authoritarian governmentalcase ivory tower heartless persona non grata.
Key words: Boa, constriction, jugular, garotte.
Missing: Short and curlies.