Today at the City Council Meeting in Twin Falls, a group called The Magic Valley Refugee Advocates will make a presentation concerning their application and letter of intent to apply for a Gateways Challenge Grant. The Times-News quoted Mayor Shawn Barigar, “The city invited the group to present so council could ‘understand what opportunities may present themselves for involvement from the city”.
The Chamber of Commerce apparently is also involved. The article in the Times-News said that the Chamber Board voted to send a representative to engage in the planning process to determine the Chamber’s role. From the article, it’s not clear what the planning process is about but the answer was found on the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE) website. The Gateways Challenge Grant is a program of the Partnership.
“Recognizing this value, local governments, chambers of commerce, and non-profit organizations are joining forces to develop multi-sector strategic plans for attracting, retaining, and integrating immigrants and international talent. Such plans have spurred new initiatives to support immigrant and U.S.-born entrepreneurs, promote citizenship and financial empowerment, improve public safety, and advance education and workforce goals to help regions compete in the global economy.”
To support the development of these plans in communities across the United States, the Partnership for a New American Economy Research Fund (PNAERF) and Welcoming America announce the Gateways for Growth Challenge. The Challenge is a competitive opportunity for local governments, chambers of commerce, and non-profit organizations to jointly apply for research, technical assistance, and matching grants to support their strategic planning processes.
The terms “research and technical assistance, and matching grants to support their strategic planning processes” is code that translates to “lobbying money to buy support from local officials and business leaders”.
The Partnership for a New American Economy would be more accurately defined as a Partnership for a New American Population. Despite what their website says, they are for open borders for cheap labor to increase corporate profits. One of the co-founders of the group is Bob Iger, CEO of Disney Corporation. Disney is being sued by a couple of American IT workers who were forced to train their foreign replacements who were brought into the country on H-1B visas.
Occasionally, the Times-News does something helpful. In this case, the other front page story is headlined, “Taxes Help Paint Picture of Healthy Economy”. The article opens with, “A surging economy is helping Twin Falls County property owners pay a larger share of their taxes early, even as more tax money is being collected than ever before”.
The way this refugee/immigrant scam works is that the retail businesses experience increased sales because there are more people buying more retail goods – but the costs to the native residents in the form of increased taxes for infrastructure, schools, increased costs for policing, etc. are usually never discussed in the same venue. So in effect what happens is that your standard of living is diminished and your opportunities – or your children’s opportunities for employment are reduced by increased competition for what jobs there are.
At the end of January, Ann Corcoran wrote a couple of articles about the Partnership.
American Resistance 2016
“They are changing America by changing the people”.
Your presence at the Twin Falls City Council meeting at 5:00 today is respectfully requested.
City Council Chambers
303 Third Ave. E
Twin Falls, ID
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