In the recent article titled Idaho’s Illegitimate Government, one of the factors that formed the basis of the opinion that Idaho no longer has an independent judiciary was the evidence that Idaho Supreme Court Justice G. Richard Bevan signed a public health order for the courts on September 22, 2021. The Court was subjugating itself to the Public Health System due to a declared national and state Public Health Emergency.
The obvious question was why did Judge Bevan do that? The thought did occur to me that there might be a connection to legislation that was passed in 2015 (S.1067-H0001) by the Idaho Legislature that required Idaho judges to honor international court orders.
In the spring of 2015 just before the Idaho legislature was about to recess for the year, there was a piece of legislation that the Idaho Senate voted on that was then headed for the Idaho House. The bill was S.1067 and it included direct reference to the 2007 Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance Act. The following is the language in the S.1067 Statement of Purpose:
From April 4, 2015 through May 15, 2015 when the Idaho State legislature voted to pass this legislation in an extraordinary session of the legislature, I was engaged in a total immersion, crash course on The Hague, the Uniform Law Commission, the HHS/ACF, the requirement for states to pass this legislation and so much more. It was a treasonous act for the Idaho legislature to vote to bind Idaho’s court system to an international law convention. And they did it for money – federal money and access to federal systems.
Frankly, I did not want to relive that month and half with the stress and horror of trying to understand what was going on with the S.1067 legislation that was being pushed by the HHS/ACF which is also the agency that funds and directs the refugee resettlement system. It is the Public Health System in Idaho that does refugee resettlement. Presumably that is true in other states as well. So the hierarchy is HHS/ACF – Public Health – Refugee Resettlement.
Virtual Global Governance – The Hidden Hand
While the 2007 Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Family Maintenance Act was ostensibly about cross border cooperation in child support recovery, it was actually more about setting up an IT System that can only be defined as a global governance system – virtual, unseen and unknown to the public. It should be noted that Family Maintenance is an ambiguous term. It can be anything inside or outside the home related to relationships between people.
Global Governance is a Cross Border IT System
iSupport is a Global Governance System
2006 Internet Archive Computer Systems Policy Project (Technology CEO Council) led by Craig Barrett, Intel CEO, Health IT article.
After doing some cogitating on all the above and everything related that I’ve researched, I started looking for more information from previous research. That’s when I found the Health Passport proposal from the Western Governor’s Association that was published in 1995.
Scrolling down, Twin Falls County is listed as a Health Passport Project demonstration location. The partners listed are Southern Idaho (presumably the community college), Medical Information – too ambiguous to determine who that was except Medicaid, and a Network called SIMIN. A search did find that an organization called Southern Idaho Medical Information Network, Inc. (SIMIN) did exist as an organization between 1994-1997.
It was also found that a Utah attorney, Mark D. Stubbs, formerly a resident of Idaho was on the Board of SIMIN.
The initiative of the Western Governor’s Association for a medical records information network had to be connected to the federal initiative to nationalize medical records that was kicked-off in 1990 with an inquiry from the senate to the GAO.
In 2008, Idaho’s theft and aggregation of medical records was achieved when the statewide Idaho Health Data Exchange was opened for business. It’s theft because they made the system an OPT-OUT rather than an OPT-IN.
Idaho Statesman Editorial, 1/20/2008
In 2005, Michael Leavitt who was at the time, the Secretary of HHS gave testimony to the Committee on the Budget in the Senate on Health IT. The trick of course was how to get doctors to participate – to defile and betray the doctor-patient relationship. That was easy – money as a bribe and regulatory racketeering if money failed. That’s how the hospitals became the centers for public health with public health really being the keepers of the information systems. The hospitals already had IT systems and the expertise to run them. The costs for electronic health records for individual or even groups of physicians were prohibitive.
FEMA, Public Health and Emergency Powers
In 2001, the Idaho Observer was on top of the story: Emergency powers proposal would usher in martial law under guise of “public health”.
The Administration for Children and Families is comprised of 21 offices including the Office of Regional Operations, which represents 10 regional offices around the country. Each office is specialized in its mission, supporting a variety of initiatives that empower families and individuals and improve access to services in order to create strong, healthy communities.
Those regions correspond exactly to the FEMA regions with the exception of Palau in Region 9. Where is Palau? It’s in the South Pacific near the Philippines. Never heard of it before today.
So now we know they’ve been building the nationalized medical records infrastructure over decades and they planned for FEMA and the Public Health System under the HHS/ACF to take over as population health managers. On January 31, 2020 when Secretary of HHS, Alex Azar declared a public health emergency following by the Trump proclamation of a national emergency concerning a virus.
We also know that it’s international because some of the American states are beginning to talk about health passports as are the states of the European Union.
EU Digital COVID Certificate: Everything you need to know
The certificate, however, will log three things: the holder’s vaccination record, negative tests, or a record of previous infection — which should make travel easier.
In other words, their medical record – aka electronic health record. The label – certificate, passport, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the underlying system of electronic health records.
The Hague
The Hague is actually the name of a city in the Netherlands but the name is used interchangeably with the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). Scroll down on that page and you’ll see the areas of law they cover. Those are areas of law that should be completely and totally domestic under the laws of the United States and the individual laws of the states. What they did with the UIFSA was to bring private law under the international system. Another way of understanding this is that the HCCH is the human dimension of globalization.
See Helsinki Final Act – Human Dimension
The Borderless World
On January 4, 2022, Joe Allen, the correspondent for all things transhumanism on Steve Bannon’s warroom made an appearance. Allen’s subject was Parag Khanna and Khanna’s vision of a borderless world. It’s not actually Khanna’s vision. He apparently is the chosen one to tell the world how telecommunications and organized, interconnected networks are changing the world. Call it globalization.
Background on Parag Khanna, globalist, terrorist
“I believe we focus on the lines that cross borders, the infrastructure lines. Then we’ll wind up with the world we want, a borderless one. Parag Khanna, 2009, TED talk, Mapping the future of countries. “
Notice that Steve and Joe call Khanna a Davos man. It’s worse than that actually. The New America Foundation is the homegrown globalist terrorist organization behind the subversion of the American nation-state.
This is how we are losing our country. It’s because the leaders of our country lost control of the country when they chose to globalize IT systems for an interconnected world. I think that most of them had no idea they were giving up the power to govern and the sovereignty of our nation-state.
Vicky I was unable to access this site yesterday, got a WordPress error, I guess you were working on it.
” it was actually more about setting up an IT System that can only be defined as a global governance system” Ostensible motives given, ulterior (aka “real) reasons are realized in the outcomes. You wrote about this in fascinating detail in “Benghazi Bamboozle”. I think this corona bullsh*** will be used to create our new ID, no? Will we have a COVID ID? or will COVID just be one trojan horse they use to get us in on a national ID? Sat in bed last night wondering, if it were possible if those sea line cable breaks way back in 2008 that took a big chunk of the world offline, that is “off global” , were deliberate acts perpetrated by a group, political or no, and if so, were they the “good guys”? Was it the same “good guys” who prevented Hillary’s IT system from being implemented in LIbya? Were these guys(?) individuals working in a concerted effort under aegis of a group or coalition? So many questions and so much hope. The basis of conspiracy themes is World Power/World Control. No instant global communication no instant global control I would guess.
My website was down for about 3 days because of a WordPress update that caused problems with the plugins. I had a hard time restoring it.
It’s always been my thinking that the purpose of the mandatory jab is to establish a unique medical ID for a global system of medical information (global health). Actually it will be a national system of medical records that is accessible globally.
I wish it were as simple as cutting the fiber optic cables. The people may be cut off but the criminals of the global systems will still have satellite communications. There is no fix for this global disaster except to address the real problems directly. Just off the top of my head, that means outlawing global foundations; no corporate funding of foundations; and take down the ones that exist now. Governments around the world will all have to do the same thing. A government that doesn’t protect the regular people from the wealthy and powerful becomes the agent of control of the regular people for the purposes of the wealthy and powerful. That’s where we are now. I hope people figure it out soon because our world is being destroyed and there won’t be any fix for it if they are allowed to succeed.
Have you seen this video documentary? It’s excellent.
Check out Molina Healthcare
Page 11 shows a chart that has the entire state mapped out in REGIONS just like all the other states
8 Regions no doubt that are all represented by COG’s
Molina serves millions of Medicaid recipients in 15 states
The passport is your entre into a trap. Did you notice that just about everything requires pre-authorization? Why would they give you a reward for showing up for an appointment and “making healthy choices”? The inverse is punishing you when you don’t. That will be the next phase after the trap door slams shut.
Medicaid recipients are easily captured because they don’t pay for it so the government can hand them over to a private company for administration.
Notice One-Stop (Shop). T
Yes I agree thought you might find this interesting
I used to work for Molina too
And Coventry Health Care which used to be known as HealthAmerica before Conventry bought them out
They used a system called AIX (IBM) written in mumps
Conventry has since been bought out by Aetna
CHAMPUS is huge as well it is all the military medical claims
I also worked with a third party adminstrator called CDS of which was a spin off of Deloitte and Touche (they are in inner city london)
We worked on behalf of state medicaid agencies to recoup money for the state from so called private insurers and we were paid 7% of whatever we recouped
This is how I got started in the work of Electronic Data Enterchange, EDI
When I started we mailed thousands of paper claims to carriers, all of them in an attempt to recoup money which medicaid paid when they are always the payor of last resort
The data was an absolute mess and so was the printing of the data on the HCFA1500 (fee for service office visit forms) and the UB92 (hospital admission and stay billing form)
I worked to load that data to database tables with programmers to where when we did print the forms that they were printed correctly and I also worked to route the claims to the correct insurance offices for payment
It was huge and I mean huge
We obtained all electronic elegibility data form all the carriers and housed it and we bumped medical claims data up against the carrier files for matches to bill out to the carrier – COB, coordination of benefits
When I first started everything was paper and I helped these mofo’s map all this shit and eventually helped set them up to send all of this stuff electronically and get paid electronically too for both Medicare and Medicaid
Another outfit that does this is PCG Public Consulting Group – I worked for them under CDS and then later on was employed directly by them
FEP is known as Federal Employee Benefits
Girl I could tell you so much it would make your head spin in electronic data and medical claims
And I worked in logistics as well – both industries is what they are working over and running through the coals right now
As folks become ‘unemployed’ they apply for these so called ‘benefits’ and this is how they will enslave the masses one unemployed desperate person or whole families at a time
They have absoultely no idea the role the so called states play in this game and I think most of the folks who work for the state and the godvernments haven’t a clue either
If you do not understand how these fucking machines and this data game (funny sounds a lot like the dating game) works you will not see what you and I see
If you should ever want to discuss in more detail guess we could exchange emails or phone numbers
Being that absolutely nothing is ‘private’ they capture all data and no way to hide any of it
Even these so called VPS’s and all this other shit is nothing more than a smoke screen and a service they can charge you for
Like their LifeLock BULLSHIT
Only way to get out is to drop all communications, emails, phones etc etc etc
It is truly a world wide web of nothing but deceit and lies
Thule Air Force Base is there. Of course this is supposed to be Antarktica but is it?
He has a blog too
And all ties in to BURNING MAN
Check this out Vicky
The Saudi deals in the gulf and exxon mobile
Same shit