The computer industry executives who led the “reinvention of government” changed our form of government from a republic to corporate-led fascism – stealing the freedom and autonomy of the American people. The computer industry executives turned government into a tool for corporate profit and corporate power – reducing citizens to the status of mere workers – captives of a technocratic control grid.
On the government side, when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were elected to office, Gore was the lead in the “reinvention of government”. The agendas of the Rio Summit (sustainability – aka Agenda 21, capture and control of natural resources) were combined with the industrial policy for the computer industry. The capture of government was solidified – sealing our fate, falling to fascist management of a global communist system of control.
- +Excerpts from Alliance Documentation
The Alliance was founded to create an information and learning network for the thousands of change agents — people in or close to government — who are struggling to improve the public sector’s performance. In the 1990s, a vibrant movement to “reinvent government” has grown up. But it is a movement without a central nervous system.
The goal of the Alliance is to be market-oriented . . . In our start-up period, we have raised seed capital from corporations, individuals and foundations. Among the corporate supporters have been Anderson Consulting, AT&T, Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., Dennis Trading Group, General Electric, Goldman Sachs and Co., IBM, NYNEX, and Xerox. Philanthropic support has included grants from the ARCO Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the Carnegie Corporation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Jerome Kohlberg Foundation, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
David Osborne discovered the need as soon as Reinventing Government was published, in 1992. In early 1993, Osborne joined with columnist Neal Peirce, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) President R. Scott Fosler, and Barbara Dyer of the Council of Governors’ Policy Advisers to create such a network, as a project of the National Academy. In its inaugural year, the Alliance formed a distinguished advisory board, which includes members of the U.S. Senate, federal officials, governors, county commissioners, mayors, city managers, labor union presidents, non-profit and business leaders, and scholars.
Breaking the Barriers to the National Information
The National Information Information Infrastructure: Agenda for Action
Services and the National Information Infrastructure, 1994
The National Information Infrastructure: Policymaking and Policymakers, 1994
CSPP: Perspectives on the Global Information Infrastructure, 1996
From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government that Works Better (hahaha jokes on you)