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    Global Warming is something I have studied and gave deep thought to, and I now know for fact it is real and made worse by the most dangerous species to ever roam the planet: the homo sapiens. However, this article shows me why I don’t like Al Gore and his true Agendas that will in turn make our environment (and quality of life) worse. We (the people) joining with the Mexican EPA (aka Mafia?) will only further overpopulate (and pollute) the Mexican side of the US border into poverty even though our U.S. cars (and many other products) are made there now. I think we should build an even bigger (dual-purpose) wall than what Trump is asking for. To keep the breeding masses of poverty from flowing in, and like the Berlin wall to keep our jobs from going there. Vicky I know you don’t agree with me on global warming, but I can say that I haven’t found anything yet I can disagree with you in this article. Good job! It gets my blood pressure flowing and makes me think of some music:

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      Boudicca Le Duckel

      The climate has not been warming for twenty years. Correlation between exponentially growing atmospheric carbon dioxide (if we can trust the data) and climate have been diverging for same time period. All of the climate models have been ridiculously wrong. We now have the actual global temperature data-sets (before manipulation) that prove man is not causing disastrous AGW. If there is a correlation, it needs to be proven. By the way, we are almost certainly entering a solar cycle of such low activity that temperatures mimicking the Maunder Minimum are forecast by solar physicists (a climate specialist that the IPCC ironically does not have aboard their panel). Russia, Africa, and China are among regions currently preparing for this. As this article points out, the West is being further sold down the stream. They are pushing for us to get to net-zero during these coming difficult years. Nothing surprises me anymore.

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        Vicky Davis

        It is my considered opinion that “climate change” was actually referring to the geopolitical climate between east and west. They used it as a metaphor for international relations while using propaganda against the public to make them pay for and implement the societal technocratic systems to enslave the populations while the criminals robbed our country and as many of the other countries as they could manage. The universities were front and center in the BIG LIE using their academic credentials to deceive the public and to provide cover for politicians for their criminal participation. That’s how I see it.

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    The third way. Said to be neither communist nor capitalist, they being the second and first ways.
    When Hillary Clinton failed to win her anticipated election victory, she made her way with Bill Clinton next morning into the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan, where they were both adorned in PURPLE attire, according to Wayne Madsen of
    The press asked what the colour represented. The complete ruse given was that it represented the coming together (stronger together = Fascism) of Democrat red America and Republican blue America. Neither red nor blue, yet a composite of both making purple. Never the two shall meet.
    If such opposition poles are negated in colour – no more opposition, that would be the beginnings of a royalist dictatorship. Even as a ruse, some truth is there.
    Purple was the most expensive colour chosen to bestow the highest recognisable rank upon the Caesars of Rome. Though wolfish Ancient Rome (Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf) was dealt a fatal blow, it lived on as a sheepish Church – the Roman Catholic Church preserving its ideals (Ency. Brit. 1962 Article ‘Empire’).
    To me the ‘third way’ colour is purple. It represents the revivification of the debilitated flat earth ancient Roman Empire, as the restored, this time global Roman Empire of that Old World Order, dubbed a NWO when reunited with its Pontiff Caesar spirit that survived. The spiritual morality of Fascism and all its abominations to boot.
    And why not? With its secret tunnel underground from Jesuit Georgetown University to the White House, the experience is easy. It pulls the strings, and creates the ruses that lull the sheep to sleep safely, when the greatest danger lurks. Trump met and was admonished by his Jesuit superiors this year 2017, for something he said publicly in a room off that tunnel. (Another subject.)
    America was a colonial British monarchy that preferred the greatly higher tax regimen of the Republic it became, after rejection of a piddling tea tax. No Constitutional gold or silver coins with worth. Just a worthless paper document, subject to whimsical change written by men, like the fiat paper rectangles called dollars that are printed irresponsibly when quantitative easing allows.
    The move is on to dump the Republic to re become a monarchy but this time not British.
    The colour of royalty is purple, and scarlet the colour of bloodshed, by the fatally wounded but rapidly convalescing these days, Emperor and Roman Caesar King of kings over the lesser kings of the earth. He has no battalions but commands the world’s military in crusade as a sword in his HAND to wield. He wields the otherwise powerless or peaceful sword. (Just like the gun.) America is no exception. (Vietnam was about the Virgin Mary leaving – expelled from – Vietnam. Virgin Mary Land and Cardinal Spellman tried to stop that but failed.)
    I think Hillary’s failed triumph, if it had been triumphant, was to adorn herself and Bill Clinton with those purple robes to make their victory speeches as Empress royalty of America devoid of an opposition Congress of red and blue discussion debate. Empress Hillary and subordinate first man prince Billy. This under the Old Roman Empire convalesced to the NWO so dubbed, no longer flat earth but global. This being the third way objective.
    She did it anyway! Not to be robbed of her moment of glory. Paranoid of her really!

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    As an aside to some of the (ahem) comments on this site, reminds me of when they had those pro-Palestinian marches during Bush presidency? And some Israeli PR or FBI or other govt agencies hired sign-carrying “marchers” “Gays for Palestine” remember that?

    . Thank you Vicky, another very informative and robust (in documentation I mean) piece! What I particularly enjoy in your articles is your in-depth documentation: you provide the What, Why, Where, How and When(s). I dig these SO much. Americans need to read this stuff. If they think it doesn’t apply to them directly, ask them why all of our manufacturing is overseas, and if they ever for one moment say, ten years ago- that we’d live to see the day when someone’s used clothes were advertised on national TV (ThredUp, have you seen them? of course the token black woman has to have her ghetto slanguage in the ad “git yo shop on” ugh) Those “DONATE USED CLOTHING” bins on grocery store parking lots are the idea of one guy who owns a private company that sells used clothes in African nations. USPS won’t even let you mail used clothes to anyone in a country there without you holding a special license. The women in shitty African banana republics fight over stained torn undies, clothing trade is the number one trade right now for the entire continent of Africa. America is officially edging toward 3rd world status with this used clothes biz.
    Speaking of, another aspect of 3rd world is their poor quality goods available for sale, take Amazon when the cheapo Chinese crap used to be on the last page of listings, wayyy back on page 209 of your search, now is on featured items, has anyone noticed this? And look at the weirdly named brands, very Korean yet also knock offs, S Korea is not a poor desperate place, they have top of the line branded Samsung electronics, so I don’t believe these items are South Korean, I do believe all yes all made in DPRK aka North Korea China marks them as “Made in China”. We’re buying North Korean knockoff crap, everything else is made in China, we’ve NO jobs- and the jobs we do have left are going to foreigners, even after 9/11’s Islamic terror we have be-hijabbed Somali women for our TSA agents. And, we’re gushing over buying someone else’s cast off used smelly sweater we buy online, at a “savings” of 8 whole dollars from the price it was new, ten years ago.
    How are we not 3rd world all the way yet? Vicky do you have any advice on how we the weak individual can stop this from getting any worse? .

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      That’s a bad (ahem) cough you’ve got there Kristin. So here’s a little bit more to cough about.

      When the ‘thrd way’ probably really the ‘foirth Reich’, finally capitulates to the ‘fifth way’ that I personally look forward too, after runnng the gauntlet of the Old World Order renewed, returning to rule as the worn out but washed and ironed NWO – but really sweaty second hand government being sold us at a cheap recycled price, with limited life left, so it won’t last long beire it rots; this is ONE aspect of significance to look forward too. I know Vcky and I certainly will.

      And here it is : –
      And like a hunted gazelle, or like sheep with none to gather them, every man will turn to his own people, and every man will flee to his own land. Isaiah 13:14.

      Such reversal of all America’s zoo animals being kept in the same cage, might make some people’s hair stand on end.

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    Sorry, that was not the corrected draft copy. Here it is again: –

    That’s a bad (ahem) cough you’ve got there Kristin. So here’s a little bit more to cough about.

    When the ‘third way’ probably really the ‘fourth Reich’, finally capitulates to the ‘fifth way’ that I personally look forward too, after running the gauntlet of the Old World Order renewed, returning to rule as the worn out but washed and ironed and fumigated NWO – but really sweaty second hand government being sold us at a cheap recycled price, with limited life left, so it won’t last long before it rots; this is ONE aspect of significance to look forward too. I know Vicky and I certainly will.

    And here it is : –
    And like a hunted gazelle, or like sheep with none to gather them, every man will turn to his own people, and every man will flee to his own land. Isaiah 13:14.

    Such reversal of all America’s zoo animals being kept in the same cage, might make some people’s hair stand on end.

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