In a bulletin dated April 30, 2015 on the website of Judicial Watch about the Clinton “21st Century political machine”, the following is a paragraph about Huma Abedin and her connection to Teneo.
Then there is Teneo Holdings, a global consulting firm with deep Clinton connections. Teneo serves as a kind of private-enterprise satellite to Clinton Inc. Doug Band, Mr. Clinton’s right-hand man for many years, is a Teneo founder. Huma Abedin, Mrs. Clinton’s right-hand woman for many years, was a senior advisor to Teneo at the same time she held a top position as part of Mrs. Clinton’s inner circle at the State Department. Bill Clinton was both a paid adviser to Teneo and a client. Secretary of State Clinton’s former Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland, Declan Kelly, is a Teneo co-founder and CEO.
[Go to Judicial Watch to read this because there are embedded links that are critical to the story]
… Reporter Ron Brynaert is one example of this new breed of investigative gunslinger. A former executive editor for Raw Story, Brynaert has been digging deep into the Teneo connection and publishing his findings at his blog, “-gate news” and on Twitter. While the media focus on former Clinton aide Doug Band as the key Teneo founder, Brynaert has explored the extensive Clinton ties of Declan Kelly, the Teneo co-founder and CEO. Based on Brynaert’s reporting, Kelly seems to be the real brains behind the operation.
Declan Kelly
Kelly’s bio on Teneo’s website has the missed tidbit:
Prior to Teneo, Mr. Kelly served as the U.S. Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland at the U.S. Department of State. Mr. Kelly was appointed Economic Envoy by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in September, 2009.
In his role as Economic Envoy, Mr. Kelly is recognized as having helped bring significant investment to the region from U.S. corporations. He also played a significant role in supporting the efforts that led to the historic devolution of policing and justice powers to the Northern Ireland Assembly, giving Northern Ireland fully devolved political governance for the first time in its modern history.
The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission
The Commission’s Legislative Base
The Northern Ireland Act 1998 states, “there shall be a body corporate known as the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission (“the Commission”) to perform:
(a) the functions conferred on the Commission by virtue of any enactment; and
(b) any functions conferred on the Commission by resolution of the Assembly.”
The Commission is the body corporate of the Northern Ireland Assembly. It has the responsibility, under section 40(4) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, to provide the Assembly, or ensure that the Assembly is provided with the property, staff and services required for the Assembly to carry out its work.
The Assembly Commission may delegate any of its functions to the Speaker or a member of staff of the Assembly and may determine its own procedures.
In an article in Politico, they reveal that while Declan Kelly was appointed to a position in the State Department, he didn’t draw a paycheck.
When Hillary Clinton became secretary of state she personally sought out a man named Declan Kelly to be her economic envoy to Northern Ireland, giving her 41-year-old former fundraiser a special status outside normal diplomatic channels.
“Yeah! Is he now official? Can I call him? Can I ask him to start?” she wrote in an Aug. 28, 2009 email to her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.
By some measures, Kelly was a bargain for the government. The Ireland-born businessman refused a salary, hired five staffers on his own dime and pushed for U.S. companies to invest in the once-troubled region, a diplomatic priority for Clinton.
But while serving as Clinton’s special envoy, reaching out to global corporations for those investments, he was also working for two of them as a private consultant — earning about $2.4 million from Dow Chemical, a longtime client of his and one of the firms that participated in Clinton’s Ireland initiative.
Another article in Politico in 2016 said that it was Declan Kelly who arranged for the lucrative paid speeches for former US President Bill Clinton. The article also included this:
Leaked emails reveal new details about the role played by the New York-based Irish public relations consultant Declan Kelly in directing funds from his clients to former US president Bill Clinton.
One emailed memo says Mr Kelly, brother of former Labour minister Alan Kelly, introduced a Wall Street banker, Bob McCann, head of wealth management at UBS, to Mr Clinton at an event hosted by the American Ireland Fund (AIF), the philanthropic organisation, in 2009.
It indicates Mr Kelly later encouraged Mr McCann to pay Mr Clinton for speeches.
UBS paid the former president $450,000 for speeches in 2011 with a further $450,000 to be paid in 2012, the leaked November 2011 document states.
In the first linked Politico article the following is mentioned:
At a grand State conference packed with Irish politicians and global corporate chieftains, organized by Kelly in October 2010, Hillary Clinton cheered U.S. companies for pumping money and “more than 1,000 new jobs” into Northern Ireland — including Dow Chemical, Kelly’s longtime client, for opening a supply chain consulting service in Belfast.
… And it all started while Kelly was at Clinton’s State Department, working doggedly to promote her agenda of persuading businesses to invest in Northern Ireland and winning strong praise from his boss.
In 2010, Ireland was experiencing an economic meltdown according to the news. It was a big enough story and it connected with my other research so I wrote about it. Then in March of this year, Charles Ortel and Jerome Corsi did segment on Irish Aid and I wrote about that too.
When I read the text that I called the missed tidbit (devolution of policing and justice powers to the Northern Ireland Assembly, giving Northern Ireland fully devolved political governance), I did a search on “political devolution” and found this article:
Political devolution, regional governance and tackling deprivation
At the point when it was discovered that Hillary Clinton was using a private server and the first email was found that was State Department business, the FBI should have launched a criminal investigation with the intent to prosecute everybody involved for breaching the national security. Why didn’t they? Because the FBI is under the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the DOJ is involved in the Five Eyes (Page 26). What better way to run a crime syndicate than to do it by managing law enforcement and the justice systems?
Yesterday, the Senate Intelligence Committee held a hearing on the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. Listen to the testimony of Victoria Nuland who was the Department of State, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs. She mentions a national fusion center and multilateral cooperation.
The bottom line is that the Clinton’s tried to engineer a coup d’etat on our country – but not just our country. Think about this as a corporate restructuring plan – a rearrangement of the world. Roughly speaking, the strategy goes like this:
- Identify a logical zone (economic and transportation hub) and establish a corporate governing structure with a partnership between business and government.
- Bring in the clowns and do the economic boom time show to get local buy-in.
- Set up a commission that becomes the governing authority for the zone (Port Authority)
- Implement surveillance and control technology to control the zone.
- Once the technology-based police state technology is in place, move the clowns to the next targeted location.
- Corporatize the national agencies so that they are structures independent of the national government and authorize them to obtain funding independent of the national government
- At the national level define the bordering countries as part of a regional common market
- Erode control of the borders until the nation is overwhelmed and subsumed and ultimately, the nation-state collapses.
On the webpage of the Clinton Foundation, there is a Gantt chart for the Clinton initiatives. Look at each one of them as a new mission for a privatized national agency. The C40 megacities are the major economic hubs of our country. Smaller cities and towns have the same structure (economic club – partnership between government and business) but the large cities were targeted first for obvious reasons.
A couple of days ago one of my FB friends posted the DUNS numbers of about a dozen government agencies. This morning, I verified the information by looking up a few of them – enough to know that the information is accurate. Our agencies of government do have DUNS numbers.
Lookup for the DUNS numbers (no prefix – number only).
The evidence is overwhelming – and that is the problem. It’s overwhelming.
One Comment
The elites of the world – the top 1% of the top 1% of all, continue the monopoly game of winner takes all. First they join together to get to the first 1% and then it’s a fight between each other to get to the 1% of the 1%. But those winners still aren’t done and they will do just about anything they can get away with to make it to the top. It’s the “winner takes all” mentality, while the rest of us are left at the mercy of the final winner(s), aka final dictator, god, king. And that winner an entity that could be one person or a handful of people, artificial intelligence, or a communist regime, or likely a combination of these until the final god (dictator) is determined. The current aspiring gods are worried about falling behind. Look out Communist China, cause Jeff Bezos is almost $150 Billion and growing fast! Goodbye Sears! So everyone, bow to your masters, obey them, and give them all your privacy so they can control you! Smile for the cameras!
Will you be a survivor? Who (or what) will be the winner taking all?
Winner Takes All