The one iron rule of super states: “logic is an enemy, and truth is a menace” Rod Serling
On June 10, 1993, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell gave the commencement speech at Harvard University. It was the first time since 1947 that an active duty military officer had given the commencement speech at Harvard. In 1947, it was General George Marshall who gave the Address and his purpose was to announce the Marshall Plan.
The Marshall Plan was a mobilization of U.S. resources to rebuild Europe to save them from the ravages of communism with the sub rosa agenda of constructing the United States of Europe. Powell’s purpose was the same. He announced the “Powell Plan” to rebuild Russia and the soviet states to help them recover from the ravages of communism and as it turned out, the tables were turned on us through the Green Agenda to communize the United States.
Both Generals – Marshall and Powell spoke there to elicit the support of Harvard faculty and graduates in a rebuilding effort for Russia and the implementation of economic communism in the United States. Harvard does excel at whatever projects they take on. Just look at their endowment fund.
On June 29, 1993, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12852 establishing the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD).
On October 18, the first public meeting of the PCSD was organized and sponsored by Ron Brown, Secretary of Commerce. The meeting was broadcast on C-Span. Ron Brown gave the opening remarks:
In four minutes, Ron Brown laid out the strategy for what was a coup d’etat on the American government and the establishment of a system to facilitate the development of a global commercial crime syndicate comprised of a partnership between the government and private sector. Here are the main points from Ron Brown’s four minutes of truth:
- +Ron Brown's Plan - Centerpiece Green Accounting
Ron Brown’s four minutes of truth:
- Department of Commerce was the Department of Sustainability
- Sustainability is the confluence of three areas
- Trade
- Technology
- Environmental Policy
- NIST & Technology Administration (Office of Technology Administration) were developing technologies (public money spent for private profit through technology transfer under the heading of “research”).
- Bureau of Economic Analysis – Developing Green Accounting – Green GDP
- International Trade Administration – selling environmental technology around the world
- Elimination of boundaries – working across government and private sector boundaries – Ron Brown alluded to elimination of national boundaries with his reference to region in front of country. (Note: Tim Wirth actually talked about “arbitrary lines” in reference to borders.
- The Plan was dependent upon “reinvention of government”
The next day, on October 19, 1993 Al Gore and Bill Clinton held an event at the White House. The event was to announce the Clinton Administration’s Climate Change Action Plan as the strategy to “fight global warming”.
In this clip, Hazel O’Leary talks about what is obviously an extortion racket and how she was mobilizing our national laboratories towards the clean-up effort. They used the regulatory authority over the utilities to begin to implement their green energy plan and to initiate the Green Accounting System designed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis as stated by Commerce Secretary Ron Brown.
Flashback: Nunn-Lugar
Global Logistics and Chain of Custody
The global logistics system was born out of the civilian-military engagement for de-commissioning and removal of nuclear weapons, chemical facilities and research facilities in the former Soviet Union. The requirement was for inventory, status and point-to-point tracking of materials removed. Removal was followed by environmental clean-up of toxic sites and economic development for communities in areas surrounding former military sites. Mega corruption opportunities for people in both countries – Russia and the U.S.
In 1993, Ron Dellums was Chairman of the Armed Services Committee. H.R. 2401, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994, included:
Title XII — Cooperative Threat Reduction with States of Former Soviet Union.
Sec. 1202 The Congress finds that it is in the national security interest of the United States for the United States to do the following:
(1) Facilitate, on a priority basis, the transportation, storage, safeguarding, and elimination of nuclear and other weapons of the independent states of the Former Soviet Union…
Title XIII — Defense Conversion, Reinvestment, and Transition Assistance
The Road to Technocratic Tyranny
Dual Use Technology for Transportation
Gen. John M. Shalikashvili
NATO, Supreme Allied Commander, 1992-1993
Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff 1993-1997
Initiative for Global Development
“He also served on the board of directors of The Boeing Company, United Defense, L-3 Communications Corporation, the Frank Russell Trust Company, United, Inc., as well as the Atlantic Council and various military organizations.” NBR
Dual Use -- Same System
The North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) was established by the Allies on 20 December 1991 as a forum for dialogue and cooperation with NATO’s former Warsaw Pact adversaries. The NACC was a manifestation of the “hand of friendship” extended at the July 1990 summit meeting in London, when Allied leaders proposed a new cooperative relationship with all countries in Central and Eastern Europe in the wake of the end of the Cold War.
Such was the pace of change in Europe at the time that inaugural meeting of the NACC itself witnessed an historic event: as the final communiqué was being agreed, the Soviet ambassador announced that the Soviet Union had dissolved during the meeting and that he now only represented the Russian Federation.
Charter of U.S.-Russian Partnership and Friendship, June 17, 1992
JPRS-CAR-93-011, 11 February 1993 . . . Military and Intelligence Cooperation Being Promoted. The United States and Russia are not only striving for an early political “alliance,” but also breaking into an area that was a “taboo” in their relations during the “cold war” years—they are quickly promoting and speeding up cooperation in the fields of military and intelligence… defense ministers and chiefs of staff of the NATO countries and the former Warsaw Pact states held “unprecedented meetings” at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 1 -10 April this year to discuss a number of questions, including “historical plans for military cooperation” . . .
Clinton-Yeltsin Vancouver Summit
April 3-4, 1993
White House Joint Statement from Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton.
. . . The two presidents approved a comprehensive strategy of cooperation to promote democracy, security, and peace. President Yeltsin stressed his firm commitment to fostering democratization, the rule of law, and a market economy. As the United States moves to reinvigorate its own economy, President Clinton assured President Yeltsin of active American support for the Russian people as they pursue their own chosen course of political and economic reform…In this connection, the Presidents expressed their determination to promote access to each other’s markets, cooperation in defense conversion, removal of impediments to trade and investment, and resumption of U.S. food exports to Russia on a stable long-term basis.
They also decided to work together to remove obstacles impeding Russia’s access to the global market in high technology and related services…Mindful of their countries’ responsibilities as permanent members of the UN Security Council, the Presidents affirmed that U.S.-Russian cooperation is essential to the peaceful resolution of international conflicts and the promotion of democratic values, the protection of human rights, and the solution of global problems, such as environmental pollutions terrorism, and narcotics trafficking.
A Green Job for Gorby
at the Presidio
Office of Environmental Policy
On February 8, 1993, Bill Clinton and Al Gore announced the establishment of the White House Office of Environmental Policy. The purpose was to be able to coordinate the National Economic Policy, Environmental Policy and National Security Policy.
On June 21, 1993, John Gibbons, the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy along with Laura D. Tyson, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers testified at a hearing of the Congressional Joint Economic Committee to lay out the Clinton-Gore Technology policy for congress. As history as proven, this plan was the beginning of central economic planning and the socialization of the U.S. The Administration went on to preach the virtues of protecting the environment while they robbed our country blind on every other front.
John Gibbons mentioned that the technology plan was announced in San Jose. The event was held on February 22, 1993 at a company called Silicon Graphics. In the video, you can hear reference to the announcement but Clinton didn’t do it but the report for the technology plan corresponding to John Gibbons statement was released:
Technology For America’s Economic Growth,
A New Direction to Build Economic Strength
February 22, 1993
Department of Energy, Smart Grid and renewable energy credits for the Green Accounting System. Industry “Partnership” with the National Laboratories?
Fiona Woolf, Energy Consultant,
Hidden revenue streams
Our education system, the health care system, our land use and resource management systems, our transportation system and more were all changed by these people. We saw the result in 2008. The economy still hasn’t recovered despite the fact that they say it has. How do I know? Because we have a centrally planned economy and control and wealth is in the hands of a few. They are flooding the country with immigrants to justify continued building so that they can show some GDP growth – but ultimately that is a self-defeating strategy because it is short-term economic activity with long term liabilities on all accounts. Vicky
These two videos were labeled as part 1 and part 2 but you’ll notice that Christopher Story’s hair is a lot more gray in the second one than in the first. That’s not important to me. The content is what’s important. Anatoly Golitsyn was right. Christopher Story was right. And James Jesus Angleton was right. Computer systems would be Lenin’s dream because the inherent nature of computer systems is to centralize control of process. The Clinton-Gore Technology Plan was the implementation of automated Leninist (communist) control that Lenin could only dream about.
Pingback: The Green Marshall Plan – Abel Danger
Touche’ – this is our US road map. Thanks Vicky for yet another informative & fascinating article. I wish it were fiction.
Read a topic today on Electronic Health Records: Physican laments the futility of the “system”. Some of the commenters “get it”. “David Dayton” wrote “1. “Who” initiated the move from paper to digital records?
2. “Who” benefited from that initiative?”
PS – Vicky if you have an email blast alerts thingie, add me to your list!
Vicky Davis
That was an interesting article. I’ve read several others before it by doctors asking the same questions and with the same complaints. They are under the mistaken impression that the EHR was intended to help them help their patients. The system is nothing of the sort. In fact, the plan is for doctors as front line providers with patients to be eliminated – replaced by Physicians Assistants and Nurse Practitioners. The computer will be the decision maker – diagnosis and treatment by chemistry with perhaps a doctor expert somewhere in the virtual world maybe reviewing the chart – like the IRS audits, random selection of a small sample. The PA’s and NP’s will be able to help if you come in bleeding but aside from that, they are pretty useless (IMO). But that’s the idea.
The 2007 National Governor’s Association conference in with IBM and Mayo Clinic gave a presentation gives the real reason for nationalized, electronic medical records. It’s for medical research. The patients are no more important than lab mice.
I know there is a way to set up an email blast but I haven’t looked into it. Maybe I’ll do that. What I can do in the mean time is to send you an email to let you know.
19th October 1993, Bill Cinton committed himself to his climate change action plan beginnng on ‘Earth Day’. Earth Day was as far away as 22nd April, 1994. So he gave himself 6 months plus 3 days notice. The air in 2000 AD was to be as pristine as it was in 1990, which I would assume was not as clean as it should have been in 1993 as cars were being regulated more and more for cleaner motor emissions as time went by.
Be that as it may, what is the signficance of the date Earth Day was inaugurated? That date being 22/4/1970.
I am not that big a believer in coincidence and happenstance, so I believe there is more to it than just mere coincidence.
The inauguration of Earth Day on 22nd April 1970, just happened to be 100 years to the day from Vladimir Lenin’s birth date on 22nd April, 1870. Curiosity, big deal, or just something else to store in the upstairs useless information file?
Personally, I celebrate Vladimir Lenin’s birth day on ‘earth day’, by leaving all the electric lights on all night, while other ignoramuses regard it as a ‘lights out’ event for some unknown reason.
Peter, there are a lot of moving parts there on that page. The reports I linked to, the players and what they were doing is what brought us to where we are today. I guess it’s not an article that can be read simply – it has to be read deeply and thoroughly.
Vicky Davis
Go back and look again. I added a couple of buttons linking to pages you can look at. Clinton and Gore engineered a coup d’etat on our country to transition power to the United Nations. They were working with China, Russia and the eastern bloc countries and NATO to do it. The objective? Global Governance through networked technology systems.
Vicky. That Perestroika series was a revelation. It shows that boofhead politicians are not really with it. And when Mr Christopher Story tried to wise up Maggie Thatcher, she said she was not deceived at all, then added, “At least I hope not.”
At least she allowed for the possibiity. So Lenin’s deceptions are working as designed, and nothing has really changed. Lenin’s statues remain standing all over Russia in their thousands – indicating no regime change at all. But was Lenin really that much of a master tactician?
It would take someone more wise than Daniel, but less wise than Solomon, the two wisest men ever, to mastermind such a psychologically clever, yet diabolically deceptive and secretive sham. Nevertheless, an unknown shooter fired the shot, that ended the standoff, that was necessary to get the civil war going, brother against brother. That man knew how to use a match to start a bushfire. When silence stifled the Congress back in those early days following the Revolutionary war, a mysterious voice spoken aloud got things moving. I can’t remember the incident, but can retrieve it if needed. Get a few men to start clapping loudly, everyone will start clapping. Its like that. The psychology of the sheep. Just a matter of getting the herd (flock – I know) instinct going.
I don’t think Lenin alone was that master. And Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy McVeigh do not deserve their claims to infamy honours either.
All these things are believed and swallowed hoaxes. And the hoaxer is no one man.
You can fool all the people some of the time. And you can fool some of the people all of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. It seems politicians belong in the second category. Anatoliy Golitsyn and Christopher Story have their eyeswideoopen don’t they?
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