This morning’s revelation about the Refugee Resettlement program at the College of Southern Idaho is that they are contracting with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) to bring “medically vulnerable” refugees to Idaho. The term medically vulnerable means that they are sick or mentally ill. Idaho is such a wealthy state we can afford to bring medically needy, medically indigent people here? Where is the benefit to Idaho and our nation?
When things don’t make sense logically, there is always a reason that is hidden or unknown that if you knew, it would make sense. That is the case here. These “medically vulnerable” refugees will serve a purpose. I’ve been writing about that purpose since 2007.
Manhattan Project for the 21st Century – Real Time Biomedical Research on Human Populations, September 9, 2010.
It never occurred to me that they would import people from the third world to serve as human rhesus monkeys for medical research. But it does make sense if you set aside any notion of medicine as being a humanitarian endeavor. These refugees are vulnerable people. They know nothing about modern culture or modern health care. And if they did feel like something was wrong, who would they talk to about it? They don’t speak our language. They are being imported by monsters for a monstrous purpose.
The last thing I wrote about the “health care” system was in January of 2014. It was concerning a proposal by Idaho Representative Steve Thayn concerning Community Health Centers for the medically indigent.
Nazi Germany Re-Run and the Third Worldization of American Health Care
For the record, I didn’t start seriously researching the issue of refugees until November of 2014. Prior to that, I’d written only one article titled, Immigration as a Racket. And when I did start researching the issue it was not with the health care system in mind even though I focused on the privatized social services aspect of it. But when I saw the webpage in the first link above, the light went on and the alarms went off.
This is a link to a presentation on the USCRI website page describing the program the refugee program and a study they did on “medically vulnerable” refugees. The College of Southern Idaho was one of the “partner agencies”.