Are we living in a science fiction plot brought to life? As I watched this video, the solution to the UFO dilemma is world government. UFO’s never really caught on with the mainstream public as the reason for world government but Climate Change did – for a long time. People are now catching on that Climate Change is scientific fraud. It is based on “consensus science” bought by big money. Climate Change is science fiction leading to world government. That is H.G. Wells storyline for War of the Worlds with the new plot line.
NEPA created the Council on Environmental Quality in 1969 to represent U.S. interests at the international level. The CEQ created the Environmental Protection Agency that was originally intended to be an internal government auditing function to ensure that federal agencies gave attention to environmental issues for government projects and functions. Overtime, the EPA became the country’s overlord for the environment. In the early 1970’s, scientist fictionists began reporting at the global level. First there was global warming, then global cooling and people were always to blame providing the justification for building a system of environmental regulatory nazis.
In 1990, Margaret Thatcher gave credence to the idea of climate change when she gave a speech to the United Nations.
From the point of Margaret Thatcher’s speech to today, the fiction of climate change and regulatory control has taken over our lives even to the point of stopping farmers from farming and ranchers from ranching.
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Environmental Protection or War by a Different Name? **Note World Bank
Climate Change: Scientific Psychological Warfare for Population Reduction
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Market Corruption: Social Credit Score Racketeering
Scroll down to see the information on the Global Compact with corporations: New Federalism