Yesterday, Greg Hunter did an interview with Alex Newman that began with a discussion of Trump taking troops out of Syria. He said what the New World Order was trying to do in the Middle East was collectivize the nation-states into a Middle Eastern Union.
Well, what do you know. I wrote about that in 2015 when I was writing “the rest of the story” about Benghazi continuing the story that I began in 2013. Notice it says TECHNATE. (Note: it’s not my diagram. I found it.)
The Road to Benghazi – Part 1
Alex talked about the fact that Hillary Clinton and Barach Obama invented ISIS. He talked about a de-classified Defense Intelligence Agency document obtained by Judicial Watch that talked about the strategy of establishing a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria. I found the documents on Judicial Watch. Key words: Borders, transportation routes, principality.
Huh.. what do you know. I started writing about that concept in 2010 when I saw it happening in Meridian Idaho. Notice it identifies a principality as the construct and that there was a Criss-Cross, Double Cross going on.
If I were going to re-draw that diagram today, I would include the words “trade facilitation” which includes the concepts in the following extract and I would label the International Financial Mafia as the International Bank of Settlements based on what Alex Newman said later in the interview. This extract is from remarks given by President George W. Bush at the 2001 APEC’s Summit which I wrote about yesterday in a piece called Common Resolve: Forceful Open Regionalism.
Our war on terror has many fronts, and military action is only part of our plan. This campaign will take strong diplomacy and intelligence, diligent law enforcement and financial cooperation. It will span every continent and require varied contributions from many nations.
And as called for in the Shanghai Accord, we must dramatically reduce the cost of doing business across borders by streamlining customs procedures, by harmonizing technology standards, and by cutting redtape.
Our second broad challenge is to fight terrorism within our countries without undermining the ties of commerce and friendship between our countries. Terrorists want to turn the openness of the global economy against itself. We must not let them. We need customs, financial, immigration, and transportation systems that make it easier for us to do our business and much harder for terrorists to do theirs.
I’ve probably said it a thousand times – the World Trade Organization rules call for free movement of goods, services and capital across borders. A service is a job or a person. Translated into people language, that’s open borders for goods, “workers” and money. Workers can be labeled as refugees, illegal aliens, work visa people, it doesn’t matter. The people driving this plan (Alex said the International Bank of Settlements) have an obsession with balance. The mass migrations are a re-balancing of the world’s populations to achieve balance across regions.
The planning for the economics of a region is the concept put forth by Michael Porter. Porter was/is a professor from Harvard and his so-called strategy of competitive advantage included doing a cluster study to identify the largest businesses in the region. Then study the supply chain requirements of those businesses in order to stimulate economic growth serving those supply chain requirements plus anticipated related businesses recruited to the area. In addition, coordinate “worker training” programs to meet the requirements for those businesses. The thinking here is bass ackwards – train the workers and the jobs will come. (Look at this system for what is driving health care costs up).
What it really is – is central planning of the economy and it is setting up an education system for the expected massive importation of foreign workers from the population re-balancing action. It also includes setting up a small business incubator connected with a community college or university so that students can be selected as entrepreneurs for the front companies that serve the interests of the Port Authority that manages the location. The most important of those SME’s are the ones that run the surveillance systems for the fusion center systems which as I showed above will be run by foreigners. Why? Because newly imported foreigners establish colonies and they don’t mingle much outside of their colony for several generations. It doesn’t matter what their nationality or religion. They huddle together for cultural familiarity. Look at Little Italy, China Town, the barrio in Los Angeles, etc. Colonies of foreigners engaged in a covert activity against the native population is a security strategy using the inherent characteristics of a diaspora community.
Logical Construction of the System
The analysis I did on this system was a logical construction not a de-construction. I built the picture of it from the bottom up – like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. The analysis began when a friend, then President of Idaho Eagle Forum, Jane Lesko sent to me a link to this article:
Meridian to host Chinese Economic and Cultural Delegation
That article set off alarm bells, sirens, red blinking lights in my head – EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! Communists have penetrated our borders and our quisling government invited them in. After a phone call to the Meridian Economic Development Specialist Brenda Sherwood, I spent the next six months or so documenting the elements (puzzle pieces) of what they were doing based on information I could extract from the conversation with Sherwood, from the article and relating it to previous research in other areas while Jane researched Foreign Trade Zones.
In June of 2010, I started writing about elements of the location in Meridian because I knew it was a strategic plan for a zone. I called the zone a Trojan Triangle because I needed a name for the construct. I had to define the construct to give context to what I needed to write about the zone in Meridian. The zone in Meridian was called The Core.
Sometime after the publication of the Trojan Triangle research, a radio talk show host from North Idaho, Chris Hinkley of Road Warrior Radio on Republic Broadcasting called me to do an interview on it. My relationship with Idaho Eagle Forum was that I would do most of the research and all of the writing and Jane would send it out under the cover of Idaho Eagle Forum. John Stadtmiller, the owner of Republic Broadcasting became aware of the research so he called Jane to do an interview on the Foreign Trade Zones and the connection to the Communist Chinese. After that, Jane did several interviews on other radio programs as well. Sometime in between all of that, a guy from Nevada called and wanted to talk about the research so Jane handed him over to me. His first question was: Is this real? I told him it was very real. It was after that, that I thought I’d better do a serious report on it. That’s when I wrote:
How U.S. Territory Became A Land Bridge Between Two Bodies of Water
The cover of the report was custom designed for me by a friend. You’ll notice there is a bear in the background. That’s a Russian bear. I didn’t know how the Russians were involved exactly but I knew they were there in the background. At this point, an educated guess would be that the part that the Russians play has to do with mineral rights. The means for paying for the zones is to use Foreign Direct Investment – specifically EB-5 money. Think of this as kind of a money laundering operation. Local officials sell mineral rights to a front company, the Russians and/or Chinese buy the mineral rights. The rights are then sold at a profit to a real minerals based company. The difference (profit) then comes back to the zone (Port Authority) as Foreign Direct Investment for covert funding of the port infrastructure (surveillance and data collection systems) in the zone. It keeps the funding off the public books. No trace. No audit. No questions.
It was after that, that I was contacted by a guy named Mike. Mike put me in touch with General Paul Vallely‘s group, Stand Up America (SUA). They were very interested in my research. They wanted me to write an article about it that could be published. That was a very difficult thing for me to do because I write documentation which means that I include proof of everything. It’s just the way things are done in the analysis business for IT systems. But I did it. I wrote six small articles that were published on World Net Daily under General Vallely’s name.
Mike was a New Yorker and he had been employed in the telecommunications industry so he understood perfectly the systems of surveillance and control I wrote about but more specifically, he knew about the transfer of technology to the Chinese. He told me he knew a guy who knew Donald Trump and he was in Trump’s inner circle. He also told me that Trump knew about all of this that was occurring in our country with the ports and the Chinese. Mike was very politically active when Trump was considering running in 2012. For whatever reason that I don’t know, Trump decided not to run that time. In hindsight, he probably used the next 4 years to prepare to run in 2016.
So why am I telling this story? It’s because I’m almost positive that General Mike Flynn’s name came up in my discussions with Mike (No.. Mike was not Mike Flynn’s son) in connection with SUA. If my memory is correct then there would be no doubt but that Flynn was made privy to my research on ports and the Chinese incursion into Idaho.
At one point, General Vallely asked me if the port system that I was describing was like lily pads. I told him it was exactly like lily pads. Consider a port like a lily pad and the system port-to-port is like lily pads on a pond. What his question told me was that Vallely knew this was a military strategic plan with ports as forward operating bases. This is where the criss-cross, double cross comes in. The military was over in the Middle East fighting for a purpose that didn’t really make sense (War on Terror). What has become clear over time is that what the military is doing is fighting for port locations for the global network of transportation hubs with surveillance and control systems – specifically, the World Customs system and port security system.
Where Mike Flynn comes into this is that he worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the DIA would be the agency that managed the port systems in the foreign countries where they were installed. The Department of Homescam Security supposedly oversees the ports here but probably just contracts with profit-based companies like Booz Allen Hamilton. It should be noted that our Interstate Highway system was built for defense. The military – the Army’s Transportation and Logistics command (not the actual name) still controls a network of highways called STRAHNET – Strategic Highway Network for defense. The graphic below is a depiction of the world wide network for transportation logistics for the military. Notice medical, financial, transportation. Medical becomes important when looking at the activities of the Clinton Foundation.
For the record, I would just like to say that nobody with a security clearance gave me any information on any of this. I’m an analyst and I put the picture together from the sources of information that were publicly available. The strategic planning for all of this was behind the curtain of national security, but there was a lot of information about the top side agenda that was published for special interest groups – and I’d say the public except that the public doesn’t read this kind of stuff for the most part so it was really an open secret for those with eyes to see and a mind to think.
The paragraph below was written for a different article but it serves the purpose here too.
World Wide Port System
End to End Tracking
You’ll notice that the World Wide Port System, appears to be a military logistics system and it is known that military defense contractors Lockheed, Booz Allen Hamilton, designed and implemented systems for port technology and that technology development for transportation began in Germany and Japan with the U.S. joining in 1991, but our interstate system was built as a defense highway system, ISTEA of 1991 added major arterials to and from transportation hubs (ports) and population centers to the national highways system, logistics is a business function so the guts of the systems are the same – it’s only the user interface that needed to be changed to use the systems in a domestic situation. It was discovered that Lockheed did that behind a minority-owned front company called Savi in partnership with a communist Chinese military front company called Hutchinson Port Holdings. It was also discovered that a significant percentage of both transportation funding and defense funding was set aside for minority businesses and contracts. Blueprint for a Coup. As I’m thinking about it, it would seem that the Department of Homescam Security is a “front agency” for the military and probably so is the Department of Justice because none of this could be happening without a corrupt Department of Justice.
This is where the double cross comes in. The network of ports (both sea and inland) were for security for international trade. The technology is for trade facilitation and economic control (choke point) on the economy. There is the top side agenda that includes all the happy talk about selling into the global market and then there is the dark underside of totalitarian control and the police state.
The reason that I’m writing this is because of Mike Flynn and his travails with the Department of Justice. There is no doubt in my mind that he is protecting his son. A pattern that I noticed quite long time ago is that family members of the power people are drawn into the conspiracy. There is no better way to keep the power people in check than to be able to threaten them with the ruin of a family member. The ones I know of for sure that are involved: Chelsea Clinton, Barbara Bush, Vanessa Kerry. There was some issue with Michael Brown – Ron Brown’s son. Harry Reid’s son Rory was involved. In all probability Donald Trump’s son and son-in-law were involved in some aspect of this and probably Mike Flynn’s son may have been involved. What is not known for sure but I would expect, that the young people knew the topside of the agenda that appears legitimate even if somewhat shady but probably not the underside agenda of pure evil totalitarian control.
In case that all sounds far fetched, listen to a clip of Erik Prince talk about what his company was doing in Afghanistan. They were training Border Police (aka Customs and Border Protection). The full video can be watched HERE. Putting two and two together, I think Prince gives the reason why Mattis quit. Mattis didn’t want to have private contractors over there. I’ll bet that Trump will replace the troops in Syria with private contractors – specifically Erik Prince.
Dound this video this morning
Interesting number to say the least for their ‘numb’ering of the heyeway systems
No doubt ports of some sort in their and part of connecting the NAU erasing the borders and setting up their fusion centers along the route
Check out R2 Fusion Inc set up in Plano Texas in 2020
It is plastered all over FedEx Trucks
The World Parliament and the Presidio
The Presidio is where ole Gorby aka Rod Steiger has been housed at (right outside the Golden Gate Bridge) since his infamous tear down that wall with Reagan aka Sinatra
Just outside of Fort Worth and an area referred to as the Golden Triangle is a shopping center known as the Presidio and there is an ALLIANCE Blvd nearby as well
Vicky Davis
I’ll watch that for sure. Do a search on Interstate 11. That’s a new one also. It is one of the international routes that is an offshoot of the CANAMEX. It has taken so long because of the new highway over the Hoover Dam.
Here is an article on the Fusion Centers which I believe were legislatively authorized as Port Security Systems – managed by the Port Authority (designated for the port zone).
On this report, see page 25. There is a map of the Marine Highway Corridors. Major highway intersections are ports – or will be ports.
I think I’ve read both of the links you’ve left above but thanks for them anyway
I am passing your information far and wide
Check this guy out
Man the graphs and charts he provides throughout his videos is off the charts
At 1 hour 8 minutes she discusses
Like R2Fusion Inc set up in Plano Texas in 2020 and the company logo is plastered on the side of FedEx Trucks
FedEx does a hell of a lot of tracking and tracing of ‘packages’ to and from their destininations and even does INTERMODEL
Hmm as in shipping like a container coming from say like China and the contents are not checked they are worked through the system via electronic manifest and the shipment moves throughout the entire ‘supply chain’ without the doors of the container ever being opened until it’s final destination
I know I worked in this electronic data realm for couple decades
How can you ship in millions of immigrants/soldiers and no one is the wiser without a single entity checking it’s contents along the way?
Send in containers full of soldiers and offload in a ‘zone’ off limits to even so called local law enforcement
Scan through all of his videos and check out the links that he provides to this monster
In most of the videos he refers to his data mapping of just who in the hell all of these ‘characters’ are and how they all link together
There is also a link to all this at BURNING MAN
Burning man and it’s relation to Nevada
There is a reason they built a bridge over that hoover as in ‘heave’ offering DAM
In Fools Rush In, the movie, a BABY is born on the state lines
If they fail in the ‘MISSION’ to manifest the destiny they have scripted out and the sheep go along
They have a BACK UP PLAN
38 minutes in folks
And there in LIES the big lies they have all been telling for generations
And you bet these crazy mother fuckers have big plans
And all their key stooges playing their game
And Vicky
This book here, just wow
Links up to Thule Air Force Base on Top of the World in Greenland of Denmark (God)
Check out the graph that shews up on this site
See the few tiny red dots on Greenland
One at the very top is Thule Air Force Base
CERN the www
Linking to Thule Air Force Base through Iceland
Look under the heading DANICE
The STORY a few years back about how Iceland threw out the bankers blah blah blah
In a recent article I read it says that the IMF and others stepped in to help ICELAND throw the bankers out blah blah blah
Anything to do with the IMF or World Bank is all bullshit
Iceland threw out no one period
All smoke and mirrors
The internet started at a military level then they rolled it out to the populace
And this here is interesting just reported the other day
Ester Island statues BURN?
And then link it to this
Another FUSION center
Waxahachie, TX
DAZ Delivery Corporation
Daz Delivery Corporation filed as a Foreign For-Profit Corporation in the State of Texas on Friday, October 23, 2015 and is approximately seven years old, as recorded in documents filed with Texas Secretary of State. A corporate filing is called a foreign filing when an existing corporate entity files in a state other than the state they originally filed in. This does not necessarily mean that they are from outside the United States.
This information was on the side of a FedEx Express truck that I saw this morning
Remember on the Ground trucks I think is the R2 FUSION Inc company service provider information