Words matter. People who have noticed the redefinition of the United States geography into regions have used the term regionalism to describe it. That makes sense to a degree but does not give the uninitiated any solid historical concept to associate with it. NAFTA for example, is a tripartite agreement between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. It’s called a trade agreement but it’s more about harmonizing laws than it is about cross-border commerce. It includes labor and environmental rules that were side agreements in NAFTA but are embedded in the renegotiated USMCA agreement. Apparently, the USMCA also includes most of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement that was rejected as a separate agreement.
Customs Union
It turns out that cross-border economic and social arrangements are actually called Customs Unions. When you do a search on that term, you’ll find a lot of information about them – including the part that they’ve played in history and it isn’t good. The European Union is a customs union. NAFTA and the updated version, USMCA established a North American customs union.
One of the significant elements of a customs union is the facilitation of cross-border trade – essentially open borders for commerce between participating members in the union. Succinctly, that means roads, bridges, ports, trains, trucks, airplanes and the strategic crossroads where different forms of transportation come together to facilitate distribution of cargo to the final point of destination.
Fortuitously, last October, the Brookings Institution sponsored a two-part series on China Tech and how China is challenging the world. Part 1 and Part 2. In Part 2, one of the speakers mentioned China’s Digital Belt and Road. The addition of the word Digital in front of Belt and Road is a hint of the underlying strategic plan that will ultimately lead to a global totalitarian system of control.
Recall that China’s President Xi Jinping introduced the Belt and Road initiative in 2013. The word Belt is used for land-based transportation routes and Road refers to sea-based shipping lanes but it’s more than that. An Australian news website has an Explainer page on it that includes this paragraph:
At its simplest, it is a policy for Chinese investment in infrastructure including ports, rail, bridges, oil and gas pipelines, and roads within China, across Europe and Asia and throughout the Indo-Pacific to create, as the BRI’s English language website puts it, “a brighter future together”.
In 2018, the World Economic Forum had a section on it. Under the feature image of a highway in an article titled, Could a Digital Silk Road solve the Belt and Road’s sustainability problem? the caption reads:
“The Digital Silk Road could bring a green transformation to infrastructure.”
There is also a graphic of it by the Mercator Institute for China Studies. Notice they don’t show fiber optic cables or mention telecommunications but the concept is inherent in the name itself: Digital Silk Road.
The documentation on China’s Belt and Road design provides descriptions and visual presentations of the strategic transportation plans for cross-border commerce and the linkages between customs zones aka free trade zones, special economic zones, enterprise zones, whatever label a country chooses to give them. Clearly at this point, a customs union is an interim organizing step towards global governance for commerce – totalitarian by definition and technology for communications and infrastructure is a major – if not the key enabling element for all of it.
The following video is about China’s Silk Road plan in Myanmar. It’s classic in terms of showing the impact of transportation-centered economic development paid for by foreign investors on the people in the strategic target locations for transportation crossroads that are designated to become special economic zones (i.e. customs zones).
Belt and Road in Idaho
In 2010, an article in the Idaho Statesman announced a visit by a delegation of 23 Chinese businessmen arriving in Meridian, Idaho to look at investing there. For me, as a native Idahoan for the most part, unaware of the structure of the global economy but concerned enough to be trying to figure out what happened to our country, it was a What the Hell? moment. Long story short, the retrospective analysis led to the determination that a location in Meridian was targeted to be a special economic zone (aka inland port) or more specifically a customs zone – a location in the global customs system. The analysis led back to Mexico, NAFTA and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) organization.
APEC was established in 1989 but it was proposed to the U.S. Congress by Australian Prime Minister Robert Hawke in 1988.
In 2011, after nearly a year of research trying to figure out what was happening in Meridian, I drew a picture – a graphic of what I saw. The following is the diagram but I’ve added a red box around the key feature to notice.
The red box highlights the World Customs Organization – a global organization that apparently is responsible for orchestrating the economic organization of the world for the convenience of Customs. The history of this organization is very important – linking the past to the present. In the history section of the World Customs Organization website, the following are the significant excerpts:
The history of the WCO began in 1947 when the thirteen European Governments represented in the Committee for European Economic Co-operation agreed to set up a Study Group. This Group examined the possibility of establishing one or more inter-European Customs Unions based on the principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
In 1948, the Study Group set up two committees – an Economic Committee and a Customs Committee. The Economic Committee was the predecessor of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Customs Committee became the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC).
. . .
1974 – The International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs procedures (Kyoto Convention) enters into force on 25 September.
. . .
1980 – The Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in the Prevention, Repression and Investigation of Customs Offences (Nairobi Convention) enters into force on 21 May.
. . .
1994 – The WCO Council adopts the informal name “World Customs Organization” to better reflect the Organization’s global nature.
No wonder our government officials no longer know who they work for.
A clever little twist they threw in was that they used the name the Committee for European Economic Cooperation when the actual name was the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC). The OEEC was established to direct the funds from the Marshall Plan to the European nations for post World War II rebuilding. In 1960, President John F. Kennedy signed a convention that allowed the reconstitution of the OEEC to be the OECD. And as described above, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) organization was established in 1989.
When you read the meeting notes, reports and plans of APEC, you can find the elements of China’s Belt and Road initiative including the Digital aspects of it.
The “green” part of begins in the late 1960s when Alexander King became the Director-General of education and science at the OECD. Alexander also co-founded the Club of Rome with Aurelio Peccei, funded by David Rockefeller. The Club of Rome brought the idea of computer systems and environmentalism together for the management of resources as described in the book Limits to Growth.
The agendas of the customs unions, environmentalism and technology all come together in 1993 at the beginning and throughout the Clinton-Gore Administration. I wrote about in an article titled, The Green Marshall Plan.
I think it’s safe to say that they thought they could lessen the managed decline of our standard of living through the use of technology for efficiency. That won’t work though because no amount of efficiency will be enough for the economic planners of the global economy. Their objective is to squeeze and squeeze, cut and cut until everybody who is still living is eating soylent green and drinking toilet to tap water which is the ultimate goal of the circular economy as designed by the planners.
There is no natural market for green technology so the market is created artificially through government regulatory and propaganda power. It’s called demand push because they have to push it on you which makes you a slave consumer in a global centrally planned economy in which you are merely excess capacity and a waste of resources.
About “lowering our standard of living” (through technology) it’s not just in income standards, it’s culture standards too. Have you seen it Vicky? It’s not just our inner workings, courts and economy but the culture as well – cashiers being rude, and everyone has become so ungrateful. Now listen to this ugly pig of a woman how she treats a drowning, dying woman! “”FORT SMITH, Ark. – A former 911 dispatcher in Arkansas was cleared of any wrongdoing in how she handled a call in which she scolded a panicking woman for driving into floodwaters before she drowned.
An internal investigation by the Fort Smith police department found that Donna Reneau performed her duties as required, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported.
Reneau was working her final shift Aug. 24 when she took the call from 47-year-old Debra Stevens, a newspaper delivery woman, who later drowned as her SUV was swept away by flash flooding.
“Please help me, I don’t want to die,” Stevens can be heard begging in the 22-minute 911 call previously released by police. “I can’t swim! I’m scared! I’m going to drown!”
The department received hundreds of phone calls saying Reneau was disrespectful for scolding Stevens as she sobbed and asked for help and for telling her “this will teach you next time don’t drive in the water.”
Debra Stevens, 47, pictured left was on her regular newspaper route when a flash flood swept up her car. 911 dispatcher, Donna Reneau, who was working her last shift after putting in her two weeks notice, is under fire for her “uncaring” response. (P
“Will you pray with me?” Stevens can be heard asking the dispatcher at one point in the call.
“You go ahead and start off the prayer, and I’ll listen to you,” Reneau responds. “I sure will.“
Reneau, who was working her final shift after giving her notice two weeks notice, told Stevens that authorities will get there when they get there and that she’s not going to die, at one point telling her to “shut up.”
“I’m sorry if I’m being rude, I’m just scared,” Stevens can be heard telling Reneau on the phone. “I’ve never had anything happen like this before.”
“Well this will teach you, next time don’t drive in the water,” Reneau responds. “I don’t see how you didn’t see it, you had to go right over it, so.” News
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Former 911 dispatcher who told drowning woman to ‘shut up’ cleared of wrongdoing
By Kelly Taylor Hayes
Published 15 hours ago
Updated 13 hours ago
FOX TV Digital Team
Dispatcher who scolded drowning woman cleared of wrongdoing
The department received hundreds of phone calls saying Donna Reneau was disrespectful for scolding Debra Stevens as she sobbed and asked for help.
FORT SMITH, Ark. – A former 911 dispatcher in Arkansas was cleared of any wrongdoing in how she handled a call in which she scolded a panicking woman for driving into floodwaters before she drowned.
An internal investigation by the Fort Smith police department found that Donna Reneau performed her duties as required, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported.
Reneau was working her final shift Aug. 24 when she took the call from 47-year-old Debra Stevens, a newspaper delivery woman, who later drowned as her SUV was swept away by flash flooding.
“Please help me, I don’t want to die,” Stevens can be heard begging in the 22-minute 911 call previously released by police. “I can’t swim! I’m scared! I’m going to drown!”
The department received hundreds of phone calls saying Reneau was disrespectful for scolding Stevens as she sobbed and asked for help and for telling her “this will teach you next time don’t drive in the water.”
Debra Stevens, 47, pictured left was on her regular newspaper route when a flash flood swept up her car. 911 dispatcher, Donna Reneau, who was working her last shift after putting in her two weeks notice, is under fire for her “uncaring” response. (P
“Will you pray with me?” Stevens can be heard asking the dispatcher at one point in the call.
“You go ahead and start off the prayer, and I’ll listen to you,” Reneau responds. “I sure will.“
Reneau, who was working her final shift after giving her notice two weeks notice, told Stevens that authorities will get there when they get there and that she’s not going to die, at one point telling her to “shut up.”
“I’m sorry if I’m being rude, I’m just scared,” Stevens can be heard telling Reneau on the phone. “I’ve never had anything happen like this before.”
“Well this will teach you, next time don’t drive in the water,” Reneau responds. “I don’t see how you didn’t see it, you had to go right over it, so.”
Authorities responded to the scene 12 minutes after Stevens dialed 911, but it took more than an hour to reach Stevens’ vehicle because of the floodwaters. By the time rescue crews were able to secure the car, Stevens had drowned.
Reneau faced no criminal charges in Stevens’ death.
Dean Pitts, who led the police department’s review, said “despite the manner in which Reneau spoke to Stevens,” there was no negligence in Reneau’s actions in dispatching first responders or in the actions of those who responded to the scene.
In the report, Pitts wrote Reneau’s actions wouldn’t have merited being fired and that it’s “often necessary to take a stern or commanding tone, or to even raise one’s voice” when dealing with someone who may be hysterical in a critical incident.”
She would not have been fired, police depts say. NOT fired! Speaking of- our local Phoenix police dept has a black woman as Chief of Police now. The Phoenix PD is also going through a major “restructuring” that is, leadership skills stuff/Communitarianism. They will all become like that ugly, priggish slob who told a dying woman to “shut up”, just like Idiocracy Vicky! Have you not watched it yet?
Vicky Davis
I have seen it Kristin. That’s why the theme song of this website is This is not America by David Bowie.
Read this very, very carefully. What I’m writing right now will include it:
Brian Fitzpatrick
hi vicky,jus thought id say Thank You? For Sharing this virtual treasure trove of intel. This fills a lot of gaps for me,i was aware of a lot havin mebbe saw somethin on idiot box or been involved with paperwork and more paperwork as a licensed seaman sailin both foreign domestic juuust bout time they started actively rollin out then enforcing all lot of what we have now. I saw it as nothin but trackin surveillance from gitgo. I was a pirate in nother life up until the surveillance micromanaging and dam paperwork got to b horrendous along with perpetual training and costly mandated class,s for lic renewals. I was comm fisherman from 16 till 25ish which is when gov set a moratorium on 1 of the last 2 fisheries that still had fleet of mom pop offshore comm boats and kinda forced me to go get a Real job. Bein a licensed sea man wasnt bad at 1st other than money sucked compared to fishing. First few yrs on bluewater tug makin tows both foregn an domestic i got to have a lot of adventures. About 95 was when micromanaging and modern tech as well and all the added mandates for additional training classes more safety workplace surveillance and social engineering really kicked in. I happened to b workin in gulf in oilpatch when oil prices collapsed 2013-14 by then itd all just gotten ridiculous for me anyhow,and i was makin decent money,it wasnt the actual work or job lol i had it made. It was all added rigamarole by uscg for renewals. I figured pay cuts were comin so i just told em I wasnt goin away mad,i was just goin away? oh id luckily just gotten certified as bein Compassionate & Diversified so i got that goin for me? i have certificate i remind my better half of periodically. I dont miss it. The security theatre after 911 was and still is,useless as tits on a boar hog. A joke. Id had my paperwork demanded by darkskinned barely proficient with english language on u.s waters quite a few times which wil irritate ya. The dam twic cards that were mandated by 2005 which lockheed martin lost All my Information for Langley’s background chek so i had do over with payover because id lost reciept an get this from 05 till think 2010 till i actually entered port that had dam reader for twic. I flew quite a bit so i tried repeatedly usin twic to speed clearance at airport. They none of em had a clue what twic was?♂️ but yea ive seen all infrastructure and security cameras an retarded G4 renta cops theyve added to ports. Shippin died in 08/09 and it never did regain the volume. Most ports were pretty quiet here on atlantic and gulf as i pass them occasionally. Anyhow Vickie i deeply appreciate you sharing and allowing me have a well rounded education on something id rather forget but i saw your interview with North Idaho Exposed and just happened to see your Tech Terror website on ur laptop when i glanced up. Ill b round here somewhere or your old site soakin up intel or cruisin these innerwebz till they bann me an send me to get reeducated if i can be of some assistance id be obliged jus shoot me message. TY…. Brian
Vicky Davis
Thank you Brian for coming to my website to find out more. I really appreciate people who are curious because I am endlessly curious. What’s happening to our country and to other countries around the world is like a big puzzle and I’m hooked.
Thank you for your offer. I may take you up on that sometime. I could really have used your knowledge when I was tracking down the maritime convention on freedom of transit to landlocked states.
I have one rant that you might appreciate. I wrote it after my foray into Admiralty (Maritime) Law to prove what I thought about freedom of commercial transit to/through landlocked states. It’s on my old website.