Co-Chair of the Clinton Campaign for the Presidency
He was a member of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) along with Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
Tim Wirth and Al Gore represented the U.S. at the Rio Summit in 1992
Tim Wirth and John Heinz, Project 88, Cap and Trade tax
Wirth’s Congressional Aide, David Harwood arranged for James Hansen of NASA to give testimony at a Congressional Hearing about Climate Change in 1988. Recently, Frontline published a three-part series on “The Power of Big Oil”. Click the link and watch for about 10 minutes. (Listen longer for the media campaign to support the (pseudo) science.)
Tim Wirth was appointed to be a member of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development chartered in 1993. He served as co-chair on the Task Force for Population and Consumption.
Tim Wirth, State Department, Office of Global Affairs – new foreign policy after the end of the Cold War. New policy: Localization of Global Affairs.
After leaving the State Department, Tim Wirth was appointed to be the President of Ted Turner’s foundation, the UN Foundation. Tim Wirth’s biography on the UN Foundation website (archived) (Ignore the 2007 date at the top. That’s a mislead.) Read the press release. NGO – Negative Population Growth, Winter 1997, Wirth leaves State Department to lead Ted Turner’s UN Foundation (Note: scroll up a little to read it. Also scroll up to the article before that to read: Al Gore Links Population to Global Warming.)
Another important article on the UN Foundation website: The U.S. Recommits to Global Health Security.
Helping Ted Turner, Turner Broadcasting and founder of CNN
(Tim Wirth) As Chair of the Communications Subcommittee, he led Congressional initiatives to deregulate the communications industry in America; his legislation became the template for the court-ordered break-up of the AT&T monopoly, and Senator Wirth’s Cable Television Bill of 1984 restructured the television industry.
Senator Tim Wirth – leading on telecommunications deregulation
Notice the first article lists Steven Coll as being one of the chroniclers. Steven Coll went on to join or co-found the New America Foundation. Interestingly, the New America Foundation’s website seems to have been scrubbed. It’s ok though because I did a lot of research on them in the past so the website may be gone, but they are not forgotten. They got so much attention from me because their scholars were a list of Who’s Who in the zoo. The other founder of the New America Foundation was Ted Halstead. Wow… must read Wikipage. Climate Change, Carbon Credits, link to banking.
Tim Wirth, Stanford event, tribute to John W. Gardner, President of the Carnegie Foundation, Architect of the Great Society