Bill Clinton and Al Gore came into office with a plan for conversion of the U.S. Government to a fascist-led (business) control system with capture of the population through social and economic engineering using technology at the local level. The principles for the “revolution in government” were defined in The Agenda for Change, a publication published by the Center for Our Common Future.
“Our Common Future” was the title of the report produced by the Brundtland Commission. The formal name of the Brundtland Commission was the UN’s World Commission on Environment and Development. It was transmitted to the United Nation’s General Assembly and is published in UN Resolution A/43/427 on August 4, 1987. Gro Harlem Brundtland was the Chairman of the Commission and she was a member of the Socialist International (SI). In 1992, Brundtland was listed as a Vice President of the Presidium (note: look at the agenda on the right) at the XIX (19th) Congress. She was still serving as Vice President at the XXth Congress in 1996. (Side note: I just noticed that the date of the XXth Congress of SI was 9-11 September 1996.)
The Agenda for Change was the guide used by the President’s Council for Sustainable Development that was established by Executive Order 12852 on June 29, 1993. See previous research: Blueprint for Reinvention of Government for more information on that.
On August 17, 1993 Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12859 establishing the Domestic Policy Council that included the heads of all the agencies of government plus Al Gore and Clinton himself as the Chairman. The purpose was:
Sec. 4. Functions. (a) The principal functions of the Council are: (1) to coordinate the domestic policy-making process; (2) to coordinate domestic policy advice to the President; (3) to ensure that domestic policy decisions and programs are consistent with the President’s stated goals, and to ensure that those goals are being effectively pursued; and (4) to monitor implementation of the President’s domestic policy agenda. The Assistant may take such actions, including drafting a Charter, as may be necessary or appropriate to implement such functions.
The Simple Strategy for the Coup
Simple Ideas Leading to Disaster for Humanity
Pollution Prevention
Sustainable Development – re-engineering economic, social and governing systems to prevent pollution.
Government incentives to mobilize private capital to meet the goals of sustainable development.
Corporate leadership in re-engineering systems because government has no authority and not enough resources to do it. Solution: Fascism – re-purposing government to serve the needs of corporations as they implement initiatives for sustainable development (community and resource capture).
A corporation engaged in a capitalist enterprise has one goal: to make money and to make money, they seek to dominate the market – buying or destroying their competition. A capitalist corporation is an economic war machine run by a socio-psychopath.
Keeping up appearances – a capitalist enterprise engaged in economic, social and governing issues can’t be seen as doing it so they do the dirty work through NGOs, non-profits, Foundations and front companies they fund.
Socialists use Marxist Communists for community capture. Marxist community organizers were planted in our state and in our local communities.