A couple of days ago, Will Cain posted an interview with Ned Ryun on the subject of the Administrative State. He is right about the threat of the Administrative State to American citizens. What he missed is the private sector constituencies – corporations, associations and Foundations as well as state and local government constituencies. They have to be addressed before the Administrative state can be deconstructed.
It’s fortuitous that this interview was done because the subject of this article is on “Community” which I’m defining to be the extension of the federal administrative state management that is occupying our local governments.
It’s clear to anybody who has looked, that the power of the elected representative government at all levels has been usurped – subjugated to a Marxist system of management by soviets – networks of community-based organizations. This is especially visible at the state and local level. One of the most accessible examples of the extension of the administrative state is Health & Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL).
The Administration for Community Living was created around the fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in their communities.
By funding services and supports provided primarily by networks of community-based organizations, and with investments in research, education, and innovation, ACL helps make this principle a reality for millions of Americans.
Behind the cover of community organizations and under civilian Health & Human Services management is the Public Health Commissioned Corps, a MILITARY branch of the U.S. government – same as the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force.
The history page of the ACL says that it was established by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in 2012 but that’s only true on a superficial level. The functions were already existing within HHS. All Sebelius did was to collectivize those functions under a single management structure within HHS. (Note: Recall that Barack Obama was a community organizer before becoming a senator.)
The authorizing statutes for the COMMUNITY programs are listed to the right.
The Community Marxists were first discovered by this writer in 2014 while doing research on the refugee resettlement system. The same Bitches of Babylon who administer the HHS Community programs for Americans also administer the system of refugee resettlement in Idaho utilizing the same programs defined in the authorizing statutes.
In 2014, the system was being run by the contractor called Mountain States Group – soon after renamed to be Jannus. Jannus is the private sector contractor hired to run Idaho’s Independent Public Health System. So now we know why the Public Health System is independent of the state. It’s because the Public Health System is MILITARY and they are facilitating the invasion of our country within our local communities using the authorizing statutes of the COMMUNITY programs. Furthermore, each one of the COMMUNITY programs has a basis of civil rights or human rights which gives the ACLU the proverbial hammer over the heads of our state and local officials. The police in particular have been the focus of the COMMUNITY Marxists. The way the racket seems to work is that the police are harassed until the point of a filmed “civil rights” violation occurs. The ACLU and/or the Department of Justice comes in and gets the state or locality to sign a consent decree at which point, the police become captives of the Marxist network.
The following are a couple of articles written about the Community Socialist Syndicate:
The Parasite Behind The Shield of Tragedy
Willful Ignorance or Invincible Stupidity
The Marxist Socialist Network the Government Built
The above are just a few examples of articles written about the marxist Community programs. To build integrated systems plans like this required some world class systems designers. Even if you don’t care about your country falling to communism and the dismal future that is being created for America’s youth, then at least study the designs of Community and marvel at the thoroughness of the strategic planning for conquest of America. It’s really something to behold.
Public Health MILITARY put under the umbrella of Health & Human Services and added to FEMA’s portfolio of disaster planning and management as a consequence of the 9/11 terrorist attacks – which includes the anthrax attacks.
Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, PL-109-417, December 19, 2006
Page 40:
‘‘(E) FOREIGN NATIONALS ELIGIBLE.—The Secretary may under this section award contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements to, and may enter into other transactions with, highly qualified foreign national persons outside the United States, alone or in collaboration with American participants,
when such transactions may inure to the benefit of the American people.”
‘‘(F) ESTABLISHMENT OF RESEARCH CENTERS.—The Secretary may assess the feasibility and appropriateness of establishing, through contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other transaction, an arrangement with an existing research center in order to achieve the goals of this section. If such an agreement is not feasible and appropriate, the Secretary may establish one or more federally-funded research and development centers, or university-affiliated research centers, in accordance with section 303(c)(3) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 253(c)(3)).