I had to make a correction to what I wrote yesterday about the U.S. Power Problem. It was 2012 that Donald Trump thought seriously about making a run for the presidency. That change in the timeline is significant to the story of Jared Kushner, the Trump Administration, the Russians and the spy story set up by or through the FBI. It’s also significant in the timeline of my research on intermodal commerce zones and Chinese investment in the U.S. which came to light in 2010 in Idaho and has continued since then.
Russia has an economy that is dependent upon the sale of oil.
According to an article in the Washington Post, there is a discrepancy between the Russian bank’s account of the meeting with Jared Kushner and Jared Kushner’s account of the meeting. The following are excerpts from the article:
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — The White House and a Russian state-owned bank have very different explanations for why the bank’s chief executive and Jared Kushner held a secret meeting during the presidential transition in December.
The bank maintained this week that the session was held as part of a new business strategy and was conducted with Kushner in his role as the head of his family’s real estate business. The White House says the meeting was unrelated to business and was one of many diplomatic encounters the soon-to-be presidential adviser was holding ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Officially, VEB is Russia’s state economic development bank, set up to make domestic and foreign investments that will boost the Russian economy.
The name of the bank in question is Vnesheconombank (VEB). The significance of VEB being a development bank and Kushner’s business as a real estate developer for one thing is that Trump’s transportation budget calls for spending a trillion dollars on infrastructure with the U.S. U.S. government putting in $200 billion of that money. The balance – $800 billion would come from foreign direct investment. During Trump’s State of the Union address, he bumped up the amount to a trillion and a half on infrastructure spending that the American people can’t afford. Presumably that means $1.3 trillion of foreign direct investment in the U.S.
So what the issue comes down to is which country – Russia or China will provide the foreign direct investment funds and who will receive the benefit from it. The whole story about Russian spies and collusion is horse hockey. It has nothing to do with spying. It does however have to do with connections and money.
Keeping in mind that Russia’s economy is dependent on selling oil, to understand the issue, we need to go back to 2011. There is a video on C-Span to watch that will go a long way toward explaining the dispute between the Deep State and the Trump Administration.
U.S.-China Relations & Energy Policy,
January 18, 2011
That’s just the teaser. There will be more coming shortly.
I just want to say I’ve only today come across your website. Reading your ‘About Me’ page resonated so strongly with me. As a fellow systems analyst my ‘connecting the dots’ journey as been very similar to the experiences you describe. I look forward to reading the wealth of information you’ve put together on your websites. I know how difficult the course is. Keep going.. it’s incredibly important what you are doing.
Vicky Davis
Butterflies, thank you. I don’t encounter too many systems analysts in this work. It’s too bad. We need all hands on deck to sort out this rolling disaster we have going on. I’m glad you found my website.
This is fantastic Vicky. You know, even the average person can garner dribs and drabs of what is going on with trade deals. A trip to the grocery store will show it- why are we importing apple juice from China (70% of all our apple juice is Chinese)? and garlic? Gilroy CA is the garlic capitol of the world. Why are we importing seafood.. from India and Bangladesh (of all places!) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/leading-generic-drug-maker-faked-test-results-for-fda-approval/ even after fraud, FDA gives Ranbaxy another deal.
The refugee flood is part of it too- these initiatives are United Nations-born and wealth redistribution is part of it. One World, One Ghetto. Vicky- a tool I use to get others involved and interested is during casual conversation, someone may bring up a complaint about Chinese food imports, or the state of our bridges, I send them a link to your site. I must say your articles have done more to educate than any others I’ve seen online. It’s not easy to put the pieces of the puzzle together, especially when the instructions are written in a “foreign language”- reminds me, on Larry Elder radio show last week, a woman caller-in made a notable statement- that these organizations form their plans and speeches using language and words that we define differently than they define them, so we end up misunderstanding their goals and meanings. We assume the ostensible meanings, when the real goals are quite different. Anyway- my point being, you’ve managed to put it all into “English” and connect the dots as well. Not easy. Thank you.