Amidst all of the whining and crying about President Trump’s Executive Orders to temporarily halt the flow of refugees (military aged men) the issue of voting fraud has left the radar screen. It needs to come back but not in the context of Russian hacking. Rather, what needs to be exposed is the corrupt political machine that is operating in our counties – funded by the federal government. The system is a national version of New York’s infamous Tammany Hall.
The immigrants of yester-year that served as the power base for the corrupt Tammany politicians are called refugees today and they are being imported and settled as fast as the operatives of the Socialist International can manage it. Today’s version of the national Tammany Hall System is essentially the same as it was in it’s heyday when Boss Tweed’s political machine was virtually unbeatable.
Privatization of Public Health
The research on refugee resettlement in Idaho revealed that there are seven Public Health districts in Idaho. They were created as independent agencies in 1970. The impression given from an outside view is that they are part of the state Health and Welfare Agency – but they are not. Idaho Code Title 39
“It is legislative intent that health districts operate and be recognized not as state agencies or departments, but as governmental entities whose creation has been authorized by the state, much in the manner as other single purpose districts. Pursuant to this intent, and because health districts are not state departments or agencies, health districts are exempt from the required participation in the services of the purchasing agent or employee liability coverage, as rendered by the department of administration. However, nothing shall prohibit the health districts from entering into contractural [contractual] arrangements with the department of administration, or any other department of state government or an elected constitutional officer, for these or any other services. “
The organization for the majority of districts is that there is a District Director and a Board of Directors for the District. The board members are appointed by the County Commissioners. The board members hire the District Director.
County Commissioners are elected representatives. The County Clerk who is also an elected official runs the elections. That’s the Tammany type connection to the election system.
In 1974, the management of the District Health Offices was contracted out to a private non-profit called the Mountain States Group. A couple of years ago when activists started looking at the refugee resettlement program and the connection to the Mountain States Group, they renamed themselves The Jannus Group.

Public Health Department
What does the Public Health system do besides refugee resettlement? You can get an idea by reading this report from 2015 but the important functions from this writer’s point of view are the monitoring of water systems, vaccinations for children, oversight of institutional food preparation and communicable disease and epidemiology.
Slide Show with history – click through the images