By this point, anybody who doesn’t recognize that our country is being invaded in a mass migration facilitated by Communist United Nations operatives – and that includes the Obamanation is either willfully ignorant or invincibly stupid. Either way, it’s time to get serious and recognize it for what it is because they are endangering our families, our way of life, and our country.
A couple of days ago, after sharing an article on World Net Daily titled Growing Chorus Across U.S.: ‘No More Refugees!, an astute researcher responded with several links to United Nations linked websites. Now I’m going to connect some dots for you because it’s important to understand the multi-level strategy being used. One tier is directed at business. The other tier is directed at the family – hence ECO SOC Economic and Social but the agenda is the same. The agenda is the end of the United States as a sovereign and independent nation.
In 2013, The United Nations adopted a Declaration on International Migration and Development. Notice the four arrows in the logo. Those arrows represent the four modes of “movement of natural persons” under the World Trade Organization. The WTO is a specialized agency of the UN.

At the bottom of that page, there is a link to an 8-point Agenda for “Making Migration Work“. PLEASE READ IT.
The next website is to the ‘Global Migrations Group’. The article is about “mainstreaming migration into national development strategies”. For the United States, translate national development to economic development because that’s the program in your local communities that is bringing this diseased ideology (along with a lot of money) to your communities. Notice on left, there is blue text that is a link to a publication titled GMC International Conference on harnessing Migration, Remittances and Diaspora Contributions for Financing Sustainable Development. The key words are bolded. This report contains the following paragraph:
The primary target audiences for this handbook are those interested in or responsible for facilitating a strategy for integrating migration into development planning processes of developing countries. This will include national government officials from different departments (e.g., ministries of labour, migration, health), local and regional authorities, and the officials from international, regional and national organisations who are supporting this process (including United Nations agencies, intergovernmental agencies, donors, private sector, civil society and academia). The background information and resources included in this handbook can also be used for more general teaching and learning on migration and development issues by other stakeholders.
Do you remember S.1067? This legislation called for a change in state law to include participation in the Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. The Idaho State Department of Health And Welfare and the main stream media attempted to make the issue “about the children” but what the Hague Convention was really about was a global computer system to facilitate REMITTANCES AND DIASPORA COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS. The loopholes were there in the convention for anybody to see. All they had to do was to read the materials.
The next link is to the UNESCO website. UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that works at the intergovernmental level through the Chief Executives Board for Coordination at the inter-secretariat level. You can see who they are by clicking HERE.
The following are the first two paragraphs on that webpage:
UNESCO places emphasis on the human face of migration. It addresses the implications of the movement of people within its fields of competence, firmly embedding its interventions in a human rights framework.
According to new UN global migration statistics, in 2013, 232 million international migrants – 3 per cent of the world’s population – are living abroad worldwide. This makes international migration a key feature of globalization and a central issue on the international agenda.
One of the functions of the Jannus Group in Idaho is Global Talent. Their objective rather obviously is to replace American citizens in professional positions including within government, with communists that they import via the refugee program. They have an “in” with government through the Idaho Health and Human Services Agency at a minimum but probably also with the alleged state environmental agency, the Department of Environmental Quality which is the state incarnation of the international Council of Environmental Quality at the federal level for Agenda 21. The background on the CEQ can be found HERE.
So now you know why the state has embedded 113 lawyers in our state government departments. Probably most of them are card carrying members of the American Communist Liberties Union (ACLU). They are there to make sure that the UN Agenda is carried out.
One of the links on UNESCO’s page is to a paper – Migration Without Borders. You might want to read that and compare it with what is happening in the United States – keeping in mind that the “right to leave” also means a “right to stay” in the globalist plan for the end of nation-states and the establishment of global governance under a totalitarian system run by communists.
To put it to you straight, open borders for open migration will be the end of the United States. No longer satisfied to receive money from American citizens for foreign “economic development” and foreign direct investment, they now want to import people from other countries to work here so they can send money back to their home country. This is yet another form of extraction of wealth from the United States to the rest of the world – but this will be the takedown of the American people along with the country. There are 7 billion people in the world – with open borders, you don’t need to be a math major to figure this out.