Fusion Centers
The fusion center concept isn’t difficult to figure out when you consider that the idea was allegedly to protect critical infrastructure but most of our critical infrastructure – electricity for sure, but also water and waste water, banking and finance, gas and oil production, airlines and trucking was privately owned (i.e. non-government). Government buildings, emergency services, roads, highways, ports were for the most part publicly owned. So follow the logic… a government building is blown up in Oklahoma so the response is for government to build a “security” system of protections by sector including cyber security as the blanket protection for all. The fusion center is the command and control center for all sectors for critical infrastructure. Doesn’t make sense does it? Unless your objective is communist in nature – transformation of our system of government into a communist system – specifically the communist Chinese system of state-capitalism meaning dual-ownership through public-private partnerships. When you understand that, then you understand the significance of the Department of Homescam Security and their attempt to declare our election systems as critical infrastructure.
But even that isn’t the full story. The concept for the fusion center goes back to the Reagan Administration. In 1982, Ronald Reagan signed Executive Order 12382 creating the National Security Telecommunications Committee (NSTAC) comprised of corporate leaders to advise the president on national security and emergency preparedness communications policy. In other words, continuity of government.
The NSTAC committee helped to establish the National Communications Center and made it responsible for the telecommunications ISAC – Information Sharing and Analysis Center. The ISAC concept for telecommunications is the hub of the fusion center system. Read more HERE.
Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Information & Communications
Electric Power Systems
Gas & Oil Prod, Stor, & Transport
Banking and Finance
Water Supply Systems
Emergency Services
Government Services
Department of Justice
Credit for the guidelines followed by the disclaimer: We’re guilty but we know nothing about it.
This document was prepared under the leadership, guidance, and funding of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Justice Department Sharing Initiative
Data fusion involves the exchange of information from different sources—including law enforcement, public safety, and the private sector—and, with analysis, can result in meaningful and actionable intelligence and information. The fusion process turns this information and intelligence into actionable knowledge. Fusion also allows for relentless reevaluation of existing data in context with new data in order to provide constant updates. The public safety and private sector components are integral in the fusion process because they provide fusion centers with crime-related information, including risk and threat assessments, and subject-matter experts who can aid in threat identification.
An Overview of the United States Intelligence Community
A Framework for Justice Information Sharing – Service Oriented Architecture by the Global Infrastructure / Standards Working Group.
Global Justice Information Sharing is “A Group of Groups” representing more than 30 independent organizations, spanning the spectrum of law enforcement, judicial, correctional, and related bodies.
Federal Support for and Involvement in State and Local Fusion Centers Homescam: Unveiled
Global Intelligence Information Sharing
Having established the concept of government as the provider of umbrella security combined with collapse of the Soviet Union and the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction initiative to retrieve, control and transport Soviet nuclear and biological weapons – necessitating a “global” transport tracking system with chain of custody capabilities, the military then gets into the act of fusion center capabilities at transportation hubs. Our system of highways was built as a function of defense (originally named the National Highway Defense System).
The military contracts out their IT systems. Both Booz Allen and Lockheed had a hand in designing the port and inland transportation hub systems. Others may have been involved, but those two I know for sure.
1990 – Last Leg of the Race to the New World Order
White House
White House Fact Sheet on APEC’s Free Trade Goals, October 21, 2001, The Shanghai Accord.
How did China get our technology? It was given to them by all the corporations participating in the global trade facilitation project of APEC and ABAC. The trade facilitation occurs port-to-port, at all border crossings and all stopping points in between whether on the sea or on land (i.e. inland ports).
U.S. Customs Today
Lockheed Insights – 2006, Page 12
By combining two of its business operations involved in intelligence programs and homeland security into a new business, Intelligence and Homeland Security Systems, the company will be better equipped to meet the ever expanding and dynamic needs of federal, state and local agencies responsible for guarding America against terrorism.
This new organization, I&HS, is uniquely suited to help homeland and intelligence agencies chart their technical futures. Though this business alignment is new, it builds on decades of experience in systems integration, data management, information security and analysis, enterprise architecture, wireless networks, system of systems and surveillance and reconnaissance.
Lockheed Martin has been working with the Department of Homeland Security since the agency’s inception and has a strong understanding of the department’s crucial need to share information with other intelligence organizations. The Corporation’s businesses are working with DHS, as an example, to find ways to secure vital infrastructure, including water supplies, telecommunications, electrical grids, and oil and gas pipelines. We are engaged in ways to secure a financial and commercial supply chain that relies on electronic systems and protects them from incursion.
And by working closely with the FBI, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, Transportation Security Administration, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services and many others, we have already developed a strong partnership in this arena. Then again, Lockheed Martin has been a part of the nation’s homeland security effort since 1990.
So- this US/COMMUNIST China trade (more than just trade of goods apparently) was planned a looong time ago. Without it, we would no Amazon.com, correct? Vicky I’m curious as to your thoughts on the near future in regard to US and China.
Vicky Davis
I’m worried about our country because despite what Trump and the media says, it’s not possible to shift production from one country to another over night. When these big companies moved to China, they dumped their American expertise. You don’t snap your fingers and find people who know how to set up a manufacturing line, maintain that line and reset your distribution warehouses and locations.
China and the U.S. are in a deadly embrace. That worries me.
Vicky I just read this tonight: “Throughout all of these purchases and acquisitions, Renzi’s government afforded the Chinese unrestricted and unfettered access to Italy and its financial markets, many coming through without customs inspections.” https://traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/i99ht_137_Ita.html “Italy’s Communist Recipe for Disaster
Giacomino Nicolazzo” This is a piece on how Italy is in bed with the Communist Chinese. I had no idea. Italy totally sold out to them. This made my blood boil to boot: “If you remember the horrible earthquake that decimated the villages around Amatricia in the mountains east of Rome in 2015, you would also remember how the world responded by sending millions of dollars to help those affected.
But there is a law in Italy that prevents private donations to charitable Italian organizations. All money and donations received must be turned over to a government agency, who in turn is to appropriate the funds as needed. But that agency is corrupt just as are all the others.
Most of the money never reached a single victim in the mountains. The Renzi government redirected the vast majority of those funds to pay for the growing immigrant and refugee costs.” I hope you read it. I think people are starting to wake up about the Communist Chinese. This guy’s writing sounds a lot like yours.
best wishes- and yes, I agree that we can’t change a country overnight (unless it is for the worse!) those experts, wiz guys who knew how to build and make things, they’re all dead. In the mid-1980s I rented a house in So. Calif. from an older man who built that house from the ground up, it was a gorgeous place. How many men build their own houses today? I mean, really build them, not put together a kit.
Vicky Davis
Thank you Kristin, I will definitely read it. While I’m doing that, watch this video and put what this social engineer, John Martin says in the context of all that I’ve written about the technocratic tyranny. He’s giving a case study overview as to the tactics with the strategy being to gain control of the critical infrastructure. It’s formula – agitation and rise of the minority, the opening for infrastructure (water systems – environmental health) leading to the implementation of the technocratic tyranny via the infrastructure. It’s a termite strategy.
Then listen to this one –
Happy Easter!
Vicky Davis
That is a very interesting story. It must be the pattern globally because they were very close to doing that here in Idaho but we shined a big spotlight on it (articles and radio programs) so they didn’t get the chance to complete the swarming. And then we were slammed with middle eastern refugees just like the guy said about Italy. In fact, we know that now Minnesota has been flooded with Somalies. I have a story about Minnesota when it was the Chinese who were there.
I don’t know how many of the links still work, but it was this story about the zone and the cement companies that were the reason I started researching what they were doing in Boise, Idaho. I was just looking through the list of legislation that was being considered by the Idaho Legislature and I saw one on something called an “Intermodal Commerce Zone”. I wondered what the heck that was about. So I researched it. And I don’t remember whether it was before or after, that I remembered the Minnesota JobZ zone. Anyway, it doesn’t matter much, I connected them as a pattern.
Carol Ray
Vicky ,
Do you know what this is ????
Vicky Davis
I took a look at it and I think this is the place to start unraveling it:
“Utilizing a new model of Sovereign Special Economic Zones, the UAS establishes permanent states that act as a beacon of opportunity and prosperity in regions suffering from economic hardship and instability, providing well paying jobs to day laborers in partnering countries, pouring money into the local economy and opening up resources and infrastructure that would otherwise be impossible to obtain.”
You could call it an autonomous zone as the people in Seattle tried to establish but Special Economic Zone or Special Administrative Zone is more accurate. Probably under the national law of where it is located, it would be considered a Charter City under the global system of commerce. When I was researching them – trying to figure out what was being constructed, I settled on calling it an inland port (port jurisdiction) because that’s how it was set up in Idaho. These SEZ’s are always set up at key transportation hub locations because the idea is for them to be economic chokepoints for the global system.
Notice that the website is professionally designed using the White House website as a loose model. I looked up Apollo Fintech. All of the references in the search were to marketing websites. Notice the story is on PRNEWSWIRE. The PR should stand for propaganda if it doesn’t. The businesses mentioned and the stories produced by them should be considered highly suspect for being BS.
Farther down on the page link above is this statement:
Each sovereign special economic zone will be a permanent state providing energy, infrastructure, food, jobs and critical resources to its partner nation. This is accomplished by the signing of an energy treaty between the UAS and a partnering nation.
That’s the boilerplate organization. If you do research on transportation hub zones across our country, you’ll find the same pattern. The energy always seems to be renewable energy of some type. The jobs are tech jobs – information systems and scada systems (interface between software and mechanical equipment).
The partnering system is what I called the “criss-cross, double cross”. The teams in the respective countries trade places. I don’t know who manages which systems. Nor do I know where the systems are located. Each location is a node on the global network of economic chokepoints.
I looked at Apollo Fintech. It looks like a shell company to me. My guess would be that the people hired for those jobs would be the social engineers that put on a show of successful young entrepreneurs and tech people. From what I’ve observed, they all put on a really good performance like advance people for a circus. (Research Richard Florida).
The global system of special economic zones is like the globalization of the China/Hong Kong system of one country, two systems. The zone is parasitic on the country in which it’s located. The zone becomes essentially a country within a country under it’s own laws as if it were an independent nation-state (city-state).
That should give you a good starting place for understanding what they are trying to establish in South Africa.