The Earth Summit which Bob Cregan, President of the U.S. Business and Industry Council called the Environmental Woodstock began on June 3, 1992. What Cregan had to say was prescient. The purpose of the Earth Summit was to declare war on our economy and by extension, our way of life. This is the video interview of Bob Cregan talking about the summit.
Click the image to watch the interview
On June 2, 1992, Senator Al Gore appeared on C-Span to do an interview about the conference. What Gore said in that interview should have been headline news in all the newspapers and on all TV and Radio news programs. The headline should have been:
Gore was the Chairman of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. He led the Congressional Delegation that went to the Rio Summit because there were two treaties under consideration plus a third agreement concerning the management of forests.
The significance of what Al Gore said can’t be overstated. At the time Gore did this interview, the organizing principle for the world was nation-states. Nation-states were sovereign – deciding their own economic and natural resource policies. The two treaties for Climate Change and Biodiversity were transferring sovereignty to collectivist global control by contract (treaty) essentially. Treason by treaty.
Global Economics
About a week before Gore’s appearance on C-Span, MIT Professor Lester Thurow was the guest on Booknotes to talk about his new book: Head-to-Head: The Coming Economic Battle Among Japan, Europe and America. Thurow explains the global economy and he offers the suggestion that what the United States needs to do is improve skills training at the bottom of the workforce.
It’s an absurd conclusion to the problem of the global economy as he describes it. Thurow was simply adding the imprimatur of MIT to the strategy defined by the Workforce 2000: Work and Workers for the 21st Century commissioned by Labor Secretary William Brock, published in 1987. Brock had been the U.S. Trade Representative at the time the Uruguay Round of trade was kicked off which would lead to the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1995. The Workforce 2000 report was equally absurd in conclusion at the time it was published. Brock incidentally was from Tennessee same as Al Gore. You can read more about him and the labor game HERE.
Business Groups
The most significant piece of information from Lester Thurow was the Singapore meeting between Japanese and German business groups in 1990 recalling that Japan and Germany were allied against the western powers during World War II. In 1989, the Berlin Wall came down, the two Germanys were reunited and in 1990 the Cold War was declared over. Germany was set to dominate the European economy and apparently Japan was re-establishing the pre-World War II alliance against the United States – but with the battlefield being economic and with technology as the weapon. The Japanese business group was led by Mitsubishi and the German business group was led by Deutche Bank and Daimler-Benz.
Technology: Dual Use – Dual Purpose
In 1990, President George H.W. Bush announced a new paradigm in transportation as an element of a new transportation system for the United States. Not coincidentally, the European Commission announced the Trans-European Networks plan (Transport, Energy, Telecommunications – TEN-T) under the umbrella of the transportation system in the same year. The European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization (ERTICO) was founded in 1991 as a multi-sector, public-private partnership pursuing development and deployment of ITS – Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.
Getting back to Al Gore, recall that Senator Gore was the Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee in Congress. As Chairman of the Committee, Al Gore was responsible for the legislation titled High Performance Computing Act of 1991 to fund and build a national – which turned into a global information infrastructure. The following are highlights from his senate biography:
Vice President Gore also is a nationally recognized leader on technology. When he was a member of the U.S. Senate, Gore introduced and steered to passage the High Performance Computing Act to create a national, high-speed computer network and increase research and development of high-performance technologies. That legislation was signed into law in 1991, and is now part of President Clinton’s technology and economic plan, the National Information Infrastructure, to help move the United States into the 21st Century.
To help strengthen and support democracy and economic development in countries throughout the world, Vice President Gore proposed the development of a Global Information Infrastructure. He led the U.S. delegation to the inauguration of the first freely elected President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, and has worked closely with Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to build a partnership between the two former adversaries. The Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission was formed by Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin to foster economic cooperation between their nations, particularly on the issues of space cooperation, business, science and technology, defense conversion, energy and the environment. His leadership was critical in getting passage through Congress of the historic North American Free Trade Agreement.
The National Information Superhighway as they dubbed it was a prerequisite for the new paradigm in transportation systems announced by President Bush in 1990 and it mirrors the European TEN-T system. Linking the systems would require a Global Information Infrastructure. The punch line is that it was Congressman Norman Mineta who authored the transportation legislation, Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 which was the first legislation for the new paradigm in transportation systems. Mineta was the Congressman for the California district that included San Jose. Recall that Mikhail Gorbachev gave a speech in San Jose in 1993 and the Mayor of San Jose, Tom McEnery wrote a book titled The New City-State. That idea combined with the intermodal transportation design and the enterprise zones, you have all of the cannibalizing agents in place for the break up of the United States with technology systems in place to control the territory and the people after the fall.
Now turn your attention back to the Rio Summit. On September 18, 1992, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on the Climate Change Treaty. Al Gore testified at this hearing. In the clip of this hearing, you’ll hear about Germany (Europe) and Japan and technology related to the environment, but the real story is technology for the conquer of the United States via the transportation system thereby meeting the goal of Maurice Strong to destroy the standard of living of the U.S. middle class – dropping us to third world standards. That meets the objective of Henry Morganthau’s plan for Germany following World War II – turn Germany into a pastoral state so that it could never rise again. That’s what they are trying to do with the U.S. behind the environment-technology doctrine of maximum efficiency to “save the planet”.
Rio Summit Treaties
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (English p.41) Signatories (p.10) Documents
Convention on Biodiversity (English p.45) Documents
Senate debate and vote on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change adoption of Agenda 21.
UN Resolutions Adopted, 49/112 Globe Program and 49/113 reaffirming Agenda 21
Summit Objectives
C-Span interview with Liz Barratt-Brown, Atty for NRDC and Russell Train before the 1992 Rio Summit. Brown explains Agenda 21 and Train gives the real reason behind the Rio Summit – war on western mobility and standard of living.
Maurice Strong - Rio 1992
Maurice Strong – western lifestyles are unsustainable; must redistribute wealth from rich to poor; phase out fossil fuels. In other words – the west needs to commit economic suicide.
Pingback: New Organizing Principle: Global UN-civilization – Abel Danger
Indeed. One could say the United States is redesigned to economic regions, the individual states erased- merely “Western area” “Eastern area” and so on, the only definition would be say the distance from each port. I kind of saw this coming when laws and initiatives were being pushed more toward Federal rules & laws rather than State laws, when each US state had it’s own sovereignty at one time & that was respected & honored by its citizens: State specific laws such as abortion, drug laws marriage and so on. When they pushed for a national/Federal law on Trans-gay marriage stuff it pretty much was the nail in the coffin. Vicky I remember you wrote something along those lines regarding some new, dumb new law against ” global human trafficking” (as if it wasn’t illegal already?) and the global search & arrests of fathers who have absconded from child support payments by fleeing to some foreign country. I am not a fan of fathers not supporting their children, but that global over-reach is outrageous.
Thanks for this Vicky & the headline catch phrase is topical & catchy.
When I heard that interview with Al Gore, my teeth about fell out of my mouth. Of all the things I’ve read about Agenda 21 and the Rio Summit, I’ve never read anything about Gore saying those things – and especially in connection with the technology agenda. Global information infrastructure – global systems and that is in fact, what the Uniform Child Support Act of 2008 provided. It called for state participation in a Hague Convention for a global system of child support and family maintenance with state judges rubber stamping foreign court orders.
You’re spot on about the regions. In fact, that’s what Conspiracy of the Mayor’s is about. Regional land use planning and they used the 9-11 system to get law enforcement to sign cross jurisdictional agreements. After stitching law enforcement and first responders together then they got the county executives and the Mayors of the cities to sign cross jurisdictional agreements for regional land use planning. The regional land use planning is the implementation of Agenda 21 principles.
Vicky Davis
Kristin, I’ve written so many things, I forget what I wrote where. In this article about Elaine Chao, I included excerpts from an article in WIRED Magazine. The first paragraph in the article talks about regional economies. The article is just above the diagram I did on the communist system of labor management. (Those red dots on the diagram are links showing that aspect of the system.)
One more thing Vicky- unfortunately I had already posted a comment before reading this article today: ”
Health IT Rules of the Road Must Be Clear, Senate Told
Better data matching also needed, experts say ”
Very scary proposals: “Christopher Rehm, MD, chief medical informatics officer at Lifepoint Health, a healthcare provider based in Brentwood, Tennessee, noted that one proposed rule “would require hospitals to send electronic notifications when a patient was admitted, discharged, or transferred” as part of the conditions of participation in Medicare and Medicaid. “In order to comply with conditions of participation, providers must clearly understand the requirement and the objective compliance measure. This proposal lacks both of those elements, which is concerning given the tremendous penalties hospitals face for failing to comply with conditions of participation,” he said.
Good God. Read the rest of the piece, it’s pretty scary stuff.
It’s very scary stuff on many levels. The terms “meaningful use” and “matching” all are violations of patient privacy beyond imagination. With mandatory participation by the hospitals. It’s a data nightmare and a nightmare for patients if they knew what was happening. This morning on C-Span there is a discussion about changes to Obama Care. Those discussions plus the article make me think that the WHO – World Health Organization is probably the global location for medical records and probably an international health insurance system (so that Americans can subsidize the world in medical insurance in addition to paying for the system itself). As I listened to the discussion on Obama Care insurance this morning, I wanted to scream at the TV …. what the hell is wrong with you people – the issue is not insurance its health care. But in a world of globalized health systems infrastructure, only the systems and the data matter. The patient him/her self is last on the list of concerns.
I’ve said “Healthcare reform” was an “eyes-off” project for many years now.
It was always a “Health Insurance reform” issue with very big players interested in the outcome.
The HMOs cut the health professionals out of the loop fairly early on.
Vicky Davis
The plan albeit unspoken is to eliminate most doctors and replace them with Nurse Practitioners and Physicians Assistants – with computer system support for diagnosis and treatment. The focus of the health care system is shifting to prevention which is an absurdity – but it’s also cheap. People who are well don’t need health care and I would bet with honest statistics, most preventative care is unnecessary (unless there is family history for something) also. They intend to pay doctors for “wellness”. What that will do is to cause doctors to dump their sick patients because they will cost the doctor money. They are creating a surreal upside down world in health care practice.
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“Surreal upside down world . . . ” Yeah, very reciprocal. Gays get married – heteros no longer marry.
The conspiracy conspired by the conspirators to make Germany a pastoral State failed to conspire as planned. Germany leads the world in manufactured exports.
There is a conspiracy against the United States. But really it is a betrayal.
The Judas Kiss comes from your very own government claiming to reflect “the wishes of its constituents” is what I heard from the lips of Al Gore – which is a load of ballyhoo – in one of the two videos featuring him.
Constituents, useless eaters, go past their use by date on election day. They do not know they vote for the betrayal of America. They think they vote for a box of chocolates for America. Such is the treachery of it all, they are brainwashed. By voting accordingly as brainwashed (lied to) the electors are made to participate in the betrayal, without realizing. Then the interim voters are dispensed with as the controlling strings (deep State fixture- automatons), take over the helm.
Guy Fawkes – the Gunpowder Plot – was another conspiracy that though real, turned out a ‘fizzer’ failing in its almost completed mission to destroy the British parliament and monarch.
America is a land of images ( Columbia, Liberty and Freedom Statues – notably all women, or one same fascist woman) and idols, and storytelling, with Hollyweird leading the way as persuaded by the Babylonian Marionettist stringpuller, one-eyed, invisible government, and sheepclad sheepeating wolf. Jeremiah 50:38 RSV. An imaged box of chocolates is in fact betrayal.
The original ‘one eyed’ camera was a pinhole camera which, in accordance with the physical fact of Physics, that light from an object travels only in a straight line, results in the image appearing upside down and left to right, on the screen onto which the image is projected. Propaganda is thus whitewashed – made to look so right and proper. The image is ICXC (Latinized Gk ichthous-fish) or 9990. The reality of which is 0666. For some, Masonic symbolism, but even deeper than that. The Pope wears an open fish mouth mitre on his head. Where else? Read the symbols, ignore the propaganda.
The plot against America is real, the conspiracy is real. The betrayal is moving forward, progressing. That is called progress, according to the propaganda. That backward, upside down image whitewashed, is presented to the sheep as their box of chocolates for America on its use by date – election day. Everything ‘looks’ rosy.
America is being betrayed from within, by its own elected Representatives, sometimes even its own elected king, except not by divine right for life, by birth to a blueblood.
But still, a President’s power of veto over the Congress, is merely the equal of ‘the royal assent’ being withheld, or given the royal ‘nod’. His tenure is temporary, easily replaced. Not a fixture. A Clayton’s king – the ‘king’ you’re having when you’re not really having a king. A pretend king. That way the steps going downward at each election towards the desired treason to betray the American Republic are covered more quickly. A downward spiral. The pretend Princes of Judah (originally House of Lords) – the makeshift substiture Clayton’s Congressmen seek to take away America’s sovereign landmark border boundaries too. Hosea 5:10. All predicted, though unpredictably true.
The conspiracy though real, will not eventuate as conspired, as with Guy Fawkes. John Lennon wisely said, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” Though I will admit the invisible world government – not just of America but including America – controlled the history of the 20th Century.
One anonymous author said, “Whatever the truth, one thing is for sure – Whoever wrote ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’, controlled the history of the 20th Century.
Then the Vatican owned up to writing the deliberately leaked, fraudulent document, publicly, worldwide, on the 16th January, 1997 or 1998. I heard it over Parliamentary and News Radio at 7:55am in Australia. That sealed that admission of “Whoever wrote” it. Such fraudulent writings are themselves called “Projection” an image word. Casting the image of the projector’s own evil purposes onto others, besmirching them instead of self, while the projector comes out looking ‘lily white’. It is all image that must be reversed again upside down, to develop the real scene, the actual truth. That is the image of the image is the developed reality.
The future is unpredictable, yet predicted. America has turned its back, on its best friend who carried it, like a favourite son. The East wind, the wind of the LORD, that blew the Mayflower west to the New World in 1620, then the mantra “Go west young man”, pursuing the east wind to day’s end (Hosea 12:1 RSV) to the International Date Line where west meets east at Alaska, the 49th State, and no further – turns against what became known as ‘the West’. At day’s end in this movie, America, with its nowadays ‘black’ hat, does not ride off into the western sunset. It is finished. So is the movie. Hosea 13:15.
America’s Clayton’s pretend ‘king’, in the coming storm from the East, will be utterly cut off. Hosea 10:15 RSV. Not an assassination – no more Republic. The pretend Clayton’s ‘king’ could not save America. Hosea 13:10. He could have, if America maintained its moral integrity (as the founding fathers foresaw) for which there is only one source. But having abandoned God and embraced abomination, infanticde, and debauchery as the right and proper tolerance upheld by law, aka godless socialism, better know as communism, there remains no lenience that a fake, Clayton’s, pretend, evil king can save America. The phoney Clayton’s ‘king’ has become nothing but a ‘great pretender’ peddling false propaganda (this is not aimed at Trump or Kennedy).
Its best friend, that loved its early inhabitants from the Mayflower, has forsaken it, and walked the other way, instead of searching for its footprints in the sand. But who left who first? Hosea 7:13. Hosea 9:12. Multiculturally multigod and Godlessly socialist now, they are the architects of their own destruction, with no lenience left to deal with.
Communism is ‘godless socialism’, is what I was taught in my schooldays, describing America well today. Godless and socialist equals communist.
There is an old saying, I remember, that goes like this: –
If you love something,
Set it free.
If it comes back,
It is yours.
If it doesn’t,
– It never was.
America is so far down in the immoral quicksand, it cannot salvage its return. No one can rescue it, not even its own power – a waste of money. When it comes to its senses it can be rescued by its old loyal, but betrayed friend, whom America deserted in the first place, waiting in the wings.
Until then, the only evidence of which way America (Ephraim) has gone, is sheep shit in the sand, and the entrails thereof. So go on, and read between the lines while time yet remains.
America will not feature in the coming NWO. They will be nothing but slaves in the NWO, after first being wanderers (unwanted refugees) among the nations Hosea 13:15 for foolishly surrendering their own border boundaries, making themselves homeless.
How does it make sense that a nation surrenders its territorial sea boundaries, and Canadian border lightly, but at the same time blocks off its southern border with a wall over land, that could otherwise be walked out of?
“Surreal upside down world . . . ” Yeah, very reciprocal. Gays get married – heteros no longer marry.
The conspiracy conspired by the conspirators to make Germany a pastoral State failed to conspire as planned. Germany leads the world in manufactured exports.
There is a conspiracy against the United States. But really it is a betrayal.
The Judas Kiss comes from your very own government claiming to reflect “the wishes of its constituents” is what I heard from the lips of Al Gore – which is a load of ballyhoo – in one of the two videos featuring him.
Constituents, useless eaters, go past their use by date on election day. They do not know they vote for the betrayal of America. They think they vote for a box of chocolates for America. Such is the treachery of it all, they are brainwashed. By voting accordingly as brainwashed (lied to) the electors are made to participate in the betrayal, without realizing. Then the interim voters are dispensed with as the controlling strings (deep State fixture- automatons), take over the helm.
Guy Fawkes – the Gunpowder Plot – was another conspiracy that though real, turned out a ‘fizzer’ failing in its almost completed mission to destroy the British parliament and monarch.
America is a land of images ( Columbia, Liberty and Freedom Statues – notably all women, or one same fascist woman) and idols, and storytelling, with Hollyweird leading the way as persuaded by the Babylonian Marionettist stringpuller, one-eyed, invisible government, and sheepclad sheepeating wolf. Jeremiah 50:38 RSV. An imaged box of chocolates is in fact betrayal.
The original ‘one eyed’ camera was a pinhole camera which, in accordance with the physical fact of Physics, that light from an object travels only in a straight line, results in the image appearing upside down and left to right, on the screen onto which the image is projected. Propaganda is thus whitewashed – made to look so right and proper. The image is ICXC (Latinized Gk ichthous-fish) or 9990. The reality of which is 0666. For some, Masonic symbolism, but even deeper than that. The Pope wears an open fish mouth mitre on his head. Where else? Read the symbols, ignore the propaganda.
The plot against America is real, the conspiracy is real. The betrayal is moving forward, progressing. That is called progress, according to the propaganda. That backward, upside down image whitewashed, is presented to the sheep as their box of chocolates for America on its use by date – election day. Everything ‘looks’ rosy.
America is being betrayed from within, by its own elected Representatives, sometimes even its own elected king, except not by divine right for life, by birth to a blueblood.
But still, a President’s power of veto over the Congress, is merely the equal of ‘the royal assent’ being withheld, or given the royal ‘nod’. His tenure is temporary, easily replaced. Not a fixture. A Clayton’s king – the ‘king’ you’re having when you’re not really having a king. A pretend king. That way the steps going downward at each election towards the desired treason to betray the American Republic are covered more quickly. A downward spiral. The pretend Princes of Judah (originally House of Lords) – the makeshift substiture Clayton’s Congressmen seek to take away America’s sovereign landmark border boundaries too. Hosea 5:10. All predicted, though unpredictably true.
The conspiracy though real, will not eventuate as conspired, as with Guy Fawkes. John Lennon wisely said, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” Though I will admit the invisible world government – not just of America but including America – controlled the history of the 20th Century.
One anonymous author said, “Whatever the truth, one thing is for sure – Whoever wrote ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’, controlled the history of the 20th Century.
Then the Vatican owned up to writing the deliberately leaked, fraudulent document, publicly, worldwide, on the 16th January, 1997 or 1998. I heard it over Parliamentary and News Radio at 7:55am in Australia. That sealed that admission of “Whoever wrote” it. Such fraudulent writings are themselves called “Projection” an image word. Casting the image of the projector’s own evil purposes onto others, besmirching them instead of self, while the projector comes out looking ‘lily white’. It is all image that must be reversed again upside down, to develop the real scene, the actual truth. That is the image of the image is the developed reality.
The future is unpredictable, yet predicted. America has turned its back, on its best friend who carried it, like a favourite son. The East wind, the wind of the LORD, that blew the Mayflower west to the New World in 1620, then the mantra “Go west young man”, pursuing the east wind to day’s end (Hosea 12:1 RSV) to the International Date Line where west meets east at Alaska, the 49th State, and no further – turns against what became known as ‘the West’. At day’s end in this movie, America, with its nowadays ‘black’ hat, does not ride off into the western sunset. It is finished. So is the movie. Hosea 13:15.
America’s Clayton’s pretend ‘king’, in the coming storm from the East, will be utterly cut off. Hosea 10:15 RSV. Not an assassination – no more Republic. The pretend Clayton’s ‘king’ could not save America. Hosea 13:10. He could have, if America maintained its moral integrity (as the founding fathers foresaw) for which there is only one source. But having abandoned God and embraced abomination, infanticde, and debauchery as the right and proper tolerance upheld by law, aka godless socialism, better know as communism, there remains no lenience that a fake, Clayton’s, pretend, evil king can save America. The phoney Clayton’s ‘king’ has become nothing but a ‘great pretender’ peddling false propaganda (this is not aimed at Trump or Kennedy).
Its best friend, that loved its early inhabitants from the Mayflower, has forsaken it, and walked the other way, instead of searching for its footprints in the sand. But who left who first? Hosea 7:13. Hosea 9:12. Multiculturally multigod and Godlessly socialist now, they are the architects of their own destruction, with no lenience left to deal with.
Communism is ‘godless socialism’, is what I was taught in my schooldays, describing America well today. Godless and socialist equals communist.
There is an old saying, I remember, that goes like this: –
If you love something,
Set it free.
If it comes back,
It is yours.
If it doesn’t,
– It never was.
America is so far down in the immoral quicksand, it cannot salvage its return. No one can rescue it, not even its own power – a waste of money. When it comes to its senses it can be rescued by its old loyal, but betrayed friend, whom America deserted in the first place, waiting in the wings.
Until then, the only evidence of which way America (Ephraim) has gone, is sheep shit in the sand, and the entrails thereof. So go on, and read between the lines while time yet remains.
America will not feature in the coming NWO. They will be nothing but slaves in the NWO, after first being wanderers (unwanted refugees) among the nations Hosea 13:15 for foolishly surrendering their own border boundaries, making themselves homeless.
How does it make sense that a nation surrenders its territorial sea boundaries, and Canadian border lightly, but at the same time determinedly blocks off its southern border with a wall over land, that could otherwise be walked out of – leaving no avenue of escape over land?