The first part of Charles Ortel and Jerome Corsi’s interview begins with a program of Ireland called Irish Aid. That section of the interview was clipped to include just the parts about Irish AID and a new segment was added about Sandra Thurman.
Ortel mentioned their high number of doctors and hospital beds per 100,000 but he didn’t mention that Ireland has a very large pharmaceutical industry. They are the 7th largest manufacturing and exporter of pharmaceuticals in the world according to the Pharmalex, a consulting firm for the pharma industry.
- Ireland is the 7th largest exporter of medicinal and pharmaceutical products in the world (2014)
- Ireland has 9 of the top 10 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world with operations throughout the country.
Each icon on the map represents a pharmaceuticals manufacturing facility.
Ireland also has a large IT sector. An LA Times Article calls Ireland a Mecca for Tech. Both sectors are required for the global health infrastructure that they were/are building in Africa.
International Fund for Ireland
In earlier research, it was found that the U.S. was providing annual funding for the International Fund for Ireland as part of a 1986 agreement with the United Kingdom. Legislation for the fund was put into law by Senators Tip O’Neill and Edward Kennedy. The Irish Taoiseach Conor Lenihan restructured the International Fund creating Irish Aid. Irish Aid is Ireland’s programme for overseas development.
The graphic titled One World One Future (reminiscent of China’s One Belt One Road strategy) is a white paper describing their program. It said that they were using a “whole-of-government” strategy for international development.
Irish Aid has prioritized mostly African countries, in addition to Vietnam, Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. It has a number of funding programmes such as Multi Annual Programme Scheme (MAPS), Micro Projects Scheme, Civil Society Fund, Emergency and Recovery, Development Education, Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund, Global Health Research Awards, Irish Aid and Higher Education Partnership and Partnership Programme for Europe and Central Asia.
This is an image from a video about the One strategy. Presumably, the benefit to Ireland is due to the fact that Global Health system is a high tech system for a health care including telemedicine, robotics, supply chain for supply chain systems for health care products, drugs, equipment, etc.
Charles Ortel mentioned Taoiseach Conor Lenihan as being the person responsible for Ireland’s involvement with the Clinton Foundation scam.
Wiki gives the following information on Conor Lenihan:
• He went to INSEAD (see below)
• served as a Minister of State from 2004 to 2011
• He accepted a position with the Skolkovo Foundation in 2011, a planned high-tech innovation centre in Moscow, where he works on international partnership development.
• Lenihan began his working life as a newspaper journalist working in the 1980s in the House of Commons in London where he was a political correspondent for the Irish News.
• As Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation he created a single budget line for science and technology funding as well as participating in the country’s Innovation Task Force…he participated in trade and investment missions, frequently presenting to top global companies who already invest in Ireland or were about to do so.
• In 2007 he became Ireland’s first minister for Integration and led a government initiative to deal with large volume immigration into Ireland which culminated with the publication of a new policy statement “Migration Nation“
What is Skolkovo Foundation? Check it out –
Charged with providing the catalyst for the diversification of the Russian economy, the Skolkovo Foundation’s overarching goal is to create a sustainable ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation, engendering a startup culture and encouraging venture capitalism.
The Skolkovo Foundation identified five key areas of potential growth: energy efficiency, strategic computer technologies, biomedicine, nuclear technologies and space technologies.
To achieve this the Foundation is overseeing the creation of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, composed of companies and startups, developing innovative technologies (currently numbering over 1,000), a Technopark, the Skolkovo Institute of Technology (Skoltech), a new graduate research University established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Skolkovo city, located near Moscow. Together these entities will establish a vibrant ecosystem of technology innovation and entrepreneurship. Thirty of the world’s most successful corporations, including Boeing, Cisco Systems, EADS, GE, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Siemens, Nokia, Samsung etc. have already recognized the opportunity Skolkovo presents, having signed R&D partnership agreements with the Foundation.
Dozens of innovative projects developed by Skolkovo startups have found success in international markets, in particular, equipment for the dynamic modeling of oil and gas fields, next-generation screen displays and laser systems for soft-tissue surgery.
The significance of Conor Lenihan attending INSEAD is in the history of INSEAD.
INSEAD – Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires, “The Business School for the World” connected to Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania.
The significance of INSEAD being founded by the Paris Chamber of Commerce is that Paris is the location of the International Chamber of Commerce. The men who founded the International Chamber of Commerce were the Industrialists of the Age. They organized to develop an international system of business law for what we call multinationals today. Nation-states and borders were a hindrance to their business objectives. The International Chamber of Commerce members and their American counterparts are the money and power behind the conspiracy to wage war on the nation-states.
Here is the HISTORY page for the ICC beginning in 1919 but the real history begins before that in Liege, Belgium in 1905. That history is documented in a book commissioned by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace written by George L. Ridgeway, Associate Professor of History, Wells College. It was published by the Columbia University Press in 1938. The following is a quote in the beginning of the book:
What we seek is the reign of law, based upon the consent of the governed and sustained by the organized opinion of mankind — Woodrow Wilson
Mount Vernon
July 4, 1918
The large Foundations – Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, etc. were partners – “the organizers of opinion” for the Industrialists of the Chambers of Commerce in the endeavor to end the nation-states, to build an international system of business law. They began with the League of Nations following World War I. President Woodrow Wilson was a major player in those negotiations but the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Versailles Treaty that created the organization. Following World War II the United Nations was created as a replacement for the League of Nations. The U.S. was one of the original founders of that organization. The United Nations is the center of “organized world opinion” and socialist action groups to go along with it and they’ve been bleeding our country ever since.
Treason through Trade
Put your mind in the mind of a man like Thomas Watson. He was an international businessman who saw national borders and nation-states as a hindrance to business. He and his fellow industrialists of the gilded age thought that there should be a single system of law for business – international law. That was their objective since 1905 when they first came together in Liege, Belgium. From that time forward, that has been the objective of the multinational corporations using the Chambers of Commerce and the non-profit Foundations as instruments of treason. The Chambers of Commerce promoted global business objectives and the Foundations worked to mold public opinion.
Beginning in the 1960’s using trade agreements, they began to negotiate the agreements to harmonize our laws pertaining to business with the laws of other countries for the purpose of creating an international system of business law for the convenience and profit of the multinational corporations. The mainstream media was used to shape our opinions concerning what those agreements were about. They misled the public to think that the trade agreements were for the benefit of our country – and they got away with it for a long time – until the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.
Business law doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The regulatory agencies of the government were designed to write laws to regulate commerce. In the process of designing an international system of business law, sections within the agencies of governments were established in parallel with sections of agencies in foreign governments. Case in point is the EPA. The organization and purpose of the EPA is the most replicated agency in the world. All governments have one. The trick is that once all of the countries have an EPA and they are all enforcing the same body of laws and policies – Agenda 21 for example, you can eliminate the national agency except for a “national face” and have the laws and polices established at the global level. In the IT field, this is called normalization. That’s the methodology that has been employed to establish a system of global governance.
1960’s – System of trade agreements to establish international system of business law.
1970’s – Harmonization of agencies of government across the world
Source: Seed Global Health History
1980’s – Privatization of government – transferring functions of government to the private sector and/or independent agencies. The “shining city on the hill” is the vision of world without nation-states with the centers of power for global governance being the cities.
1990’s – Reinvention of government; What was meant by that was automating as many of the government processes as possible and integrating them globally. The three major governing sectors that were integrated were Transportation, Education and Health Care. [** health care reform – national system harmonized globally.] Capping agreements – NAFTA and Marrakesh (WTO) to end national sovereignty.
2000’s – September 11, 2001, and the race is on – communists running to the finish line while patriots try to figure out where sound came from.
2010’s – Struggle to regain control of our government and control of our fate.
“We can hardly expect the nation-state to make itself superfluous, at least not overnight. Rather what we must aim for is really nothing more than caretakers of a bankrupt international machine which will have to be transformed slowly into a new one. The transition will not be dramatic, but a gradual one. People will still cling to national symbols.”
— Henry Morgenthau, CFR, Secretary of the Treasury under FDR, 1945
They thought they won –